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1、第5课时 学校 _ 任课教师_课型词汇复习与讲练教学时间总第( )课时教学内容高中英语词汇突破专练第三单元第一和第三大题教学目标1. 掌握下列重点词汇,并能够通过听、说、读和写加以运用。anybody, anything, apologize, appear, appearance, apply, appreciate, approach, argue, argument, arise, arm, arrange, arrangement, arrival, article, as, ashamed, aspect, astonish 2. 掌握上述重点词汇所构成的下列短语及词组,并能够通过听

2、、说、读和写加以运用。anything but, apart from, appeal to, keep at arms length, apologize to sb. for (doing) sth, to sb.s appetite, apply for, argue with sb. about / over sth, approve of, argue sb. into doing sth, be armed with, as good as, as is often the case with sb, be ashamed of, assist sb. in doing sth.3

3、. 对下列词汇(多为八级词汇)要求重点了解,尤其是所构成的固定搭配。apart, apparent, appeal, approximately, atmosphere, appetite, approval, applaud, applicant, appoint, appreciation, appropriate, approve, arbitrary, artificial, assess, assist, assistance, associate, assume, assumption4. 对下列词汇(为八级词汇)只要求了解其基本词义。appendix, architecture,

4、 assessment, , athlete作业布置作业内容专练第2和第4大题所需时间15-30分上交时间作业要求把题做在专练本子上,老师要对做的情况进行抽查,并在下一课找学生到黑板上把答案写出。在做题之前,先把解读里的相关内容看一下。板书设计教学札记教学过程. 检查及校对所布置的作业. 新授 (在晨读时让学生把第3单元的单词听两遍,并跟读)1. 根据英文释义选用下列单词填空(做此题前先把下列词的词义通一遍,然后再引导做题)1) apology- an expression of regret for having done something wrong 2) argue - to disa

5、gree with someone in words, often in an angry way 3) arrangement - plans and preparations that you must make so that something can happen 4) artificial - not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural 5) assessment - a process in which you make a judgmen

6、t about a person or situation 6) arbitrary - decided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly 7) assumption - something that you think is true although you have no precise proof 8) astronaut - someone who travels and works in a spacecraft 9) attitude - the opinions and feelings that yo

7、u usually have about something 10) application - a formal, usually written, request for something such as a job, place at university, or permission to do something3. 单项选择1) The job promises high wages, so there are many _ for it. 这份工作薪水很高, 所以有很多申请者。A. appointments B. assistants C. applicantsplknts D

8、. acquaintances The clear sky promises fine weather.晴朗的天空预示好天气。A timely heavy snow promises a good harvest.瑞雪兆丰年。2) A new _ to learning languages is being adopted here, and it will be very helpful to the students.A. arrangement B. approach C. way D. angle这里正采用一种学习语言的新方法,它对学生非常有用。means侧重指手段,单复数相同,其前有

9、a, one, this, that, every等时,表单数意义,有such, these, those, all等时表复数意义,其后可接不定式,也可接of + doing。What are the best means to realize our purpose?实现我们的目标的最好办法是什么? get a passport by illegal means用非法手段获得护照by means of 通过;借助于 method指科学的,合乎逻辑的有效方法,侧重指较高层次的有系统的方法,其后可接of短语,不接不定式。We use modern methods of teaching Engl

10、ish.我们使用现代英语教学法。Id like to see more scientific methods used.我愿意看到更多的科学办法被人们使用。way指普通的方法,用得很广,后可接of短语或不定式短语。This is neither the only nor the best way of doing it.这既不是唯一的,也不是最好的做这件事的办法。The farmers thought of ways to protect (=of protecting) their trees.农民们想出了办法来保护他们的树。3) He got into an _ with Jeff in

11、the pub last night and they still didnt reach any conclusion.A. argument B. acquaintance C. arrangement D. agreement他昨天晚上与杰夫在酒馆开始了一场争论,现在他们还没有得出结论。4) Despite the fact that their children spend long hours at school, many parents make _ for them to take extra-curricular studies. ekstrkrikjl A. assessm

12、ents B. associations C. assumptions D. arrangements尽管孩子们在学校花费这么长时间,但许多父母仍然为他们安排课外补习。5) Her unexpected _ threw us into total confusion and we had to rearrange our schedule. A. arrival B. approval C. arrangement D. argument 她不期而至使我们全乱了套,我们不得不重新安排我们的计划。6) Once you have decided to buy an expensive _, yo

13、u had better consult an expert on it. A. apron B. art C. apartment D. article 一旦决定买一件贵的物品,你最好向专家咨询一下这件事。7) His _ that human beings can clone animals was proved at last. A. assessment B. association C. assumption D. arrangement 他的关于人类可以克隆动物的假设最终得到了证实。8) Completely lost in the exciting _ of the footba

14、ll match, Tom didnt feel his pocket picked.A. scene 场面 B. atmosphere C. attention D. attempt由于完全沉醉在足球赛的令人兴奋的氛围中,汤姆全然不知有人掏他的口袋。As he grew up there, this visit called up scenes of his childhood.由于他在那里长大,这次访问使他回忆起他童年时的情景。 The attempt of the Japanese militarisms occupation of the Diaoyu Island is sure to end up in failure. 9) It may rain, but _ I shall go out. I have something urgent to do.A. somehow 莫名其妙地 B. anyhow C. somewhat 几分 D. anything 天可能要下雨,但无论如何我要出门。我有紧急的事情要做。The details were supposed to be secret but somehow leaked out.这些细节原属秘密,可是不知怎么给泄露出去了。10



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