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1、2002年1月浙江省大学英语三级考试试卷窗体顶端Part I Listening ComprehensionSection A1.A、By bus. B、By taxiC、On foot.D、By train.2.A、To the drugstore.B、To the lab.C、To her office.D、To her mothers.3.A、3 pence.B、7 pence.C、4 pence.D、10 pence4.A、She will join the man for dinner.B、She will have to study.C、Shes going to have a w

2、alk.D、She will go to the concert.5.A、Milk.B、Eggs.C、Bread.D、Fruit.6.A、Jack.B、Tom.C、Alice.D、Jane.7.A、Inside the Central Building.B、Opposite the Central Building.C、Close to the Central Building.D、Two blocks away from the Central Building.8.A、Light.B、Well-paid.C、Interesting.D、Boring.9.A、A secretary.B、A

3、waitress.C、A customer.D、A housewife.10.A、It is more thoughtful.B、It is less popular.C、It is the same as the popular music.D、She has no idea.Section B Passage One Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. A、Sleeping. B、Dreams. C、Interests. D、Experiences.12. A、Dreams reflect

4、ones future life. B、Your dreams may come from your past experiences. C、 Prisoners never dare to dream of freedom. D、We always dream about what we wish for.13. A、Families. B、Food. C、Exams. D、Freedom.Passage Two Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. A、1 kilogram. B、5 kilo

5、grams. C、15 kilograms. D、50 kilograms.15. A、Wood of trees. B、Hair-like parts of certain plants. C、Roots of trees. D、Hair of certain animals.16. A、Because they are forest countries. B、Because there are many people in those countries. C、Because most people in those countries are well-educated. D、Becau

6、se they are short of paper.Passage Three Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.17. A、The relationship between the speaker and Susan. B、The arrangement of the speakers wedding. C、The speakers parents opinion of Susan. D、The speakers plan for the future.18. A、At Susans home.

7、B、In a swimming pool. C、On a tennis court. D、At a dance.19. A、Her boyfriend talks about marriage. B、Her boyfriends parents dont like her. C、Her boyfriend is not very smart. D、Her boyfriend works as a salesman.20. A、The speaker wants to forget Susan. B、Susan may lose her job. C、The speaker and Susan

8、are of the same age. D、Susan has saved enough money for her futurePart II Vocabulary21.After a successful career in business, he was _ the chairman of the committee.A、 appointedB、adoptedC、adjustedD、achieved22.These programs are designed for those young people who want to _ higher education but don n

9、ot have enough time to go to university.A、insureB、persistC、inquireD、pursue23.The workers are _ young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty.A、mostB、muchC、mostlyD、more24.It was difficult to guess what her _ to the news would be.A、impressionB、reactionC、commentD、opinion25.We are interested in th

10、e weather because it _ us so directly - what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.A、benefitsB、affectsC、guidesD、effects26.There was no news from her son for quite a few years; _, Susan went on hoping.A、neverthelessB、furthermoreC、consequentlyD、therefore27.He was _ of robbery and was sentenced to

11、ten years imprisonment.A、assuredB、chargedC、confirmedD、accused28.Thoughts are expressed _ means of words.A、byB、withC、inD、on29.There is no _ in going to the cinema now as the film has already started.A、reasonB、causeC、motiveD、point30.American students seldom live on campus. _, they live at home and tra

12、vel to classes.A、InsteadB、For exampleC、Whats moreD、However31.Will you please _ my paper to find out whether Ive made any mistakes?A、look outB、look intoC、look throughD、look up at32.We must _ whats the matter with the computer.A、give outB、figure outC、run outD、fill out33.He couldnt _ his failure in the

13、 English test.A、account forB、account toC、aware ofD、according to34.The nurses should _ it that the children are fed and dressed properly.A、see inB、see toC、see outD、see off35.I _ an old friend when I was visiting London last week.A、ran intoB、ran overC、ran throughD、ran along36.Many people complain of the rapid _ of modern life.A、rateB、speedC、paceD、growth37.I like this hous



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