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1、公共英语三级pets3包过qWriting1、邀请信Examples:公共英语三级pets3包过q1).Dear Prof. Hopkins,Its my pleasure to invite you toNanjing University as a visiting professor fromApril 1 to June 30. We will offer you a salary of $3,000 per month. And alltravel expenses can be reimbursed.If you want to know the specificsof your

2、activities during this period, please contact Mr. Li Qing, whose telephone number is025-.Department of EnglishNanjingUniversityFaithfully yours,Notes:a visiting professor客座教授2).Dear Dr. Johnson,We arewriting this official letter to invite you to our university to give lecture.If you could come, well

3、 be very glad.It isreported you have developed a software that can simplify complicatedcalculations. Could you bring a copy with you?Sincerely yours, 公共英语三级pets3包过qWang Fang, Director2、接受邀请Example:Dear Mr. Peterson,Im happy to know that you are interested in myresearch. I would be glad to visit your

4、 laboratory next month as you expected.But myvisit needs to get official approval, so it would be so kind of you to send mea formal invitation letter. I would appreciate if you can state that: 1) youinvite me to your laboratory from June 20 to July 6. 2) you would finance mystay in your country. Act

5、ually, I would finance myself during the whole period.If you state like that, the procedure to get a visa would be simple.Yours sincerely,3、通知已办好签证并准备去访问Example:Dear Mr. Peterson, 公共英语三级pets3包过qIm gladto inform you that I have got my passport and visa to theU.S.A.Now Impreparing all necessary things

6、 for the coming trip to visit your university.After Iget flight ticket, I will inform you of the time of my arrival.Faithfullyyours,4、请求派人接机Example:Dear Mr. Peterson,Im pleased to tell you that Ihave booked the flight ticket to Denveron Sep,15 and the flight No. is TS1524.Since I have never been to

7、Denver, Im afraid I cantfind your university to the airport to meet me? 公共英语三级pets3包过qTruly yours,5、通知参加国际会议Example:Dear Mr. Robinson,This is to inform you that theinternational Conference on Structured Dynamics will be held from Nov.27, 1995to Nov.30, 1995 in Hongkong Polytechnic University.We hope

8、 you will be able to attend the conference. If you need additionalinformation concerning the preparation of your paper, please contact me (852)2766-6062.Yours sincerely,(Signature)Notes:Hongkong Polytechnic University香港理工大学6、邀请加入国际学术机构Example:Dear Colleague, 公共英语三级pets3包过qI hope you will take advant

9、age ofthis invitation to join me as a member of a remarkable organization.Founded in 1849, the XX Academyof Sciences has for more than 150 years played a unique role as an independentinstitution committed to advancing science and technology and to applying themfor the public good.Perhaps your intere

10、sts, likemine, range far beyond your own specialty field. If so, our Academy is asespecially good value. As a geneticist in a university community, I have longbeen dedicated to fundamental research, and Im concerned as well withinformation technologies, global public health trends, chemical and biol

11、ogicalweapons, and space exploration. 公共英语三级pets3包过qIn the course of my workover the30 years I have been a memberI have benefited from the Academys high qualitycross-disciplinary contributions and especially the new initiatives in scienceand technology.Please join me in this uniquelyvaluable members

12、hip organization and its work to illuminate and improve thecontributions of science, engineering, and medicine to global social andeconomic progress.Sincerely yours,Notes:take advantage利用benefit from7、求职信Examples:1)Dear Manager,Im writing to you about thepossibility of working as a computer programm

13、er in your company. Though Ihavent held a job before, I feel that my college record shows that Im a good,energetic and reliable man, and what is more, I did computer programming as apart-time job for some companies in the past two years, and I believe thisexperience will lead to my competence in you

14、r company. 公共英语三级pets3包过qI have passed CET-6, and I canspeak English smoothly.Should you be interested in myapplication, I will be available for an interview at your convenience.Sincerely yours,2)DearSirs,In reply to your advertisement in China Daily, Ishould be grateful if you would consider my app

15、lication for this post.I have been working as an audio-typist for more thansix years; my speed in shorthand is 110 words a minute and in typing, 60 wordsa minute. I have recently updated my qualifications by taking a course incomputer studies.Im now very proficient in word processing (Windowsin Word

16、s 6.0) and familiar with data bases such as VFP 2.0. Im experienced inall kinds of office work and have a good knowledge of up-to-date accountancyprograms. Im 26 and have a clean driving license. I enclose my curriculumvitae and copies of three testimonials. I very much hope that you will give methe opportun


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