2017-2018学年高中英语 module 5 newspapers and magazines(第2课时)grammar课件 外研版必修2

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2017-2018学年高中英语 module 5 newspapers and magazines(第2课时)grammar课件 外研版必修2_第1页
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1、成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,Newspapers and Magazines,Module 5,第二课时 Grammar,Module 5,用从属连词when/while/as/since/now that完成句子。 1_ he was orbiting in the capsule, he took photographs of planet earth. 2_ Yang landed, Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre to offer his congratulations. 3_ he was trav

2、elling in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station, which is orbiting the earth, American astronaut Edward Lu and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko.,4_ no one else saw the aliens, not many people believe Mr Bates. 5. _I have made this first visit, I hope I can come

3、 many more times. 6_ you have asked me so nicely, said Sharon, “Id be delighted to sign your arm.” 答案:1.When 2.When 3.While 4.Since 5.Now that 6As,1.replace vt. (1)放回原处 You should replace the magazine on the shelf after you read it. 你读完杂志后要将它放回书架上。 (2)取代;代替 George replaced Edward as captain. 乔治接任爱德华

4、当队长。 We must try to find new material to replace plastics. 我们必须找到新材料来替代塑料。,知识拓展 同义词组:take the place of代替,取代 in place of代替 replaceable adj.可替换的 replacement n代替,更换;替换的人(物),No one can take the place of her mother. 没有人能代替她的母亲。 In place of our advertised program, we will be showing a film. 我们将放映一部电影来代替广告

5、节目。 He is not replaceable. He is the only right person for the position. 他是无可替代的。他是适合这个职位的唯一人选。 Some parts of the car are badly in need of replacement. 这部车的一些零件急需替换。,即学即用 语法填空 Im sorry, Ill _ the vase I broke as soon as possible. 答案:replace,2evidence nU证据;根据 At present we have no evidence of life on

6、 other planets. 目前我们还没有在其他行星上存在生命的证据。 Do you have evidence that this treatment works? 你有证据可以证明这种治疗方法管用吗? We found further scientific evidence for this theory. 我们找到了进一步证实这种理论的科学根据。 What he said sounds right, but there is not enough evidence to show he isnt the murderer. 他的话听起来合乎情理,但没有足够的证据来证明他不是凶手。,知

7、识拓展 evidence of/for 的证据(交换位置) There is some/no evidence that有/没有证据证明 give evidence 出庭作证 in evidence显眼,引人注目地 evident adj.明白的,明显的 evidently adv.显然地,There is some evidence that a small amount of alcohol is good for you. 有证据显示,少量饮酒有益健康。 Carol was called upon to give evidence. 卡罗尔被要求出庭作证。,即学即用 语法填空 No _

8、(evident)has been found so far and as a result the young man was set free. 答案:evidence 题意:查无实据,因此那个年轻人被释放。evidence“证据”,符合题意。,3belief nU,C信念;信条;相信;信任disbelief nU不信;怀疑;疑惑 He explained the beliefs of Taoism to us. 他向我们讲解了道教的教义。 My belief is that he will win. 我确信他会赢。 Linda shook her head in disbelief. 琳

9、达怀疑地摇了摇头。,助记 dis可加在名词、动词或形容词之前,表示相反的词义。类似的词还有: disadvantage n不利条件 discomfort n不舒适 discontinue vt.中断 discourage vt.使灰心 dishonest adj. 不诚实的 disgraceful adj. 可耻的;差劲的,搭配 beyond belief难以置信 I find his behaviour beyond belief. 我发现他的所作所为令人难以置信。,即学即用 语法填空 The difficulties they are facing are just beyond _ (b

10、elieve) though they decided to continue their research. 答案:belief 句意:他们决心继续他们的研究,但是他们面临的困难是难以置信的。beyond belief为固定短语,意为“难以置信;不可思议”。,e to (1)共计,达到;归结为 The plan came to nothing. 计划落空了。 (2)涉及;至于 When it comes to playing basketball he is the champ. 说到打篮球,他最拿手。 (3)苏醒;复苏,知识拓展 come to light 暴露,显露 come to on

11、eself 苏醒过来;恢复自制力 when it comes to. 当涉及 come to an end 结束 come to a decision 作出决定 come to a conclusion 得出结论 come to sb. 被想出,即学即用 她突然想到自己从开始就错了。 _ _ _ _ _ _she had been wrong all along. 答案:It suddenly came to her that,2believe in (1)信任;依赖;相信的效用 If you believe in yourself, you can succeed. 你能自信便会成功。 (2

12、)相信的真实性;相信的存在 Do you believe in magic? 你相信魔术真有其事吗?,知识拓展 believe it or not 信不信由你 believe me (加强语气)相信我的话,真的 make believe 假装 Would you believe it? (表示惊讶)你能相信吗?,即学即用 翻译句子 我相信了他,尽管他的话听上去难以置信。 _ 据信这房子建于1735年。 _ 人们需要个可以信赖的总统。 _,答案:I believed him, even though his words sounded unlikely. It is believed that

13、the house was built in 1735. The people need a president they can believe in.,3come on (1)口语中常用来表示“快”;“来吧(别再犹豫了)”;“加油”;“赶快”等。 Come on Tom. I have something to tell you. 快过来汤姆,我有事要告诉你。 (2)进行;进展(come along) How is your work coming on? 你的工作进展如何? I hope his plans are coming on all right. 我希望他的计划进展顺利。,(3

14、)(夜幕等)降临,到来 Night is coming on. 夜晚就要来临。 (4)举行;上演 The play will come on next week. 这部剧将在下周上演。 The final examination comes on next month. 期末考试下月举行。,知识拓展 come about 发生;造成 come across (无意中)碰到;找到 come along 跟着去;进展 come back 恢复;回想起来 come from 来自;是的人 come out 出版;长出;显出;结果是;结局是,即学即用 介词填空 One day I came_a new

15、spaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college. 答案:across come across意为“偶遇”。句意:一天我偶然读到了一篇报纸上的文章,是关于附近一所州立大学的一位英语教授退休的事情。,1.Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise. 昨晚正当天文学业余爱好者戴维贝茨透过望远镜观看月球时,(所看到的景象令)他大吃一惊。 该句中when作连词,相当于and then,意为“就在那个时候;这时”,前一分句多用进行时、过去完成时、be about to或be on the point of doing形式,表示一件事非常及时地在另一件事情正在进行时发生了。,I was watching TV when he suddenly


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