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1、reserve cadre training platform. Select 12 thought good, strong, young, high culture of talent into the village two committees reserve cadres, through to the town, spending, party members stepped up their training in the form of distance education, solidified the eighth village election work basis.

2、-Grass-roots level, carry out the four-three activities. In accordance with the unified plan of the County and township cadres actively supporting work, members of leadership each supporting a family difficulties and poor people in a family, all . Disaster relief acts of violation of policies such a

3、s special inspections, ordered rectification of the problems, for signs of problems, early warning, early prevention. As of now, I organize all cadres and workers with about 80 people to the County Commission visited the cultural corridor; invited the County discipline inspection Wang Yi fang, Deput

4、y Secretary of the independent Commission against corruption forum a while to update and repair the Gallery culture village, of honest and clean government promotion of special issue of the voice of the independent Commission against corruption had been published 4 issues; and the independent Commis

5、sion against corruption message platform, periodically sends the text messages more than 2000 pieces of the ICAC. (B) pay special attention to party building and promote the Council for economic planning, further optimization of the industrial structure of agriculture. -Consolidating and improving t

6、he benefits of traditional industries. I adopted to increase scientific and technological training, and introducing high-tech agricultural production, increase the efficiency of traditional industries, further strengthening and consolidating the traditional industry. Up to now, the Township 22746 ac

7、res of rubber plantation area, 5.12 million Yuan output value; betel nut cultivation area of 2279 acres, 5.3 million Yuan output value; powder banana planting area of 940 acres, 4.77 million Yuan output value; puzzle area of 670 acres, 1.61 million Yuan output value. -Rational planning industrial di

8、stribution. Further optimize the agricultural structure, supporting plant Mulberry sericulture, melon, papaya and such short, flat, fast special advantage industries. First, mulberry sericulture project. In 2015, the new Mulberry 147 acres, the township now retain Mulberry gardens area of 1097 acres

9、, a total of 18 batches for silkworm rearing, production value amounted to 1.7292 million Yuan, an increase of 24.29% and increase farmers income 1.4698 million Yuan; second, vegetable industry is gratifying. Make full use of regional advantages, and strive to build XX green vegetable brands. This y

10、ear I planted vegetables mainly to cucumber, bitter melon, white beans, winged bean, and planting an area of 550 acres, total 1414 tons, increasing peasants income of 228.72; third, papaya fruit industry was strengthened. To build can tracing famous agricultural brand, fruit papaya has became provin

11、cial quality brand agricultural, in province, and county level used field detection + agricultural tracing II dimension code + supermarket sales platform of agricultural Super docking mode, greatly to improve spring papaya of quality and benefits, and direct supermarket, ensure has papaya planting h

12、ouseholds interests of maximize, makes papaya industry became I Xiang farmers increase of new highlights. The year 2015, Papaya fruit plant 320 acres, more than 2.24 million Yuan output value; four special livestock breeding begins to take shape吉水中学2011届高考适应考试文科综合第卷(选择题,140分)下图是四个大型工业城市的大气污染企业布局情况,据

13、此回答12题1、以上城市最有可能分布在我国云贵高原的是( ) A甲城 B乙城 C丙城 D丁城2、上图中丁城所在地区可能的气候特点是( ) A B C D道路密度指的是在一定区域内,道路网的总里程与该区域面积的比值。平均车行速度是指某地区各种汽车的平均行车速度。下图是某特大城市道路密度和平均车行速度等值线图,读图完成35题。3、甲地的值可能是( ) A46 B5 C31 D384、甲处不可能出现的地理事物是( ) A十字路口 B绿地 C卫星城 D商业区右下图为我国某河流河道示意图,甲为乙河心洲,右下图为该洲一年内面积变化统计图,读图完成56题。5、该河位于我国的( )A西北地区 B西南地区 C东

14、南地区 D东北地区6、对于该河的叙述,正确的是( )A若P河道为该河的主航道,则该河段的流向为东北流向西南 B若河流上游修筑水坝,则河心洲面积增长速度减慢 C若该河段自西向东流,则Q河道将慢慢变浅D河心洲常发育在河流上游水流较快的地方分布密度是指某种地理事物在某区域内的分布面积占该区域总面积的比例。右图是某区域农作物分布密度等值线图,读图回答78题7、这种农作物最有可能是( ) A棉花 B黄麻 C甜菜 D苹果8、造成该农作物分布差异的最主要的因素是( ) A光照 B水源 C热量 D土壤右图示意晨昏圈(圆心为O1)与纬线圈(圆心为O2,纬度度数为)的空间位置关系,a为二圆所在平面的夹角。读图回答

15、911题。9、圆心O1 和O2的连线与地轴的关系是( )A垂直 B斜交为角 C重合 D斜交为(90)角10、a的最小值是( )A0 B2326 C4652 D663411、当a 达到一年中的最小值时,下列说法肯定不正确的是( ) A赤道上各地正午太阳高度达一年中最大值 B航行在北印度洋的船只顺风顺水向西航行 C北半球各地气温是一年中最高的时候D多国极地科考船在南极附近海域活动12、2010年美国A汽车售价为6万美元,此时1美元兑换6.8元人民币,如果2011年生产A汽车的社会劳动生产率提高20%,在货币价值不变和人民币升值10%的情况下,A汽车在中国市场上的价格分别是( )A、34万30.6万B、36.72万44.1万C、34万37.4万D、32.64万45.9万13、中国人民银行决定,自2011年4月6日起上调金融机构人民币存贷款基准利率。金融机构一年期存贷款基准利率分别上调0.25个百分点。这是央行2011年第


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