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1、三年级上册1-Hello, ILingling.Nice to meet you.你好,我是玲玲。见到你很高兴。-Hello,Im Peter. Nice to meet you,too. 你好,我是皮特。见到你很高兴2-Good morning. Im Miss Li.早上好,我是李老师。-Good morning,Miss Li. 早上好,李老师。-Good afternoon.evening/good night!下午好!晚上好!晚安!- Good afternoon. evening/good night!下午好!晚上好!晚安!-Who are you?你是谁?- Im Peter.

2、我是皮特。3 -Whats your name?你叫什么名字?- My name is Peter.我叫皮特。4-Are you Lingling?你是玲玲吗?-No, Im not.-Yes,I am.不,不是/是,是的。5-Whos he ?他是谁?-Hes my brother.他是我的哥哥。6 This is my family.这是我的家庭。7-Is he a soldier?他是一个战士吗?- Yes,he is.No,he isnt. 是,是的/不,不是-Is she a nurse?她是一个护士吗?- Yes,she is.Nos,he isnt. 是,是的/不,不是8-Wha

3、ts he?他是干什么的?-Hes a fireman.他是消防队员。Whats she?她是干什么的?-Shes a doctor.她是一个医生。9-What is this?这什么?-This is a nose.这是鼻子。10 Touch your head. 摸你的头。 Raise your hand.举起你的手。11-What is this/that?这/那是什么?-Its an eraser.是一个橡皮擦。12 A computer is your friend.电脑是你的朋友。三年级下册1- How are you?你好吗?-Im fine,thanks. How are yo

4、u?我好,谢谢。你好吗?-Im fine too,thanks.我也好,谢谢。2-How are you?你好吗?-Im not very well.我不好。- Im sorry.对不起。3-Whats your number?你的号码是什么?-My number is seven. Im sorry.I donknow.我的号码是7/对不起,我不知道4-How old are you?你多大了?- Im twelve.我有12岁。-How is he?他好吗?- He is sick.他病了。5 Sit down,please! Stand up.请坐/起立6-Happy birthday

5、to you!生日快乐!-Thank you!谢谢-You are welcome./Thats all right.不用谢7- Whats the time?几点了?- Its eleven oclock .11点-Good-bye!/See you!再见-Good-bye!/See you!再见8-How many pens are there?这有多少支钢笔?-There are thirteen pens.这有13支钢笔9-What colour is this balloon?这个气球是什么颜色?-Its red.是红色10 This isnt my food. 这不是我的食物。11

6、-Is this a mango?这是一个芒果吗?-Yes,it is./No,it isnt. 是,是的/不,不是12- Whats the weather like?天气怎么样?- Its rainy.下雨的-What do you like?你喜欢什么?-I like a sunny day.I dont like cold days.我喜欢晴天,不喜欢冷天。13 Look at the T-shirts.看着这件T恤。14-How do you come to school?你怎样上学的?- I come school by bus.我坐公交上学。四年级上册1-Wheres my ne

7、w cap?我的新帽子在哪里?-It is in the cupboard.在衣柜里2-Can you write in English?你会用英语写吗?-Yes,I can./No, I cant.是,我会/不,我不会。3-Are you making a kite?你正在做风筝么?- Yes ,I am/No,Im not. 是,是的/不,不是5Whats Anne doing?安在做什么?-She is skipping.她在跳绳6-Where are you going?你要去哪里?- Im going to school.我要去学校。7 Petet is happy today.皮特

8、今天高兴。8 Spring is warm and nice.春天是温暖又美好的。Autumn is cool and nice.秋天是温暖又美好的。Its hot in summer.夏天是炎热的。Its cold in winter.秋天是凉爽的。9-Where are you from?你来自哪里?-I come from China.我来自中国。10-How much is the apple?苹果多少钱?- Its one dollar.1美元11 I have a puppet.我有一个木偶。12-Do you have a ticket?你有票吗?-Yes,I have.是的,我

9、有。四年级下册1-Glad/Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。- Glad/Nice to meet you.,too. 见到你我也很高兴。2-What shape is this?这是什么形状?- Its a flag.是旗子3-What are these?这些是什么?-These are ladybirds.这些是瓢虫。What are those?那些是什么?-Those are seagulls.那些是海鸥。4-Whose purse is this?这是谁的钱包?- Its Peters.是皮特的-Here you are.给你-Thank you.谢谢5 This

10、is my brothers painting.这是我哥哥的水彩画。6 This is our flat.这是我们的公寓。7-Wheres the cat?猫在哪?- Its behind the tree.在树背后。8 Your homework is good.你的家庭作业好。9 I can swim fast.我能游得快。10-Happy new year!新年好-Happy new year!/The same to you.新年好/你也一样11 Are there any flowers on the table? Yes,there are.Is there a bank near

11、 the hospital? No,there isnt.12 A:Which one do you want,the red one or the green one?B:The red one.13 A:Excuse me. B:Yes? A:Can I borrow your pen?B:Sure./Of course.14 B: When is your birthday?A: Its on the fist of March.B:What day is it today?A: Its Monday.15 A:Can I help you? B:Yes .A:What would yo

12、u like? B:Id like some milk.A:Here you are.Would you like some cakes?B:Yes,please./No,thanks.16 May I come in?我可以进来吗? Come in, please.请进Have some bananas, please.请吃些香蕉Its time for lunch.该吃午饭了All right.当然可以 Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?How about the blue one? 这个蓝色的怎么样?This way, please.请走这边Great!/Thats great

13、!太棒了 Pardon?再说一次,好吗?Whats the matter with you ?你怎么了?二级目标词汇及话题一、性别及家庭成员boy男陔 girl女陔 mother妈妈, 母亲 father父亲,爸爸, grandmother奶奶 grandfather爷爷 uncle叔叔,伯父aunt阿姨,婶婶,伯母 sister妹妹,姐姐 brother兄,弟Ms女士 Mr先生 Miss小姐 parents父母亲 son儿子 daughter女儿 child 孩子(单数) children孩子们(复数) family家庭 family tree 家族表 family photo全家福 lad

14、y Madam女士 夫人Sir二、动物panda熊猫 monkey猴子 dog狗 cat猫 bird鸟 bear熊 horse马 pig 猪 duck鸭子 rabbit兔tiger老虎 lion狮子 chick小鸡 fox狐狸 hen母鸡cow奶牛 母牛 cock公鸡 bee蜜蜂 elephant大象dragon龙 ant蚂蚁 giraffe长颈鹿 chicken小鸡wolf狼 mouse老鼠 zebra斑马 frog青蛙 swan天鹅goose鹅 snake蛇 bull公牛 butterfly 蝴蝶A:What is this/that? A:What are these/those?B:It is a bird. B:They are birds.三、数字one一 two二 three三 four四 five五 six六 seven七eight八 nine九 ten 十 eleven十一 twelve十二thirteen十三 fourteen十四 fifteen十五 sixteen 十七seventeen十七 eighteen十八



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