外研 英语必修1Module 1Revision of the present tense 课件(共33张PPT)

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外研 英语必修1Module 1Revision of the present tense 课件(共33张PPT)_第1页
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《外研 英语必修1Module 1Revision of the present tense 课件(共33张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研 英语必修1Module 1Revision of the present tense 课件(共33张PPT)(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Revision of the present tense,Read and answers.,A C,1. Which verbs are in the present simple tense? A. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from BJ. B. Were using a new textbook. C. The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them. D. Im writing down my thoughts

2、 about it.,A B C,2. Which uses of the present simple tense are they examples of? A. Indicating a permanent state of affairs. B. Indicating a habit, or something you do regularly. C. Indicating something which is always true. (e.g. scientific facts ),A B,3. The verbs in the other two sentences are in

3、 the present continuous tense. Which uses of the present continuous tense are they examples of? A. indicating that something is taking place at this moment. B. indicating that something is taking place in this period of time. (e.g. this month, this term, this year),The present simple tense 一般现在时,1.

4、一般现在时用来表示习惯性动作, 常和某些副词或副词短语连用,如: always, never, occasionally, often, usually, every day, sometimes, on Mondays, twice a year 等,也可与表示惯例或习惯性动作的时间从句连用。如:,He always works at night. 他经常在晚上工作。,I write to my parents once a month. 我每个月给父母写一封信。,I go to church on Sundays. 我星期天去教堂做礼拜。,Whenever it rains, the ro

5、of leaks. 只要下雨,屋顶就漏水。,When you open the door, a light goes on. 只要你开门, 灯就亮了。,2. 询问或引用书籍、通知或新近接到的信件的内容时,常将一般现在时与动词say连用。如:,What does the notice say? It says, “No parking.” 那通知说什么? 通知说不准停放车辆。,I see youve got a letter from Ann. What does she say? She says she is coming to London next week. 我知道你收到安的来信了。她

6、说了什么? 她说她下周要来伦敦。 Shakespeare says, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” 莎士比亚说:“既不要向人借钱,也不要借给人钱。”,3. 可用于报刊新闻等的标题。如: MASS MURDERER ESCAPES 残杀多人的凶手逃跑 PEACE TALKS FALL 和谈破裂 4. 表示计划好的将来行动或一系列行动,特别是指旅途中的行动。如:,We leave London at 10:00 next Tuesday and arrive in Paris at 13:00. We spend two hours in Paris

7、and leave again at 15:00. We arrive in Rome at 19:30, spend four hours in Rome 下星期二上午我们离开伦敦,下午1点到达巴黎。在巴黎停留两小时,3点又离开巴黎;7点半到达罗马,并在罗马停留四小时,5. 表示客观事实或普遍真理。如:,Fire burns. 火会燃烧。 Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。 Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人。,6. 表示要发生的将来的动作,只限于go, come, leave, start, return, begin等动词。如:,

8、The plane takes off at 10:00. 飞机10:00起飞。,School begins on March 5. 三月五日开学。,7. 在连词when, before, until, if, as soon as, as等引导的表示将来行为的状语从句中,常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。如: Ill wait till he comes. 我要等到他来。 Next time Ill do as he says. 下次我将按照他所说的去做。,The present continuous tense 现在进行时,1) 表示动作现在正在发生或进行,可与now, at present,

9、 at this moment, these days 等时间状语连用,也可不用时间状语。 如:,What is he doing now? 他现在在做什么? We are doing our homework. 我们正在做作业。 I am not wearing a coat as it isnt cold. 天气不冷,我没有穿外衣。,2) 表示现阶段正在进行的动作,但说话时该动作不一定正在进行 。如: I am reading a play by Shaw. 我正在阅读一本箫伯纳写的剧本。 He is teaching French and learning Greek. 他在教法语,又在

10、学希腊语。,在说话的那一刹那,他可能既不在教也不在学。,Gorge is translating a book now. 乔治现在在翻译一本书。,说话时,乔治不一定正在翻译,可能在做别的事。,3) 表示反复发生的动作,常与 always, forever, constantly, all the time, continually, simply 等时间副词连用。用来表示不满、抱怨或赞赏等情感。如:,She is always finding fault with others. 她总是挑别人的毛病。 He is always thinking of others. 他总是为别人着想。,4.

11、表示最近的将来已定的安排(这是用于表示眼前打算的最普通的说法。) 如: I am meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the theatres. 今天晚上我要跟彼得会面,他要带我去看戏。,Are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon? Yes, I am playing tennis with Ann. 你明天下午有事吗? 有,我要跟安打网球。,5. 表示从一个地方到另一个地方的动词如arrive, come, drive, fly, go, leave, start, travel; 表示位置移动的动词如s

12、tay, remain和动词do和have,它们的现在进行时可用于表示将来时。如:,What are you doing next Sunday? 下星期六你准备做什么? The neighbors are coming to watch television. 邻居要来看电视。,I am not doing anything. I am staying at home. I am going to write letters. 我不准备干什么。我准备呆在家里,我准备写信。,Read the text and find the sentences with present simple ten

13、se and present continuous tense. Put them into two groups.,Fill the correct form of the words given.,My First Day at Senior High Today is my first day at Senior High. I always _ (get up) very early. I_(exercise) this month, so I _(jog) every morning. I _(walk) to school every day because I _ (live )

14、 not far away from the school. Now I _(sit ) in the classroom and _(listen ) to my new teachers self-introduction. I must say I like her very much. She _(smile) all the time. Everything about the new school is so exciting. I _(write down) all my feelings now and I _(look forward ) to the next day at

15、 my senior high school.,get up,am exercising,jog,walk,live,am sitting,listening,smiles,am writing down,am looking forward,Adjective ending in -ing and -ed,Choose the correct explanation.,The ing form describes things; The ed form describes people,The ing form describes the people or things that cause the feeling; The ing form tells us how people feel,Find adjectives ending in -ing and ed.,amazing interesting boring embarrassing exciting surprising pleasing ,amazed interested bored embarrassed excited surprised pleased,Co



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