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1、TOEIC Vocabulary-Sports & Recreational Activities查看本系列完整内容请点击此处 1.aerobics 有氧运动 教师;教练3.broadcast 广播;宣传4.defeat 失败;击败 适合;恰当;身体健康6.gym 健身房;体育馆7.league 联盟;同盟8.marathon 马拉松;耐力比赛9.mountaineering 登山运动10.participate 参与;参加11.recreation 娱乐;消遣12.relaxation 松弛;缓和;休息;娱乐13.rigor 严格;严苛;艰苦

2、 足球15.stadium 体育场16.stroll 散步;闲逛17.surrender (向敌人)投降;放弃18.time-out 暂停19.trophy 奖品;奖杯;战利品20.usher 引座员;招待员1.billiards 撞球bative 好战的;好斗的3.default 违约;弃权4.defense 保护;防卫5.forfeit 罚款;丧失6.intensity 强度;强烈7.leisure 空闲;闲暇时间8.massage 按摩;揉捏9.muscle 肌肉;力量10.pastime 娱乐;消遣11.referee 裁判员;仲裁者12.replacement 代替的人或物

3、nner-up 第二名;亚军14.spectator 观众;旁观者15.stretch 伸张;伸开;伸展16.surfing 冲浪17.tactic 战略;策略(常用复数)18.tournament 比赛;锦标赛19.umpire 裁判;仲裁20.volleyball 排球Yao Ming, the first major Chinese star to break into the NBA, has decided to retire after nine star-crossed seasons with the Rockets, according to league sources.姚

4、明是第一个闯入NBA成为主力的中国篮球球星,据NBA联盟消息称,在休斯顿火箭队度过了九个霉运缠身的赛季后,姚明已经决定退役。The 30-year-old center played just five games over the past two seasons and has determined that he is unable to make a complete recovery from stress fracture in his left ankle and tendon strain.这位30岁的中锋在过去的两个赛季中只打了5场比赛,姚明认为自己已经无法从左踝应力性骨折和

5、跟腱扭伤的伤势中完全恢复。At 7-foot-6, Yao entered the league as the No. 1 pick in the 2002 draft and became literally and figuratively the largest symbol of the NBAs growing expansion around the world and particularly in Asia.凭借其7.6英尺的身高,姚明在2002年的NBA新人中拔得第一高度,而且无论从哪种角度来看,他都成为了NBA在全球(尤其是在亚洲)不断扩大市场上的一个标志性人物。Yao w

6、as an eight-time NBA All-Star and in five seasons he was voted onto the leagues second or third All-NBA team. He averaged 19.1 points and 9.3 rebounds and 1.9 blocked shots in his career.姚明8次入选NBA全明星阵容,5个赛季入选NBA最佳第二或第三阵容。职业生涯中获得了场均19.1的得分,9.3个篮板球,和1.9次封盖。He arrived in Houston in 2002 as towering and

7、 iconic as the durable Great Wall of China, yet over the course of his NBA career Yaos image became increasingly fragile. After missing just two games due to injury in his first three years in the league, he was sidelined for 250 over the past six seasons.2002年姚明来到休斯顿,高大形象犹如坚实的中国长城;然后随着他在职业道路上的推进,姚明

8、给人的感觉却是越来越脆弱。在联盟的最初3年,他因为伤病而错过比赛的场次仅有2场,而在过去的6个赛季里他竟有250场比赛坐在板凳上。Yao would have become a free agent at end of the current lockout and had spent months trying to rehabilitate his ankle for one more chance at playing. He has said his desire was to remain in Houston to play for the Rockets.在最近的NBA停摆事件后

9、,姚明成为了自由球员。此前数月他都在努力恢复脚踝伤势,希望能再次有机会上场比赛。他说过自己的愿望是留在休斯顿为火箭队征战。However, he did not want to jeopardize his health for life after playing. Yaos parents were concerned enough about his welfare that they did not want him to attempt a return to the NBA after the broken bone in his foot that was suffered in

10、 the playoffs of May 2009.然而,姚明不想因为比赛而危及自己一生的健康。2009年5月,当姚明在季后赛里骨裂后,其父母非常担心儿子的状况,不愿他尝试再次回到NBA赛场。Following the birth of his daughter, Yao said: I can only try so many times. I want to be able to run around and play with my child, not always wear a cast and use these crutches.在女儿的出生,姚明曾说:“我只能尝试这么多次。我还

11、想和孩子一起跑步,而不是绑着石膏、拄着拐杖。”NBA官网消息称:姚明已决定退役 9年生涯就此终结TOEIC Vocabulary-Sports Match查看本系列完整内容请点击此处 baseball 棒球football 美式足球soccer 英式足球tennis 网球volleyball 排球table tennis 乒乓球swimming scuba diving 潜水fishing 钓鱼surfing 冲浪sailing 帆船比赛water-skiing 滑水rowing 划船sledding 滑雪橇skating 溜冰horseback riding 骑马hiking 徒步旅行arc

12、h rival 劲敌contestant 选手clear the qualifying round 通过预赛dope 服兴奋剂consolation match to decide third place 决出第三名的安慰赛doping check 药物检查elimination 淘汰the final round 决赛hold a tournament 举办大会home-town 当地的make a reservation 预约the opening game 开场赛pace settler 领跑者play-off 加赛preliminary 预赛quarter finals 四分之一决赛r

13、ecord-breaking 破纪录的runner-up 亚军seed 种子选手season-ticket 赛季联赛secure the second place 得第二名semifinals 半决赛sports lottery 体育彩票superpartisan support 超党派支持visitor 客队ticket agency 售票处underdog 败方win the contest 获胜goalkeeper 守门员defense 后卫jersey 运动衫街头运动:缤纷生活从街头开始Street sports,街头运动,是诞生在大城市中的一种年轻人的运动方式,它包括许多种运动类型,

14、崇尚自由、随性和创意。一起来看看到底有哪些吧:Street football 街头足球又称花式足球、城市足球和极限足球。早起的街头足球允许犯规,但是后来也逐渐规范化,基本规则中包括no barging,禁止冲撞,no hand balling,禁止用手接触足球,no shirt pulling,禁止拉别人的衣服。街头足球现在已经发展为融合了花式表演、街舞、街头音乐等诸多元素的street culture。街足的基本招式有:Set up,起球招式;Set down,坐在地上表演的招式;ATW(Around the world),单脚绕球动作;Crossover,起跳,双脚不落地的同时,在空中将球

15、从一只脚的胯下穿过;TATW(Touzani around the world),首创者为球星Touzani,是一个把ATW和Crossover组合在一起的动作;Groundwork,地面招式的统称。在上海这种运动也逐渐流行,本周日上海源深体育馆就有一个由丹麦领事馆组织的街足活动,正逢母亲节,要不要带妈妈去体会一下呢?Bicycle Motocross 特技单车简称BMX,本来是指自行车越野,后来发展成城市中街头运动的一种。不知道大家有没有在一些极限运动比赛中看到随意帅气的freestyle BMX表演。BMX的比赛方式包括race,越野赛;freestyle,街头赛;dirt jumping,泥地跳跃比赛;flatland,平地花式赛。SkateBlade 直排轮滑学名是Aggressive Inline,这也许是大家最熟悉的一种街头运动。轮滑鞋的主要部分有shell,外壳;laces,鞋带;buckles,扣环;hinge,外壳上附着的铰链;power strap,强力皮带;liner,鞋内套,用来包裹足部;frame,底座;grind plates,摩擦片;grand post,摩擦钉;wheels,轮子。Hip-h



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