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1、Unit 4,Body language,Section Writing,慰问信 一、文体感知 1.文体特点 (1)慰问信是向对方表示关怀和慰问的信函。它是以组织或个人的名义向对方表示问候和关心的一种信函。 (2)慰问信的格式和一般英文信件格式相同,要明确慰问信的对象。 (3)明确文章结构:开头部分写慰问信的原因;主体,向对方的遭遇表示同情并鼓励对方或表达自己想帮助对方的愿望或具体措施;结尾,表示写信者的良好祝愿或同情之心。 (4)语言要亲切、生动、感情要充沛、真挚。,2.亮点句式 (1) Im shocked/sorry to hear that you are worried about

2、your figure/shape. (2) Im writing to express my deep sympathy/care for you. (3) I understand how you feel now./I know the way you feel very well now. (4) Its true that attitude decides everything.So you should never give up no matter what happens. (5) If I can be any help,please dont hesitate to let

3、 me know. (6) Thank you for trusting me and Id like to give you some advice.,3.写作模板 Dear xx, Im sorry to know that _(问题).The truth is everyone will experience_,so you dont have to worry so much Here are three useful tips. First _(建议).This is a good way of _.Second,_(建议)Last but not least,I hope you

4、will find these suggestions practical/useful/helpful.,二、典题演练 (2017宜春高一检测)假如你是李华,在一个英文网络论坛上,你看到一个名叫Grownup的中学生发帖寻求帮助,请根据帖子内容和要求回帖。 问题:我今年14岁了,今年秋天就要去上高中了,但是我的妈妈还把我当7岁小孩对待,我应该怎么办呢? 写作要点: (1)告诉Grownup要理解母亲; (2)给Grownup解决问题的具体建议; (3)可适当发挥,词数100个左右。,1.完成句子。 (1)你正在面对的这个问题。 You _ the problem. (2)这个问题在青少年中很

5、普遍。 The problem _ among our teenagers. (3)用心的交流有助于你们之间的相互了解。 Hearttoheart talks can _each other.,are facing/are faced with,is common,help you understand,(4)有很多机会让她了解你的观点和对一些事情的态度。 There are also chances _ your ideas and attitudes toward some things. (5)你长大了。你应该让你的母亲知道。 You are already a“Grownup”.You

6、 should _ it. (6)如果你能帮你母亲多分担一些家务就更好了。 Its even better _ more of the housework with your mother.,to let her know,let your mother know,if you could share,2.句式升级 (7)用定语从句连接(1)(2)句。 The problem _ is common among our teenagers. (8)将(4)句改成定语从句。 There are also chances _ can let her know your ideas and atti

7、tudes toward some things. (9)用名词性从句合并第(5)句。 You should let your mother _ you are already a “Grownup”.,you are facing,where you,know that,Hi,Grownup, As a student of your age, I understand your situation.The problem you are facing is common among our teenagers.Here are a few suggestions. First, its g

8、ood to talk more with your mother.Hearttoheart talks can help you understand each other.There are also chances to let her know your ideas and attitudes toward some things.,Second, you should learn to do your own things well and let your mother know that you are already a “Grownup”.Its even better if you could share more of the housework with your mother,such as cleaning, washing, cooking and so on. Best wishes! Yours friendly, Li Hua,


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