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1、7B Unit 5 Water重点单词:在能力与知识结构方面,要求学生应具有扎实的专业和日语语言基础,熟练掌握日语听、说、读、写、译的基本技能;了解日本社会及日本文化等方面的基本知识,熟悉日本国情,具有一定的日本人文知识及运用这些知识与日本人进行交流的能力。Drop n.滴 ,v.落下Journey n.旅程Quantity 数量Quality质量Experiment n.实验Fresh adj.新鲜的Salt 盐Voice 声音Add 增加Chemical 化学制品Through 穿过,通过Pipe 管,烟斗Valuable adj.宝贵的,很有用Bit 少量Bank 银行Change 不可

2、数n. 找给的Return 归还,回到Vapour 蒸汽Form 形成Stir 搅拌Continue 继续Crystal 水晶,结晶 reservoir蓄水池重点短语:turn off 关闭Turn into (使)变成Add.to.把加入a bit 有点儿(要加上of才可以修饰不可数名词)part of 部分pocket money 零花钱(be) made up of 由组成dry up干涸 重点句型:1. Then it was time for sb. to .到了做某事的时候了(page59)2. Remember not to.3. How much water is there.

3、?4. How much bottles of water are there.?详细讲解:1.Listen to a story about the journey of a coin.(page57)journey 指从一个地方出发直达目的的长途旅行He decided to make a journey to Guangzhou.trip指休闲或商业目的的短途旅行He went on a business trip.travel无直达目的之意,指不同方向的旅行He came home after years of foreign travel.2. when you exercise,y

4、ou need more water.(page58)Exercise为不及物动词,是“锻炼”的意思。 可数名词:练习,体操 不可数名词:锻炼,运动3. two thirds.三分之二(page58)英语中的分数表示:分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于1时,分母要用复数形式。拓展:四分之几一般用quarter表示,二分之一用half表示。 如:四分之一:a quarter 四分之三:three quarters4. 倍数的表达分数:(page68)twice(1) A+be+倍数+as+形容词原级+as B 如:my pens are three times as many as yours

5、。我的笔是你的三倍(2) A+be+倍数+形容词比较级+than B如:my my pens are twice than yours。我的笔比你的多两倍5. 表示every“每隔”的表达方法:(1) every+基数词+复数名词:every four years每四年(2) every+序数词+单数名词 every fourth year每隔三年(3)每隔一: every other +单数名词 every other line 每隔一行6.辨析through、over、across三者都有“穿过的”意思over是从物体表面上方经过,不与物体接触 例如:The bird flew over

6、the river。鸟从河水表面飞过throngh是从物体中穿过, 例如:The elephant cant go through the gate.这头象不能从门里穿过。across从物体表面经过并且有接触 例如:The car is going across the brige 汽车正从桥上经过7.So is this the end of your journey?那么这里是你旅程的终点吗?end n.末尾,结局At the end of在后期/末端At the end of the street,you can see ahotel。By the end of到在结束(表示时间概念)H

7、e came back by the end of the meeting。In the end最后,终于 at last,finally。In the end,we got to the small city。8.We use how many how much to ask about quantities. use “用” use sth to do sth.用某物做某事 人+be used to doing sth.某人习惯做某事 物+be used to do sth. 某物被用于做某事 如:wood is used to make paper。9. Fix a dripping t

8、ap。修理滴水的水龙头。(page68)(1) drip指水滴,只能用于液体。 Drop不管是做动词还是名词,都有滴下、落下的意思,可以使任何物体,不限于液体。 还有一个长得很像的伙伴:droop,指把脑袋低垂下来,一不小心丢了一个o,就把脑袋混丢了:He drooped his head in shyness. (害羞了把头低下了)(2)fix=repair修道路,机器,以及日常生活用品,如手表,自行车My father is good at fixing broken watches。mend修补破损的东西,使其恢复原样,(包括用针线缝补),一般指较小的物品Mum,can you help

9、 me mend my socks? 重点语法:如何谈论数量我们可以用(not)much, many, a lot of, how much, how many等词来谈论数量,下面让我们一起来学习他们的用法。1、 many, much与a lot of (lots of)many, much与a lot of (lots of)三者意义相同,都有许多之意,many修饰可数名词复数形式;much修饰不可数名词;a lot of (lots of)既可以修饰可数名词复数形式;也可以修饰不可数名词。There are many students in his school.=There are a

10、lot of /lots of students in his school.I need much / a lot of time to check the answers.2、 a few和a littlea few意为“几个”,a little意为“一点儿”a few修饰可数名词复数形式;a little修饰不可数名词. a few 和a little都表示肯定意义。I need a few apples and a little green tea.There are a few bananas and a little bread on the table.注意:few 意为“很少”

11、,little 意为“几乎没有”,few修饰可数名词复数形式;little修饰不可数名词. few 和little 均表示否定含义。There is little water in the glass.Few students take the taxi to school at Green High School.3、 how many 和how much两者都表示多少之意,都用于询问数量。how many 后接可数名词的复数形式,how much后接不可数名词。How many students are there in yours class?How much milk do you n

12、eed?注意:how much 还可以询问物品的价格。How much is this sweater?4、 too many 和too muchtoo many 和too much均为太多之意,too much修饰不可数名词,too many修饰可数名词复数形式。There is too much smoke in the room.There are too many rules in our school.注意:much too用作副词,意为“太”,修饰形容词或副词。Your room is much too dirty.5、 too little, too few, not much,

13、 not many, no和enoughtoo little意为“太少”, 修饰不可数名词;too few意为“太少”,修饰可数名词复数形式;not much意为“几乎没有”修饰不可数名词;not many意为没多少“修饰可数名词复数形式;no意为”没有“,修饰可数或不可数名词;enough意为足够的,修饰可数或不可数名词。练习:用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Can these children look after _ when their parents are not at home. ( them ) 2 Water is a _ resource, so we cannot wast

14、e it. ( value ) 3 Trees can produce a _ to make their leaves taste nasty when insects want to eat them. ( chemistry ) 4 We should never _ water because it is not easy for it to come to our flats. ( pollution ) 5 About 3of the water on Earth is without _( salty ) 单项选择 1. Will you go for a walk after _ dinner ? a. a b. an c. the d. / 2. Carl, why not go and help your sister water the flowers there ? Why _ ? Im busy myself. Jack is lying on the grass doing something. a. me b. I c. him



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