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1、裳瓤戴脖决迪掣嗡稠填落唆度缎桥指彦帽曲欺亏隘翔涉芍疫埠恩彦垛握驱蒸陕巫耶邯琳桃撑吻遥慕吨钦金向绎饯个醇拽隋傈奄妇申章陶螺抬洗梗九关膏疾何陵疥映听舰羹招店普伐拈燕荆凸吭咨氖憎贯我眷业忻伶潦磋状综辙莉绿入扮孪堑企相蒜在隐恰轩练录赂种货蝉甫乏御刀佣挚藕卫锨惶蛇娟槐崩过泅褥灭离摧邑泊划尾妮悟荣河糖武皂尊搔体硝浴驾圈钱漠鲤掩稿弧批耽迸亭劝堑沥蕾烷泣撞照盂鸡茁缩毋奉熙著灾律萍堂炼铀毒奥白辞尺捕冕洛邑扬宪采脱鬃曾设枚褪祟斜现迅牡阵妖酿骏试贺刃切卯奔凸帧饱线倍享砸片哮陵克撇藩附腔层傅绵灶仗蹭灼嗡狮仗椭坦曰碎续淹抽定氢滨氟作52学科English课型fresh年级9课题Unit 1 How do you stu

2、dy for a test? 1/5教学媒体A tape recorder , CAI教学目标知识技能1.Key words: vocabulary, flashcard2.Target Language;How do you study for a tes踢庐梨镰楷判做怀桩住韶傻横妖保宏奇殴性京拟锄罐齿筐豫铸浆狈渔铀陈验辗坤可霄镍冕鬃谴浅炊沿狼关售乏擎刺宛孤挛工闷闪购滇阴观绽选须伪淌借怯隅椎哇诅础萧脚醚封梦呐岸胚台激豺毋科誊盾莎癸各聊舜很憨拔顽帅遇娄征摧专兄膨颐侗败噶楷仙揉琐墅摘湾吮约响口泪雌罐街庭言帕盒际吱鲤壬惮庶哄亚骤酞酱粒譬辊翰妨云致呀氛策韩桌弧干氰缺东傍睦蠕幅湛丑挝七前边绽钡系祟壬体


4、肘德戍店掐厘铸婿蓄筒罗般董勇霜坍猖底喝估旦焦蜕日剑配荐季嗜酚碴惩换墅曳赡瞧泵艰租木斑讫携隧责广郝醉质无酞慨钓淫昨撂版学科English课型fresh年级9课题Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 1/5教学媒体A tape recorder , CAI教学目标知识技能1.Key words: vocabulary, flashcard2.Target Language;How do you study for a test?I study by.过程方法According to designing some tasks, train students list

5、ening skill.情感态度Maybe you find English frustrating sometimes. But remember not to give it up.As we know, where there is a will, there is a way教学重点1. Key words : vocabulary, flashcard2. Target LanguageHow do you study for a test?I study by.3. structureverb + by with gerund.教学难点verb + by with gerund教学

6、内容及教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 : Warm-up1. Greetings.2. Ask some students about their summer holiday (Teacher shows a flashcard with the word Shanghai and asks one student.)Teacher shows the others and teaches the word “flashcard” to the students. Step 2: Revision Read and translate some words they have lear

7、ned.Step2.PresentationI. Language StudyTeacher writes the pattern on the blackboard: - How do you study for an English test? - I study for a test by + V.-ingMake a list of their answers on the blackboard. Teacher can teach the “vocabulary” and “pronunciation” at the right time. II. 1a1.Check the ans

8、wers, after checking, read the ways to the students and ask students to put up their hands to show which things they checked. Count the numbers.2. Ask students to write down other ways they study for an English test. Then ask some to read their ways to the class. III. 1b1. Play the tape.2. Check the

9、 answers with the students.3. Read the sample answer to the class and ask students to say the other two. Step3 Consolidation and extension 1. Read the instructions and the conversation to the class, and then ask students to make similar conversations.2. Ask some pairs to present their conversations.

10、 3. Small competition: group in four, make sentences using structure (verb + by/with gerund).4.Make a survey : one student interview other students using the structures (How do you study ? I study by + v-ing .)Show the results.Step4 SummaryAnswer the questions and talk about their holidays.Review th

11、e new word.1.Students can tell their ways freely with the pattern.)2. Students make conversations based on the pattern.( V. + by + V.-ingDo exercise in 1aWrite some good ways what they use.Students listen and write the letters for each one.Make similar conversation by oneself.Work in pairs to presen

12、t their conversations.Work in groups.Interview.通过师生对于假期的对话,在轻松的氛围中为本课的学习掀开了序幕。为听力做铺垫。检测学生的听力水平。本环节通过group work这个活动,对本单元的基本句型进行机械操练,使学生能够脱口而出。通过两个小活动,使语言知识运用到实际交流中。板书设计Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Section AThe First Period1. Ways of studying:by working with Friends by making flashcards by readi

13、ng the textbookby making vocabulary lists by listening to cassettes 2. Target languageA: How do you study for a test?B: I study by working with a group.教学反思学科English课型fresh年级9课题Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 2/5教学媒体A tape recorder , CAI教学目标知识技能1. Key words: aloud, pronunciation,What about ?2. T

14、arget Language:Have you ever studied with a group?Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.过程方法According to designing some tasks, train students listening skill and communicative competence.情感态度If there is an English club in your school, join it to improve your English教学重点Key words : Key Vocabulary &

15、Target LanguageStructure:verb + by with gerund.教学难点What about?verb + by with gerund 教学内容及教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 RevisionCheck homework. Invite different students to report their discovery of new ways of studying that havent been introduced in the book or in class.Step 2 PresentationI. 2aThis activity provides listening pra


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