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1、,六年级英语毕业总复习,一、名词 二、代词 三、冠词 四、动词 五、动词的时态: 1. 一般现在时 2. 现在进行时 3. 一般将来时 4. 一般过去时 六、介词 七、数词 八、形容词和副词,九、there be结构 十、英语基本句型 1.陈述句变否定句 2.陈述句变疑问句 3.特殊疑问句 十一、单词分类,一、名词,英语语法中,名词有两种数的形式:1)单数(表示一个人或事物); 2)复数(表示多于一个的人或数)。只有可数名词才有复数形式。,名词的数:,名词复数形式的构成,不规则名词的复数,由元音字母的变化构成: man-men, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, mouse-mi

2、ce, woman-women 2. 有些名词的复数形式与单数的形式一样: sheep, deer, fish(但也可以是fishes) 有些名词变成复数时加-en: child-children, ox-oxen,所有格,所有格的形式 单数人称名词末尾加 s child-childs 以-s结尾的单数人称名词末尾加s waitress-waitresss 不规则的复数人称名词末尾加s children-childrens 以-s结尾的复数人称名词末尾加 girls-girls 以-s结尾的一些人名末尾加s James-Jamess,下列情况一般用 “of”结构: 东西(没有现成的复合名词时)

3、: the book of the film 2. 东西的一部分: the bottom of the box 3. 抽象的概念: the price of success 4. 当of短语中的名词被另一个短语或从句修饰时: Cant you look at the book of the boy behind you?,双重,s结构也可以用于 “of”结构之后,如:a friend of my fathers , 出现这种情况是因为在一个名词前通常只用一个限定词,又如:this son of mine, a friend of yours, a cousin of hers等等。 Isnt

4、Frank a friend of yours? That silly uncle of Toms has told me the same Joke five times.,Practise,peach_ 2. zoo _ 3. glass _ 4. fox _ 5. lady _ 6. policewoman _ 7. house _ 8. photo _ 9. monkey _ 10. wife _ 11. rose _ 12. path _ 13. judge _ 14. map _,peaches,zoos,glasses,foxes,ladies,policewomen,house

5、s,photos,monkeys,wives,roses,paths,judges,maps,二、代词,主格: I we you she he it they 宾格: me us you her him it them 形容词性 物主代词: my our your her his its their 名词性 物主代词: mine ours yours hers his its theirs,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,后跟名词,能够在句子中独立作主语、宾语或表语,主格一般放在句前,宾格 一般放在动词或者介词后面,Practise,_(他) is my brother. 2. I had a

6、letter from _ (她). 3. Its all right; its only _(我). 4. Today _(我们) went in _(我们的) car; tomorrow _(我们) are going in _(他们的). 5. _(我) lend _(我的) books gladly to _ (我的) friends and to _(你的). 6. Can you help _(我) with _(我的) English. 7. When _(你) go to see _(你的) father, please take these books to _(他). 8.

7、 _(他们) found _(它) difficult to learn German.,He,her,me,we,our,we,theirs,I,my,my,yours,me,my,you,your,him,They,it,冠词,不定冠词a,an,定冠词the,只能用于单数可数名词之前,单数可数名词 复数可数名词 不可数名词,零冠词,名词前可不用冠词,三、冠词,不定冠词的用法: 表示“一”,“任何一个”或“不管哪一个”的意思。 I have a sister and two brothers. 2. 在某些度量表示法中: We have PE lessons three times a we

8、ek. 3. 用在单数的表语名词前,以表示职业、行业、宗教、等级等。 George wants to be an engineer. 4. 在以what引导的感叹句中,单数的可数名词前。 What a pretty girl! 5. 一些常用短语中。 have a good time, half an hour, have a headache.,定冠词的用法: 用来表示“独一无二”的意思。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 2. 表示“说话的人刚刚提到过的人或事物”。 There is a boat in the river. T

9、he boat is made of wood. 3. 用在后面跟有限定性介词短语的名词前。 the letter from America, the fourteenth of April 4. 用在泛指的乐器名词前。 He plays the piano. 5. 一些常用短语。 by the way, in the morning, Whats the matter?,零冠词的用法: 泛指的抽象名词前。Life is very hard for some people. 2. 泛指的物质名词前。Water is very useful. 3. 泛指的复数名词前。Books are my b

10、est friends. 4. 泛指的“餐”名前。Come to have dinner/breakfast with me. 5. 大多数的专有名词前。He comes from France. 6. 语言的名词前。She can speak French. 7. 在季节和节日的名词前。Winter is the best time for skating. 8. 当名词前已有一些代词修饰时。My brother is a soldier. 9. 在体育项目的名词前。play basketball 10. 一些常用短语。 at home, go to school, at night,四、动

11、词,动词主要表示动作,其次表示状态或性质,有时态、语态、语气等形式的变化。,小学阶段所涉及的动词主要有:实义动词、be动词、情态动词can等。,Be动词,am, is, are,was, were,been,Practise,1. He _ very good at English. 2. My father and I _ going to Beijing next month. 3. _ you on duty the day before yesterday? 4. Mr. King _ in London two weeks ago. 5. There _ many kinds of

12、animals in the zoo. 6. What _ the date yesterday? 7. Look! A little girl _ flying a kite. 8. Who _ not at school last Monday? 9. Have you ever _ to Japan? 10. I _ not a nurse. I work as a doctor.,is,are,Were,was,are,was,is,was,been,am,动词的基本形式,第三人称单数现在式,动词be和have的第三人称单数现在式分别是is和has。,动词的过去式,现在分词,has,h

13、ad,having,gives,gave,giving,gets,got,getting,reads,read,reading,sweeps,swept,sweeping,plays,played,playing,carries,carried,carrying,Practise,五、动词的时态,动词时态是表示动作或状态发生或存在的时间和表示方式的一种动词形式。,小学阶段所学的时态有: 一般现在时:work/works 2. 现在进行时:am/is/are working 3. 一般将来时:am/is/are going to work 4. 一般过去时:worked,The Revision

14、 of Four Tenses,一般现在时,always usually often sometimes never,I / You / We / They,He / She / It,+ do(动词原形),+ does,(第三人称单数),1. +s e.g. plays visits,2. +es (以o, ch, sh, s, x结 尾) e.g. goes watches washes kisses fixes,3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的去y变i+es e.g. fly -flies,4. 不规则变化 e.g. have - has,现在进行时,now / look / listen,I

15、 We / You/ They He / She / It,am are is,+ doing,+ ing e.g. doing,2. 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节要双写最后一个字母+ing e.g. swimming running getting,3. 以哑巴e结尾,要去e再+ing e.g. write -writing take -taking,一般将来时,tomorrow / the day after tomorrow / next week / next month / next year,I We / You / They He / She / It,am are is,going to do,I / We / You / They / He / She / It,+



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