PEP小学三年级英语上册Unit 5 导学案 2

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1、 Unit 5 Lets eatPeriod One学习目标1、能听、说、认读单词:juice, bread, egg.2、能听懂、会说:Id like some juice, please. Here you are. Have some bread, too.一. Review to understand.(温故知新)1.Look and choose.(看图选单词,将单词序号填入对应的方框内。)A.pig D.tiger E.elephant F.bird G.bear 2.Read the sentences in pairs.(两人一组用上面的单词练习小对话

2、.) -Whats this/that? -Its .二.Warm-up(热身活动)Match the sentences with the pictures.(句图连线。)1. Cool! I like the rabbit.2. Cool! I like the monkey.3. Cool! I like the panda.4. Cool! I like the cat.三.Self check(自学检测)1.Read and choose.(读对话,句图搭配。)A.-Id like some juice, please. -Here you are.B.-Have some eggs

3、, please. -Thank you.C.-Id like some bread, please. -Here you are.( ) ( ) ( )2.Read the dialogues in pairs.(两人一组朗读上面的对话,并对同伴做出评价。)( ) ( ) ( )四.Consolidation.(巩固练习)Read and number.(读句子,给下列图片标号。)1.Id like some milk, please.2.Have some noodles, please.3.Id like some apples, please.4.Have some ice cream

4、, please.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五.Expanding Practice.(拓展训练)1.Read and choose.(读句子,选择合适的单词,将单词序号填在横线上。)A.milk B.juice cream D.bread .Im hungry. Id like some _ and _.Im thirsty. Id like some _.Im hot. Id like some _.2.Read the sentences in pairs.(两人一组朗读上面的句子。)Period Two学习目标1、能听、说、认读单词milk,继续巩固单词juice, e

5、gg and bread.2、能听懂、会说句子:Mum, Im hungry. Id like some, please. Here you are.和Have some并能在真实的情景中进行运用。一. Review to understand.(温故知新)Look and choose.(看图,根据图片序号,选择正确的单词填在横线上。) cream B.juice C.breadD.apples E.noodles F.eggs1. Id like some _, please.2. Have some _, please.3. Id like some _, please.4.

6、Have some _, please.5. Id like some _, please.6. Id like some _, please.二.Warm-up(热身活动)Read and colour the pictures.(给图片涂色。)1.The egg is yellow.2.The milk is white.3.The juice is orange.4.The ice cream is pink and brown.5.The apples are green.三.Self check(自学检测)Read and circle.(读句子,圈出正确的图片)1.Have som

7、e eggs. 2.Eat some bread. 3.Drink some milk.四.Consolidation.(巩固练习)Think and match.(想一想,并连线。) Im thirsty. Im hungry.五.Expanding Practice.(拓展训练)Choose.(单项选择。)( )1.Id _ )2.Look _ the cat. )3._ some noodles. A.Have B.Look( )4.Here _ are. A.your )5.-I like hamburgers

8、.-_ A.Yes. B.Me too.Period Three学习目标:1、能听、说、读、写字母:Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt2、能听、说、认读以Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt字母开头的单词:on, orange, pig, queen, quiet, rice, red, six, Sarah, tiger,ten一. Review to understand.(温故知新)Read and check.(判断句子是“”否“”与图片一致。)( )1. Have some noodles.( )2. Have some juice.( )3. Eat some i

9、ce cream.( )4. Drink some milk.二.Warm-up(热身活动)Write the letters from Aa to Mm.(写出A到M的大小写。)三.Self check(自学检测)Write the letters.(抄写字母。)四.Consolidation.(巩固练习)Look and choose.(看图片,圈字母。) m n S T o r p q J K b d C S L J五.Expanding Practice.(拓展训练)Interview your partners and complete the sentences.(采访朋友,完成练

10、习。)E.g. - What would you like, ZhangHui? -Id like juice.Zhang Hui: Id like juice.1. _: I like _.2. _: I like _.3. _: I like _.4. _: I like _.Period Four学习目标1、 能听、说、认读单词water.2、 能用Can I have some?的句型点餐。3、 能用Youre welcome.来回复对方的谢意。一. Review to understand.(温故知新)1.Write the words.(写出课本50页,每个字母后的两个单词,注意要

11、用书写体哦!试试吧!看谁写得最漂亮,并对同伴做出评价。)Oo Pp QqRr Ss Tt( ) ( ) ( )二.Warm-up(热身活动)Look at the pictures and choose.(看图选择,选出与图片相符的句子,将序号填入括号内。)1.-Have some eggs. -Thanks.2.-Id like some noodles-Here you are.3.-Im hungry.-Have some bread.4.-Im thirsty.-Drink some juice, please.5.-What would you like?-Id like some

12、milk.三.Self check(自学检测)1Fill the blanks.(将句子序号填在对应的圆圈内。)A.Here you are. B.Youre welcome. C.Can I have some water, please? D.Thank you.四.Consolidation.(巩固练习)1.Put the sentences in the correct order.(给下列句子排序。)( ) Thank you.( ) Youre welcome.( ) Here you are.( ) Oh, no. I like milk. Can I have some milk?( ) Hi, Mike! Have some juice, please,2.Make a small dialogue in groups.(照样子,四个小组表演小对话,并对同伴做出评价。)( )


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