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1、五种基本句型,主+谓,主+系+表,主+谓+宾,五种基本句型分别是:,1,2,3,4,5,主+谓+间宾+直宾,主+谓+宾+宾补,句子基本成分,I saw a tall boy take your book just now.,主,谓,宾,定,补,状,什么是主语?,1)主语:是一句的主体,是全句述说的对象,常用名词,数词或代词担任,一般放于句首。如: Students study. (学生学习。) We are friends.(我们是朋友) 这两句话中单词students是个名词,we是代词,它们在句中做主语。,什么可以作主语?,名词,代词,数词,Shanghai is in the east

2、of China. Tom works very hard. I bought a new book. That is a picture of our school. Who knows the answer? Three plus four is seven. The first is the best. To see is to believe. It is important to learn English.,Smoking is harmful to the health. The old should be respected. The disabled will receive

3、 more money. What he said is not true. How to finish the work is a problem.,动名词,名词化的形容词,主语从句及复合结构,什么是谓语?,谓语 说明主语的动作、状态和特征。通常由动词的各种形式来充当。并且和主语在人称和数上保持一致,一般放在主语之后. We study English. (vt) The little girl dances well. (vi) He goes to school everyday. (vi),什么可以作谓语?,不及物动词 vi,及物动词 vt,We love China. We have

4、 finished reading this book. He can speak English. My mother usually gets up early. The boy often plays in his yard. She seems tired.,系动词,谓语的正确表现形式:,掌握谓语应注意它的几种变化: 1) 人称和数的变化 如: I work in a big school . He works in big school . 2) 时态变化 如: I usually get up at six . I am getting up now . I got up at f

5、ive yesterday . I will get up at seven tomorrow . I have already got up . I was getting up when he came in . I had got up when he came to my house . I told my mother that I would get up . 3) 语态变化 如: The children carried school bags . ( 主动语态 ) School bags were carried by the children . ( 被动语态),谓语是句子的

6、躯干,说明主语的动作.谓语动词随着主语的 不同而变化,随着时间的不同而变化,随着与主语的不同关 系( 主动关系和被动关系)而变化,总之,时时在变.谓语有三 种不同的形式: 1) 动词 They planted many trees on the hill . 2) 情态动词 + 动词 You must stay at home . 3) 系动词+ 表语 The report is very interesting.,小结,注意:在每一个正确的句子中都必须存在“谓语”部分。,世界每天都在改变。,她的舞跳得很好。,我们去长城了。,例句A,例句 B,例句C,基本句型1:主+谓,例句D,我们将会去购物

7、。,仿写第五页表格一中的句子,提醒,“Therebe(vi.)S.”也是属于第一基本句型。 我们常用这一句型表示“存在”的概念,如:,1. 我们学校有许多花木。 2. 我们班有60多位同学。 3. 在我的房间里有几本小说。,系动词:be动词+其它含有特殊意义的动词,表变化,表存在,feel smell taste sound look seem appear,表感官,become get grow turn,keep stay remain,什么可以作表语?,His father is a teacher. This book is mine. The leaves turn yellow i

8、n autumn. The teacher was satisfied with your work.,名词,代词,形容词,明天是他的生日。,他显得有些疲惫。,这个消息听起来很好。,例句A,例句B,例句C,基本句型2:主+系+表,例句D,树叶在春天会变绿。,仿写第五页表格二中的句子,提醒,下列常见“It.”句型也属于第二基本句型。 (1)It isn./adj.to do sth. (2)It isadj./n.for sb.to do sth.,1. 每天大声的朗读(read aloud)是很重要的。 2. 跟你聊天真是一场噩梦(nightmare)。 3. 要他讲个故事,他会很伤心。,指出

9、翻译有误的句子,并将其改正过来。,1. The cloth touches soft. 2. Were you sleep good last night? 3. The cheese cuts easily 4. The machine happens problem. 5. The problem is still unsolved. 6. She gradually becomes silent. 7. Protect the environment, everyone has duty. 8. Require me to finish the task in an hour is im

10、possible.,THNAK YOU FOR LISTENING!,REVISION,回顾昨天所学内容:,一、简略回答下列问题: 1.句子中有哪些基本成分? 2. 主语可以由那些词充当? 3.谓语可以由那些词充当?谓语的基本表现形式又有哪些? 4. 谓语是每一个句子中必不可少的成分吗?为什么说“谓语决定了一个句子会采用哪种基本句型”? 5. “主谓结构”中的谓语有什么特点,“主系表”结构呢? 6.必须要掌握的系动词有哪些? 7. 一般而言,表语会由哪些词充当?,二、句子结构分析:,划分下列句子的成分,并指出它们分别属于哪种基本句型。 A mooncake is a delicious and

11、 round cake. There are many different kinds of mooncakes. She came to school very early today. It is a good habit to do morning exercises. It is difficult for him to give up smoking. Trees turn green in spring. He sat there quietly. The apples tasted sweet. The sun rises in the east.,指出翻译有误的句子,并将其改正

12、过来。,1. I can look you clearly here. 2. Go to university is my dream. 3.In my home has 5 people. 4. Your idea listens good. 5. For me, get an A in exams is so easy. 6. She is looked/looking young. 7. Dont sit the chair, its dirty. 8. My plan is go to Shanghai two days later.,三、将下列句子译成英语:,1. 有座寺庙(temp

13、le)坐落在山顶(top)上。 2. 太阳东升(rise)西落(set)。 3. 对不起,当时我太生气了。 4. 去拜访那位作家让我们颇费周折。 5. 你能在考试中保持冷静吗? 6. 让他唱首歌简直是轻而易举的。 7. 去农场劳动是一次珍贵的(valuable)经历(experience)。,什么是宾语?,宾语成分 宾语用来表明动作的对象或结果, 是动作的承受者. 宾语常用于及物动词之后, 称为动词宾语. 介词后面的名词或代词, 称为介词宾语. We love China. We have finished reading this book. He can speak English. He

14、 goes to school everyday.,什么可以作宾语?,I like fruits. Everybody knows her. -How many chairs do you want? -I want four. We should help the old and the injured.,名词,代词,数词,名词化的形容词,动名词,宾语从句及复合宾语,Id like to have some coffee. I enjoy working with you. I think you are right. I really dont know what to do next.,

15、思考:一个句子中若可以存在宾语,其谓语动词应该具备什么特点呢?,安静,我母亲正在睡觉。,他时常弹吉他。,Lily和我们一起去购物。,例句A,例句B,例句C,基本句型1:主+谓+宾,例句D,我知道什么时候离开这儿。,仿写表格一中的句子,我承认伤害了你。,我认为他不会按时回家。,例句E,例句F,Tip 1,某些特定的动词习惯于用动词不定式作为其宾语, 构成Svt.Infinitive (不定式),如:attempt,decide, expect,hope,learn,need,pretend,promise,refuse, want,wish等,1. 他试图自己做一顿饭(meal)。 2. 他承诺

16、会把真相告诉我。 3. 她拒绝和Lucy握手。,Tip 2,某些特定的动词习惯于用wh-开头的复合结构作为其宾语, 如:ask,consider,decide,find out,forget, know,learn,remember,see,tell,wonder等。,1. 我们在考虑明天去哪里。 2. 他忘了何时与你见过一面。 3. 我想知道接下来该做什么。,Tip 3,某些特定的动词习惯于用动名词其宾语, 如:admit,avoid,enjoy,finish,forbid,mind, practise,risk,give up,cant help,look forward to等。,1. 在那时,我们忍不住笑了。 2. 我期待着下周与你共进晚餐。 3. 你是否介意我坐在你的旁边?,(1)他能够用英语流利地表达。 _



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