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1、华人教育公司1999年浙江高中英语会考试题考生须知:1.全卷分试卷和试卷,共页,有七大题,小题,满分为分,考试时间钟。2.试卷的答案必须做在答卷上;试卷的答案直接做在试卷上。3.请用钢笔或圆珠笔将姓名、准考证号分别填写在答卷、试卷的相应位置上。试卷一请用B铅笔将答卷上的准考证号和学科名称相应的括号或方框涂黑,然后再开始答题。一、听力考核(本题有1o小题,共10分)单句理解1.A.Linda can do the job best.B. Nobody can do the job well.C. Anyone can do the job better.2.A.I understand you

2、well.B. Would you please repeat it?C.I dont want to go with you.3.A.Youd better come here by land.B. Why not come by sea?C.I suggest you come by air.4.A.Both of them are excited.B. Only Rose is excited.C. Only Jack is excited.5.A.Mick wanted more money.B. Bruce asked for more money.C. Neither of the

3、m needed money.B) 短文理解6.A.Over 16.B. Over 15.C. Over 18.7.A.To become a doctor.B. To be a soldier.C. To be examined.8.A.His elder brother.B. His younger brother.C. His twin brother.9.A.They looked very strong.B. They had the same family name.C. They came together that day.10.A.He had told a lie.B. H

4、e was too young.C. He was afraid.二.单项填空(本题有15小题,共15分)在、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。11.-Why not buy some English tapes? Im sure youll find them useful-That sounds like _good already.A. the B. an C./ D. a 12.-Would you like to go the concert with us?-thanks, but I _it already.A. good B. have seen C. was seei

5、ng D. did see13.-This soup is hot!-The hotter the _A. good B. well C. better D. best14.-Where is Jane, do you know?-No, but she _ be at her desk.A. need B. ought C. would D. may15.-_does your school hold the sports meeting?-Once a year.A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How many16.English _ spo

6、ken by millions of people all over he world has become an international language.A. which is B. is C. it is D. it being17.-Do you think I should buy this suit?-_ my opinion, its too expensive.A. For B. From C. To D. In18.-Hasnt the cat _ yet?-No. Were still looking for it.A. been found B. found C. t

7、o be found D. being found19.-What do you feel like _?-Personally, Id rather go to the Science Museum.A. to do B. doing C. being done D. do 20.-Why doesnt Sara like collecting stamps?-I dont know _.A. why she doesnt B. why doesnt she C. why she does D. why does she 21.When you leave the room, please

8、_all the lights.A. put off B. send off C. turn off D. set off22.It doesnt often rain here._ , we have to water the vegetable garden from time to time.A. Whats more B. As a result C. By the way D. In this way23.-Im sorry to have shouted at you. I didnt mean to be so rude to you.-You were very angry.

9、Anyway,_.A. youre right B. youre kind C. it doesnt matter D. Im sorry24.-Here are the things you wanted ,sir.-_.A. You are welcome B. thats right C. thats enough D. Thanbks a lot 25.-_ in the office next door?-Im sorry, its not allowed.A. Would you mind if I smoked B. Would you like me to smoke C. D

10、o I have to smoke D. Why do you smoke三.完形填空(本题有15小题,共15分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在26-40各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。There are two kinds of music in the world-one is written down and the _ is not. Many people earn their living by _ music. They write_ for pop stars and music is to be _.Folk muxic has been _down from g

11、eneration to generation. At first is was never written down. People _ the songs from their families, relatives, neighbours and friends in the same_.Those songs were _ country life, the seasons and harvest, animals and plants, and happiness and _in peoples lives._ performers of music were popular and

12、 respected. They _to learn hundreds of songs by heart. On festivals they would act and sing in praise of _who lived long ago. this was at a time when there was no radio, TV or cinema. Many of the country people could neither _ nor write. In this way stories went on from one person to another. In som

13、e parts of the world nowadays, you often see musicians performing in the _ to passers-by. They put a cap on the ground in front of them, so that people who like the music can _coins into it.26.A.other B. others C. rest D. two 27.A.singing B. playing C. writing D. performing28.A.stories B. playing C.

14、 dances D. songs29.A.made B. rememberedC. played D. songs30.A.carried B. brought C. passed D. taken31.A.learnt B. studied C. bought D. borrowed 32.A.state B. province C. city D. village33.A.about B. at C. in D. with34.A.goodnessB. kindness C. businessD. sadness35.A.New B. Young C. Early D. Daily36.A.hoped B. used C. wanted D. liked 37.A.men B. women C. childrenD. heroes38.A.listen B. speak C. read D. spell39.A.paths B. roads C. ways D. streets40.A.throw B. drop C. lay D. put四.阅读理解(本题有17小题,共34分)阅读下列短文并做每篇后的题目。从、四个


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