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1、下载毙考题APP免费领取考试干货资料,还有资料商城等你入驻邀请码:8806 可获得更多福利2018年英语二小作文预测(二) 如果你像神求助,说明你相信神的能力;如果神没有帮助你,说明神相信你的能力。 你跟别人的差距,在于你走得慢。而在于,别人走的时候,你只是一直在看。总是一边担心着未来,一边浪费着时间。在今天的文章当中,高老师将继续和大家来说一说英语二的小作文其余重点文章(邀请信、请求信、询问信、投诉信)和每篇文章大家应该注意的小点。首先我们先从邀请信说起。 例子1:邀请信 Directions: You are going to celebrate your 23rd birthday wi

2、th a big party. Write a letter to invite your friend Anne to the party. In the letter, please specify the time and the location, explain the activities, and express your wish for her attendance. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. U

3、se Li Ming instead. Do not write the address. 邀请信是英语一和英语二集中的一个考察点。邀请信可以分为邀请群体参加某个会议或活动,也有邀请一个优秀人物参加某项活动。若为邀请群体的信,一般和通知里面的内容相似,如一般可以交代活动发生的时间、地点、内容等主题;若为邀请个人,一般第二段主要写被邀请人在此领域的优秀表现,所以和赞扬别人的信件第二段是相似的。 参考范文: Dear Anne, I wonder if there is any chance for your to come to my 23rd birthday party at my hous

4、e on this Saturday night, May the 8th. It would be my pleasure to share the important moments with you. In addition, since you are a fan of rock music, I am glad to tell you that I have invited our campus blue band, the Brain break, to perform. There are also arrangements for dancing and cake-cuttin

5、g, which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy. The dinner starts at 6 pm so that we can have a nice and long evening. I would love for you to attend, so please let me know your decision. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 参考句型: I wonder if there is any chance for your to come to It would be my pleasure to shar

6、e the important moments with you. I am glad to tell you that There are also arrangements for which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy. The dinner starts at so that we can have a nice and long evening. I would love for you to attend, so please let me know your decision. 例子2:投诉信 Directions:You bought

7、 a digital camera in a store last week, and you have found that there is something wrong with it. Write a letter to the store manager to explain the problem, express your complaints and suggest a solution. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of th

8、e letter. Use Li Ming instead. Do not write the address. 随着社会的发展,人际关系之间会出现问题也不足为怪。所以,面对这样的事情,我们应该学会解决问题的方式。在投诉的过程中,我们一般建议大家可以从以下几个角度开始论述,如态度(态度是一个中性的话题,一般来说是不会出现错误)、质量(科技发展,社会变化会给我们带来好的利益之时,也会带来负面的影响)。 参考范文: Dear Manager, I venture to write to complain about the quality of the digital camera I bough

9、t last Friday at your store. During the five days the camera has been in my possession, problems have emerged one after another. For one thing, the screen is always black, making the camera no different from a traditional one. For another, the battery is distressing as it supports the camera s opera

10、tion for only two hours. Therefore, I wish to exchange it for another camera or declare a refund. I will appreciate it if my problem receives due attention. Yours, Li Ming 参考句型: I venture to write to complain about For one thing For another Therefore, I wish to exchange it for another or I declare a

11、 refund. 投诉信和道歉信是有相同之处,就是要有建议和解决措施,希望大家不要忘记。 例子3:请求信 Directions: You want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area. Write a letter to the department concerned, asking them to help find a candidate. You should specify what kind of child you want to help and

12、how you will carry out your plan. Write your letter in no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use Li Ming instead. Do not write the address. (10 points) 请求信一般是身体部分会出现问题,大家一定要注意题目之中的重点点题之词。其二,我们在审题中一定要注意细节,忽略任何一个细节。任何一个点都会扣掉我们2到3

13、分。其三,请求信一般是写给不熟悉的组织,大家要注意称呼部分及一定要加上自我介绍,且在自我介绍中重点讲述自己的能力是可以满足要求的。 参考范文: To whom it may concern, My name is Li Ming, a college student of Peking University, and I am writing in the hope of your assistance to find a needy child for whom I may provide financial support. First and foremost I would like

14、to declare that I possess the financial ability to implement this plan owing to decent income from part-time jobs. As to the candidate, I am hoping that he/ she comes from an elementary school of the less developed areas of Western China, who is forced out of school. I would like to pay for his/ her

15、 tuition fee and other school expenses until he/ still graduates from university. Thank you for your time. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 以上三封信,本人只是从自我角度给大家一个方向感和参考素材,希望对大家的复习会有一定的帮助。 总之,所有的信件都有自己的模式和写作套路,大家要熟悉套路的同时,进行展开扩写。让自我的文章内容充实,重点突出,效果良好,基本上达到了写作的要求。为提高统计人员的工作效率,专门为统计人员配备计算机,实行报账、学籍、学校国有固定资产联网,为确保数据的准确性,我们为统计人员配备U盘,对原始数据进行保存,减少和杜绝虚报、瞒报、漏报、错报等现象的发生。考试使用毙考题,不用再报培训班


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