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1、第四部分 动物世界(一)1. Why Are The Rats Traveling?老鼠为何迁徙北欧一些国家有一种老鼠,不仅繁殖能力强,而且特别喜欢迁徙,其频率之高、速度之快,令人们瞠目而困惑。为何这种老鼠不像我们的家鼠一样喜欢呆在一个特定的地方,而不辞辛苦地挪窝呢?请看这篇文章,它会告诉你什么。In some North European countries such as Norway and Sweden, there is a kind of rats called traveling rats, which produce their young seven or eight tim

2、es a year. The young will grow up in about six months and produce their own young. So, in a few years these rats increase in great numbers. Usually they live together in holes in the depth of high mountains and live on grass and roots of trees. What is strange is that every three or four years, they

3、 will migrate in thousands or even in millions, leaving a few of them in their original living place.The migration mainly goes on at night. In daytime, they eat and rest. At night, they go just straight forward, even if there is a river before them: the rats in the front will drown themselves while

4、the ones after them will make their way on the bodies of the drowned rats. Sometimes the number of the moving rats may decrease because of illness, bad weather or attacks from eagles, wolves and so on. Once they reach the seaside, they keep on fearlessly and get drowned to the last one of them.Why d

5、o they make such a migration? Some suggest that there may be too many of them to find food. Some suggest that the migration is the result of the bad temper of the rats. But all these remain to be proved.Comprehension Questions:1. Usually a two-year-old traveling rat may have had its babies _ at the

6、least.A. twice B. seven times C. ten times D. fourteen times2. What do traveling ants feed on? _A. Grass and roots of trees. B. Crops such as corn, rice, and wheat. C. Grass, roots of trees and fishes in the sea. D. Roots of grass, trees and flowers.2. Can Penguins Fly?企鹅会飞吗?企鹅会飞吗?估计我们没有人在现实中或者在电视上看

7、到过,不过它们确实属于鸟类。它们的翅膀哪里去了?翅膀退化后变成了什么?它们的生活为何离不开水?小企鹅又是怎么被抚养起来的?企鹅的生活本身有许多有趣之处,让我们带着兴趣走进文章。Penguins are birds who lost the ability to fly millions of years ago. These birds are such good swimmers that they seem to fly along in the water. They are as graceful and swift underwater as other birds are in t

8、he air. Penguins can reach speeds of 15 miles an hour, using their flippers as paddles, much like other birds using their wings in the air, for these flippers actually developed from wings. Penguins steer and change directions with their feet and tails.Penguins travel beneath the surface of the wate

9、r looking for food. All their food comes from the sea, and they hunt fish, shrimp, and squid. Penguins can dive 300 feet down into the water, but they must surface for air. They spend months at sea without returning to the land. On land, they hop, waddle, walk or slide on their bellies if they want

10、to go faster. They climb out of the water to rest, to lay their eggs, to raise their young, and to escape their enemies.The female Emperor penguin comes on land, lays one egg on the bare ice, then immediately returns to the ocean. The male keeps the egg warm for two months until it hatches by rollin

11、g it onto his webbed feet and covering it with his fatty lower belly. During this two months period, the male does not eat!Comprehension Questions:1. The penguin _A. can fly though it has no wings. B. cannot fly though it belongs to the bird family. C. can fly because it used to be a bird. D. may be

12、 called a fish because it can live in the water.2. Penguins present flippers were _ millions of years ago.A. their paddles B. their feet C. their wings D. their tails3. When a penguin is going to change its direction, it will depend on its _ A. feet and tails. B. flippers and feet. C. wings. D. eyes

13、.4. By what means will a penguin go fastest? _ A. By hopping. B. By waddling. C. By walking. D. By sliding on his belly.5. What will a penguin probably do if he wants to get free from his enemy? _A. It may return to the land. B. It may pretend to lay an egg. C. It must fight with its enemy. D. It ma

14、y stay still deep in the water.(BCADA)猫头鹰在你的眼中是不是有种灵性?在漆黑的夜晚,它那犀利的眼光能够准确而迅速地捕捉到猎物,是何原因?其夜晚出没的生活习性中究竟隐含着什么秘密?猫头鹰几乎专以鼠类为食,是重要的益鸟,而且猫头鹰是唯一能够分辨蓝色的鸟类。由于它们的外貌丑陋,叫声凄厉,给人以恐怖的感觉,因而招致一些人的厌恶,甚至有一些迷信传说,认为它是不吉利的鸟,其实都是不正确的。让我们一起来看看这篇文章,它会告诉你什么信息。The owl is a bird that flies at night. Because of its very soft feat

15、hers, it flies as silently as a breeze, swooping down on mice, gophers, rats, and sometimes even on such large animals as rabbits and squirrels and skunks.It catches them in its long, strong claws. In a single night some owls can eat their own weight in mice and rats.Owls are big. Owls are little. Some are as big as a fireplug. Some are so small that they would fit in your pocket. But dont try to put one there, or you will get scratched and bitten!North, south, east, and westowls live almost everywhere. Some live in forests or parks, probably close t


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