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1、2014-2015学年厦门十中高一年英语教案(必修一)高一英语(必修一) Unit 1 Friendship 教学设计Unit 1 FriendshipTeaching goals:*语言知识to talk about friends and friendship, and interpersonal relationship to practise expressing attitudes, agreement and disagreement, and certainty to master some sentences about giving advice to learn to us

2、e the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1): statements and questions to learn about communication skills *语言技能和学习策略to develop listening skills by doing exercises in listening task to develop speaking skills by finishing the speaking task and other activities like discussion and oral practice to deve

3、lop reading skills through the reading materials in this unit to learn to write a letter of advice *文化意识to know about friend and the real meaning of friend to learn how to get along with others *情感态度to arouse the interest in learning English to learn to express their feeling of friends and friendshi

4、p Teaching key points:how to improve students speaking and cooperating abilities learn to use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1):statements and questions master some words and expressions Teaching difficult points:train the students speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities how to imp

5、rove students cooperating abilities Teaching methods:Student-focus approach and task-based approachLearning methods:Cooperative studyTeaching aids:ComputerPeriod 1一高考题型介绍1. 听力-302.单选-153.完型-304.阅读-405. 短文-106.写作-251. 听老师课堂用语2. 听单词和课文MP33.听力练习(早读)4. 影视节目1. 大胆开口说2. 读课文,大声读单词3. 课堂积极发言4. 10分的口语评价分单选:词汇+

6、语法完型:词汇+技巧阅读:词汇+阅读方法短文填词:写作:功能性写作自由写作写英文日记(词汇+句子+指导)教学反思: 今天我讲太多了,学生似乎有些疲劳,而且我还没有进入单词的讲解,时间有点浪费,明天记住:要精讲要点!Period 2Step 1 早读朗读Unit 1 词汇和课文Step 2 Show timeNo .2 表现很好!Step 3 Word studyUnit 1 words 1. do a survey2. add up 要牢记:不积跬步,无以至千里。Remember: Little steps add up to big dreams.add up, add up to, add

7、 to , addtoPlease _ the numbers and Im sure they will _ more than 1,000.A. add, add up B. add up, add up C. add up, add up to D. add, add to【双语释义】 v.增加,增添(increase);加;添加【学情诊断】(1)用add短语的适当形式填空Now try to all the figures.The figures 100.The fine weather our pleasure.Please some sugar the milk.3. upset

8、adj. worried; annoyed 不安的;使心烦意乱的 be upset aboutYour friend comes to school, very upset.Jim arrived home, tired and hungry.She lay in bed,_ .她躺在床上,醒着。They arrived home,_ .他们安然无恙地到了家。4. ignore sbsth=turn a blind eye to sthignorevt. to pay no attention to sth. 忽视;对不予理睬ignore his mother ignore the teach

9、ers advice ignore the traffic lightsignorant adj.无知的;不知的be ignorant of 对。无知 Tim is chatting with his e-pals on the Internet, ignoring his mother who wants to communicate with him.ignorant adj. 无知的;没有学识的; ignorance n. 无知;(对某事)缺乏认识He was driving very fast because he was ignorant of the speed limit. 他的

10、车开得很快,因为他不知道要限速。小试牛刀:He _ and goes on the smoking. 他不顾医生的忠告而继续吸烟。 It is a question that can not _.这是一个不容忽视的问题。 His failure resulted from _.他的失败起因于他的无知。5. calm down sb.=calm sb. Down使某人镇静sb. calm down(vi.)某人平静下来eg. The excited girl quickly calmed down. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

11、calm平静的,沉着的;指无风浪或人的心情不激动。quiet宁静的,安静的;指没有声音、不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑。silent寂静的,沉默的;指不说话或没有声音。still静止的,不动的;指(人体等)无运动的。巧思妙解用calm,quiet,silent,still填空(1)Alice was laughing and joking,but her sister remained _.(2)We stood _ in front of the temple and had a photo taken of us.(3)Well have to be _ so as not to wake u

12、p the sleeping baby.(4)Though he was a little bit frightened,he remained _ in face of the bear.6. have got to7. be concerned about 关心 be concerned with 与。有关show concern for 关心a major concern 关注The bad effect of famous peoplestaking marijuana(大麻)has become a major concern in China. (2)as far as I am

13、concerned 在我看来(=in my opinion) You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her and you will meet after class and talk then. 你会告诉你的朋友你很关心他/她,下课后你们会见面交谈。6The meeting was concerned _reforms and everyone present was concerned _ their own interests.Afor;about Bwith;forCwith;with Dabout;wit

14、h解析:选B。句意:这个会议与改革有关,到会的每个人都关心自己的利益。be concerned with.“与有关”;be concerned for/about.“关心”。8. walk the dog9. loose10. vet教学反思: 今天讲评阅读理解A 篇,难度不大,但是准确性不高。3班17个全对, 4班-14个全对。传统词汇教学中寻求新意:1. 名句中学习词汇Unit 1学习add up to 要牢记:不积跬步,无以至千里。Remember: Little steps add up to big dreams.2. 在写作训练中学习词汇Unit 1学习 ignore Tim is chatting with his e-pals on the Internet, ignoring his mother who wants to communicate with him.3. 在时事语境中学习词汇 The bad effect of famous peoplestaking marijuana(大麻)has become a major concern in China. 4. 通过翻译法来学习词汇在我看来,朋友对每个人


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