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1、,Salary Structure Design 薪酬结构设计,Agenda 日程,Preparation before designing a salary structure 薪酬结构设计前的准备 Why We Need a Salary Structure 为什么我们需要一个薪酬结构 Linking Reward to Business Strategy 薪酬与经营战略相匹配 Job Evaluation 职位评估 Salary Structure Development 薪酬结构设计 Salary Structure Elements 薪酬结构组成成分 Developing A Sal

2、ary Structure 制定一个薪酬结构,Employee Transitioning and Cost Implication 员工过渡方案及成本分析 Cost Analysis 成本分析 Salary Structure Application and Implementation 薪酬结构应用及实施 People Slot in 人员定薪 Merit Increase Mechanisms 调薪方案 Salary Structure Application 薪酬架构应用 Q&A 问题与回答,Why we need Salary Structure 为什么我们需要一个薪酬结构,What

3、 is Salary Structure? 什么是薪酬结构?,Salary Structure is the series of pay ranges which determine a minimum and a maximum of pay rate of each grade. 薪酬结构是一系列的薪酬范围,确定了每个级别薪酬率的最大和最小值 Jobs grouped in the same grade should have the same earning opportunity. 同一级别的职位组应该有相同的薪酬机会,Maximum,Minimum,Midpoint,是否遇到类似问题

4、,新招的人我该怎么定薪? 按照市场?还是略低于市场? 员工晋升,到底该给多大比例的调薪? 员工的当前收入远高于市场,我该如何调整呢? 市场报告上的人力资源薪酬 的比财务 高,但从公司内部来看,财务部对整个公司的影响力更大,我是否应按照市场来支付薪酬呢? 员工又在抱怨薪酬 不公平,可我们都是按照市场来支付薪酬的呀 员工抱怨没有职业发展,我究竟如何去为员工设计职业通道?又如何去和他们沟通呢?,Why we need Salary Structure 为什么我们需要一个薪酬结构,To communicate how much the organization is willing to pay ea

5、ch and every job 为了沟通公司将如何支付每个职位的薪酬 To reflect compensation philosophy, market competitiveness, and internal equity 为了反映薪酬理念、市场竞争力、以及内部公平性 To set the same standard guideline of pay within the organization 为了在公司内建立统一的薪酬标准 To provide the general relationship among levels of pay 为了确定各个薪资级别间的一定关系 To pro

6、vide a framework for sound pay management (pay increases/ pay movement) 为合理的薪酬管理(薪酬增长/薪酬变化)提供一个框架 To manage cost of resources 为了便于资源成本的管理,Linking Reward to Business Strategy 薪酬与经营战略相匹配,Linking Reward To Business Strategy 薪酬与经营战略相匹配,Business Strategy 经营战略,Core Capability 核心竞争力,People Requirements 人员要

7、求,Human Resources Strategy 人力资源战略,Employee Needs 员工需求,HR Programs 人力资源计划,Organizing 组织 (the right jobs) (正确的职位),Performing 绩效管理 (the right outcomes) (正确的产出),Developing 发展 (the right skills) (正确的技能),Rewarding 薪酬 (the right incentives) (正确的激励),Staffing 人员配置 (the right people) (正确的人),Business Results 经

8、营成果,Compensation Program Overview 薪酬体系概述,Rewards Strategy - a Definition 薪酬战略 定义,A statement of philosophies and objectives that defines how employees would get rewarded in the organization. This should: 公司中的员工如何获得薪酬的一种原则和目标。薪酬战略应该: Be consistent with business objectives与经营目标相一致 Be cognizant of empl

9、oyee needs认识到员工的需求 Provide direction for administration and design为薪酬的管理和设计提供指导方向 Provide a basis for communication提供沟通的基础 Act as a standard for program evaluation and monitoring on an ongoing basis 作为今后制度评估和管理的标准,Reward Strategy Design Components : 10 Ps 薪酬策略设计组件:10 Ps,薪酬策略 设计 Reward Strategy Desig

10、n,9. 薪酬政策 Pay Policy,8. 薪酬时间范围 Pay Time Horizon,10. 薪酬沟通 Pay Communication,7. 薪酬浮动 Pay Volatility,6. 业绩指标 Performance Measures,5. 薪酬支付 Pay for “What”,3. 薪酬一致 Pay Uniformity,4. 薪酬公平 Pay Fairness,2. 薪酬定位 Pay Positioning,1. 薪酬构成 Pay Components,Hewitts Framework,10-1. Pay Components 10-1. 薪酬构成,Total Cas

11、h 全面现金收入,Total Remuneration 全面薪酬,Base Salary 基本工资,12 Months Base Salary 12 个月的基本工资,Fixed Pay 现金津贴,Meal Allowance伙食津贴, Transportation Allowance交通津贴,Variable Pay 浮动收入,Performance Based Bonus 基于业绩的奖金,Guaranteed Cash 固定收入,Benefits & Perquisites 福利及特殊待遇,Pension养老金 Housing住房 Vehicle汽车 Loans贷款,Outpatient门诊

12、 Hospitalization住院 Dental牙科 Provident Fund准备基金,Insurance保险 Disability残废 Shift轮班等,Fixed Bonus 固定奖金,13th. Month Salary第13个月的工资,Base Pay 基本工资,Extrinsic Rewards 外在激励,LTI 长期激励,LTI长期激励 Stock Options股票,Total Rewards 全面激励,Rewards 激励,Quality of work工作质量 Culture文化 Work-life balance工作与生活的平衡 Recognition Award特殊

13、表彰,Intrinsic Rewards 内在激励,组成薪资的要素,基本工资,员工福利,特殊津贴,短期激励,长期激励,对员工的影响,吸引,保留,激励,高,高,中,低,低,中,中,中,中,中,中,高,高,低,低,全面薪酬构成要素的角色,员工敬业度驱动因素,敬业度的驱动因素 翰威特通过对员工、企业和行为方式的广泛调研以及所积累的经验总结出员工敬业的驱动因素,它有利于提高公司影响员工态度和行为方式的能力。,10-2. Pay Positioning 10-2. 薪酬定位,A mathematical average of a set of numbers or measurements, with

14、the mean equaling the sum of the numbers divided by the number of units. 一系列数字或衡量指标的数学平均数,等于数值总和除以单位之和,Mean (X) = X/N Where: X= Sum of all values of variable X 此处:X= 所有变量X的数值之和 N = Number of observations N = 数字的数量之和,Pay Positioning - What is Mean? 薪酬定位 - 什么是平均值?,Pay Positioning - What is Median? 薪酬定

15、位 - 什么是中位值?,It is the middle value of an ordered sequence of values. If you place the series in ascending or descending order, the median is the number that divides the series into two parts each containing the same number of data points. 一系列有序数值的中间值。如果您将一些数值按升序或降序排列,中位值就是将这些数值分成两部分含有相同数目数值的那个数字。 Ba

16、sically, the median is the 50th percentile value below which 50% of the values in the sample fall. It splits the observation into two halves. 基本上,中位值是位于第五十百分位的数值,样本数据中有50%在它之下。它将所有的数据分成两半。 It is also termed as the “positional average”. 它也被称为“位置平均数”,Pay Positioning - What is Percentile? 薪酬定位 - 什么是分位值,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,X分位的数值表示整个数群中有X%的样本小于它,剩下的样本一定都大于它,Pay Positioning - Mean Vs. Median 薪酬定位 - 平均值 VS 中位值,7个小矮人身高 (单位: cm) 平均值:Average(


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