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1、PYP班级日常英语学习计划GradeWeekSentencesFirst semesterSecond semester11-2Line up, boys and girls. 排队 Four lines. 排四队 Attention! 立正At ease! 稍息Left, right, Left. 一二一Catch up. 跟上 Dont push.别推 One by one.一个接一个 Halt!立定 Hand in hand.手拉手 3-4Lets get ready for class.准备上课。Im sorry Im late.对不起,我迟到了。Please come earlier

2、 next time. 下次请早点到。Class begins.上课。 Whos on duty today?今天谁值日?Is everyone here?都到齐了吗 Whos absent today?今天谁没来?What day is today?今天是星期几? Whats the date today? 今天是几号?Excuse me for coming late.请原谅我迟到了。5-6Are you hungry?你饿了吗?What do you want to eat?你想吃什么?Be careful , its hot. 小心,很烫。Its morning time, good

3、day.天亮了,天气真好。Its time to get up.该起床了。May I get some soup?能给我点儿汤吗?Its delicious.味道很美。Wheres my seat?我的座位在哪儿?Change your clothes, please.请换衣服。Dont forget to button up. 别忘了扣扣子。7-8Be quiet, please.请安静。Open the door, please.请开门。Open the windows , please. 请开窗。Close the door, please.请关门。Close the windows ,

4、 please. 请关窗。Clean the white board, please. 请擦白板。Turn on the lights, please.请开灯。Turn on the fans, please. 请开风扇。Turn off the lights, please.请关灯。Turn off the fans, please. 请关风扇。9-11I like sports. 我喜欢运动。Can you tell a story? 你能讲个故事吗?Lets play a game. 让我们玩游戏吧。Would you like to draw a picture? 想画画吗?Its r

5、eading time. 现在是阅读时间。Do you have plasticene? 你们有橡皮泥吗?Can you make something ? 你能做些什么?Listen to the music.听音乐吧。This story is very funny. 这个故事很好笑。Sing the song together. 我们一起唱。12-13Good idea!好主意!Do you understand?你明白吗?I cant understand you.我听不懂。I see. 我知道了。Pardon?请再说一遍。Are you with me?明白吗?Im thinking.

6、我正在想。Can you tell me something about it?你能告诉我一些情况吗?Any more else?还有吗?Dont worry.别着急。14-15Good morning!早上好!Good afternoon!下午好!Good evening!晚上好!How are you?你好吗?Im fine, thank you. How are you?我很好,谢谢你。你呢?Good-bye!再见!Good luck!祝好运!Take care!小心!Have a good time!祝玩得开心!Have a good day!日安!16-17Are you OK?你好

7、吗?I am happy. 我很高兴。I like it. 我喜欢。I forget .我忘了。You are right. 你对了。Are you all right?你还好吧?I feel good.我感觉很好。What a pity!真可惜!Come on!加油。Hurry up.快点儿。21-2Arms out. 手侧平举Spread out. 散开!Keep space. 保持距离One after another. 一个接一个Stop. 停Squat down.蹲下 Stand up.起立 Lets do morning exercises.我们一起做早操 Mark time.原地

8、踏步. March!走! 3-4Listen to me, please. 请听我说。Please hand out the books. 请发下去。No more talking, please. 请安静。 Attention, please. 请注意。Be quiet please.请安静。Raise your hands, please.请举手。 Hands down.把手放下。Repeat after me.跟我读。Follow me. 跟我读。 Open your books, please.请翻开书。5-6May I get more noodles? 能多给我点儿面条吗?Do y

9、ou like fish or chicken?你喜欢吃鱼还是鸡?Please flip down your collar.请把衣领放好。Dont roll up your sleeves.别把袖子卷起来。Make your bed , please.把床铺整理好。Hows the food today?今天的饭菜怎样?May I sit here?我可以坐这儿吗?Take your time, please.慢慢吃。Dont get your clothes wet. 别把衣服弄湿了。Dont spill water on the floor.别把水洒在地上。7-8Sweep the flo

10、or, please. 请扫地。Mop the floor, please. 请拖地。Keep quiet in the office.在办公室保持安静。Put everything in order. 把东西放好。Move your chair quietly. 轻轻搬椅子。Keep your desk clean, please.请保持桌面干净。Put your cup in the cupboard.把口杯放进口杯柜。Put away your things please. 请把东西放好。Turn on the airconditioner please. 请开空调。Turn off t

11、he airconditioner please. 请关空调。9-11Do you like this game? 你喜欢这个游戏吗?Whats your hobby?你的爱好是什么?I like to play piano.我喜欢弹钢琴。I like sports.我喜欢运动。I enjoy playing basketball.我喜欢打篮球。How was your vacation? 假期过得愉快吗?I went to the beach. 我去海滩玩了。We will have a barbecue. 我们要烧烤。Are you going swimming? 你们去游泳吗?Are y

12、ou having a good time? 你玩得开心吗?12-13See what I mean? 明白吗?Im thinking about it. 我正在想。What do you know about it? 你知道一些什么?I got it. 我懂了。I dont like it.我不喜欢。Youd better not.你最好别。Do you have any idea?你有什么办法吗?I have no idea.我不知道。I dont know how to put it.我不知道怎样说。I dont think so.我不这样看。14-15Nice to see you.见

13、到你很高兴。Glad to see you.很高兴见到你。Me too.我也是。Thank you very much.非常感谢。You are welcome.不用客气。Have fun!祝玩得愉快!Have a nice weekend!周末愉快!The same to you!大家一样!Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。No problem.不用客气。16-17Are you felling okay?你感觉还好吗?Excellent! 好极了!Just take it easy.放心吧。I am glad to hear that.我听了很高兴。Make haste.赶紧。I fe

14、el sad.我很伤心。I am sorry to hear that.我听了很难过。Dont worry.别担心。It will be better. 会好起来的。Wonderful!好极了!31-2Hands out. 手前平举Follow me , please. 跟我来Eyes front! Ready, Front! 向前看Follow the tempo. 跟上节拍.Listen to the beat of the music. 听听音乐节奏With strength.用力做 Stretch your arms.伸直胳膊 Stretch your legs.伸直腿 Put out your left foot.伸左脚 Pu


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