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1、雅思分类词汇 - 依据词频 & 词率 十三. 肢体动作类相关词汇 1 与“工作、行为、从事”相关的词汇 词汇1. behave v.举动,表现;运转( behavior n.)2. deed n.行为,行动 do good ; to be rewarded for ones good ; misdeed n.3. engage v.雇用;从事;订婚;吸引;吻合 be d4. manner n.方式;态度;举止;(复数)礼貌 mannerism n.(说话;举止)习气;癖性 noticeable 5. profession n.职业;自由职业 al adj./n.职业的/职业人员;内行;专家6.

2、 task n.任务;工作7. work n./v.工作,劳动;职业;工作成果,产品;著作,作品;工厂;功,做功/ 工作,劳动/运转;起作用,有效 er n.劳动者; man 工匠; shop 车间,作坊;研讨会,讲习班a. Are you fond of challenging ?b. The s of famous painters may be seen in the museum.c. Will your plan ? 词汇1. excavate v.挖掘;挖出 a large hole2. hitchhike v.免费搭乘便车 词汇1. attendance n.到场;出席人数2.

3、engagement n.订婚;约会;交战 break off Although it was only a short , a lot of men were killed.3. errand v.差使;差事 2 与“花费、节省、吃喝”相关的词汇 词汇1. bite v./n.咬;鱼上钩 Sometimes I sit for hours without getting a .2. blow v./n. 刮风;吹气/打,打击3. cost n./v.价格,成本,费用/价格为,使花费4. expense n.花费;费用 travel (expensive adj. an education)5

4、. waste v./n./adj.消费,未充分利用/浪费,糟蹋;废料,弃物/废的,丢弃的,无用的;荒芜的 (wasteful adj.)Its wasteful to throw these away; we might be able to use them one day. 词汇1. bark n./v.树皮,狗叫 inner of bamboo; at; several fierce 2. consume v.消耗;消费;耗尽 on (consumer n.消费者;用户)3. consumption n.消费;结核病4. frugal adj.俭朴的;花钱少的 Although hes

5、 become rich, hes still very with his money.5. smoke v./n.烟;吸烟 There is no without fire.(无风不起浪)6. spend v.花费,用(钱);花(钱;时间);度过;消磨7. swallow v.吞咽;淹没;忍受 词汇1. chew v.咀嚼2. dip v./n. 蘸湿/斜坡3. expend v.消费,用尽 too much energy on (expenditure n.花费;支出;消费量)4. greedy adj.贪吃的,贪婪的 for power5. lick v./n.舔;(火焰)卷过;(波浪)

6、轻拍/舔 The small waves ed the seashore.6. suck v./n.吸食,吮吸;使耗尽,使枯竭 词汇1. devour v. 狼吞虎咽地吃2. profuse adj. 毫不吝惜的,挥霍的;充沛的,过多的;大量的 be of money 3. nibble v.啃,一点一点咬4. thrifty adj.节俭 3 与“行走、跑步、跳跃、通过、锻炼”相关的词汇 词汇1. across prep./adv.横越,穿过;在对面,与交叉/宽,阔2. act v./n. 行动,做事;起作用;表演/动作;(一)幕;法令,条例 action n.(行动,行为;动作,活动;作用

7、);activate v.(激活;开动;使活动);active adj.(有活力的,活跃的,敏捷的);activity n.(活性;活力;活动)a. An actors actions and words should agree.b. The national campaign is aimed at activating the labor movement.c. He is in his full time of activity.d. Although he is over seventy; he is still active.3. bounce v./n. 反跳,弹起,乱冲/弹4.

8、 bound v./n./adj. 跳跃前进,跳跃/跳动/一定的,必定的 An initial failure was to blight a later success.5. exercise v./n.锻炼,训练;练习,习题/锻炼,训练;运用,使用 physical ; ones right6. fly v./n.飞行,乘飞机旅行;飞奔,飞跑7. jump v./n. 跳跃;跳过 8. leap v./n.扑向,欣然接受take a from9. lie v./n.躺,卧;说谎,撒谎10. rush adv./adj. 彻底地,完全地/直达的,直通的 the train11througho

9、ut prep.遍及 spread the country12via prep. 经由 fly Athens Paris13walk v./n.步行,散步14wander v./n.漫游;迷路,与同伴走散;离题 Dont from the subject; stick to the point. 词汇1. climb v.爬;攀登 up2. crawl v./n.爬行,缓慢行进;起鸡皮疙瘩/爬行;自由泳3. crouch v.蹲伏 词汇1. creep v. 爬行;缓慢移动;(时间,年纪)悄悄过去;蔓延 Ivy had crept over the ruined castle walls.(常

10、春藤)2. glide v./n.滑动,滑翔3. kneel n./n.跪下4. transit n.运输,搬运5. trek v.长途跋涉;旅行 go ing 词汇1. hijack v.劫持;劫机;拦路抢劫2. hop n./v.单脚跳3. hover v.(鸟)盘旋;翱翔;(人)在附近徘徊4. tramp n. 长途旅行5. tread v./n.踩踏;行走/(轮胎)胎面;脚步声6. tumble v.跌倒,摔倒;摇摇欲坠 词汇1. jog n./v.轻推;轻撞;缓慢前进2. ramble n./v.闲逛;散步,漫步;蔓延;闲谈 Im fond of ing the forest.3.

11、roam v.漫步;漫游;流浪 fields and river banks in fall4. trot n./v.小跑;疾走 4 与“看、听、说”相关的词汇 词汇1. audience n.听众;读者;接见(audible adj.听得见的)(audition n.试听;试演,面试) It is too silent that my heart-beat is almost .2. cry n./v.叫喊;哭泣3. exclaim v.呼叫;惊叫 at4. glance v.看一眼;扫视;一瞥 She d along the road to see if he was coming.5.

12、hear v.听见;审讯,听政;听说,得知;收到的信(电话) ing n.听力(所及的距离);倾听;审讯6. listen v.倾听7. loud adj.大声的;响亮的8. noise n.喧哗声;噪音;响声9. sigh v./n. 痛惜;叹气10. sing v.歌唱11. speak v. 说话,讲话 (speaker n.演讲者;扬声器)12. stare v,凝视;盯13. talk n./v.交谈;商讨;谈话;讨论14utter v./adj.发出(声音);说/彻底的;完全的;绝对的15watch n./v.表/注视,观看;看守,监视16whisper v.低语;耳语 to sb

13、. 词汇1. aloud adv. 出声地;大声地2. browse v./n. 放牧,吃草;浏览3. gape v./n. 张开;张口;裂开/目瞪口呆4. glimpse n./v. 一瞥;匆匆一看 I d him among the crowd just before she disappeared from the sight.5. invisible adj. 看不见的;无形的6. oral adj.口头的 an exam7. peer n./v.同等的人;同辈/凝视 Children are very susceptible to -group pressure.8. roar n.

14、/v.怒吼;轰鸣声;喧闹声;呼啸 Storm ed through the forest.9. scream n.尖叫;叫喊10. whistle n./v. 口哨声,汽笛声;口哨/吹哨 cheerfully11. yell v./n. 叫喊,号叫 词汇1. accent n. 腔调,口音;重音 with a strong 2. chat n./v. 闲谈 about3. reticent adj. 缄默的;沉默寡言的4. scan v.浏览;细看5. skim v. 浏览;略读/掠过 The book is worth ming through.6. visualize v.使形象化;想象 (visible adj.可见的)(visual adj.视觉的;看的) I cant myself ever getting married. 词汇1. gossip n./v.流言蛮语;报上的社会新闻;爱传流言的人/闲聊;传播流言 a. Many newspapers have a column, where the private lives of famous people are often reported. b. She can spend



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