四年级上册英语试题Unit1my classroom 人教PEP2014秋(含答案)

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1、 Unit 1 My classroom 测试卷听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)( )1. A. classroom B. blackboard C.schoolbag( )2. A. window B. light C. door( )3. A. open B.crayon C. clean( )4. A. cat B. hat C. dad( )5. A. near B. picture C. chair二、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是(T)否(F)一致。(10分( )1. Its near the window.( )2. Its a light.( )

2、3. Close the door.( )4. Where is the classroom?( )5. I have a new crayon.三、听录音,给下面的图片排序。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音,选择恰当的应答语。(10分)( )1. A. Its blue. B. Its on the wall.( )2. A Its a fan B. One blackboard, many desks and chairs.( )3. A. OK. B. Excuse me.( )4. A. Youre welcome. B. Thank you.( )5. A

3、. The door is orange. B Its a bee.笔试部分(60分)五、选出每组单词中字母a读音不同的一项。(5分)( )1. A. cat B. cake C. hat( )2.A.thank B.date C.bag( )3. A. face B. dad C name( )4. A. hate B. make C. blackboard( )5. A. fan B. classroom C. black六、单项选择我最棒。(5分)( )1.-let me clean the window. - A. OK. B. Goodbye! C. Thank you.( )2.-

4、wheres my pencil? - A. All right. B. Its big. C. Its on the desk.( )3.-what are they? -They are .A .computers B. light C. teachers desk( )4. This is our classroom. The windows blueA. Are B. is C .am( )5. -Hey, Zhang Peng. We have a new classroom. - A. Really? Lets go and see. B. Nice to meet you.C.

5、Its near the door.七、选出与图片相符的句子。(10分( )1. A. The chair is near the desk.B. The chair is under the desk.( )2. A. Clean the window.B. Clean the floor.( )3. A. Turn on the light.B. Turn on the fan.( )4. A. The picture is on the wall. B. The picture is on the desk.( )5. A. Let me clean the classroom.B. L

6、ets clean the classroom.八、把下面的句子连一连,组成对话。(5分)1. Let me help you . A .Its near the window.2. We have a new classroom. B .One blackboard, two lights3. Lets clean the windows. C. Thank you.4. Where is my picture? D. Lets go and see.5. Whats in the classroom? E. OK!九、情景交际。(5分)( )1.当你不太确定别人说的事情时,你可以说: A.

7、 Sorry. B. Really? C. Thank you.( )2.你想知道教室里有什么,你可以这样问: A. Whats in the classroom? B .Whats the classroom?C Wheres the classroom?( )3.你想帮助你的同学时,你可以说: A. Let me help you. B .Let you help me.C. Thank you.( )4.教室大扫除时,你想擦黑板,你可以说: A. Lets clean the desks. B. Lets clean the windows.C. Let me clean the bla

8、ckboard.( )5.同学站在过道中挡住了路,你想过去,可以这样说: A. Excuse me. B. Oh, sorry.C. Really?十、连词成句。(10分)1. Its. teachers, desk, under, the (.) 2 .is, green, book, Where, the (?) 3. me, the, fan, Let, clean (.) 4 is, the, classroom, What, in(?) 5. have, a, classroom, We, new (.) 十一、选择合适的句子补全对话。(10分)A:1. B: Really? 2.

9、A: Two doors, four windows, eight lights, some pictures,A. Whats in it?B. Lets clean our new classroom.C. Wow, its so big.D. We have a new classroom.E. Its on the wall.many desks and chairs.B: Wheres the blackboard?A: 3. Lets go and see.B:4. A:5. B: OK.十二、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)This is a new classroom

10、. Its very big. The walls are white. The picturesare on the wall. The floor is clean. We have twenty desks and nineteen chairs. They are blue. The orange teachers desk is near the window. A new computer is on it. The windows are blue. you can see six green lights. I like the classroom. We should(应该)

11、 clean it every day.( )1. The floor is white.( )2. We have 20 students in the classroom.( )3. The desks and chairs are orange.( )4. A new computer is on the teachers desk.( )5. The lights are green. 听力材料1. 1.blackboard 2.window 3.clean 4.hat 5.picture2. 1.Its near the door.2. Its a light.3. Close the window.4. Where is the blackboard?5. I have a new crayon.三.1.Open the door.2. Turn on the light.3. Clean the blackboard .4. Its my new classroom.5. Put up the picture.四.1.Wheres your picture?2. Whats in your classroom?3. Lets clean the desks and chairs.4. Let me help you .5. Whats this?参考



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