湖南省茶陵县高中英语 unit 1 advertisi task课件 牛津译林版必修4

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1、Unit 1,Unit 1 Advertising,Task Writing an advertisement,listening for statistics and descriptions When listening for statistics, you may hear: fractions e.g. (a/one half), (three quarters) decimals e.g. 0.3 (zero/nought point three) percentages e.g. 63% (sixty-three per cent),Skill building 1,Words

2、and phrases that describe the following: an increase: e.g. There was an increase of 40 per cent. The price has risen to 25 yuan a kilo. The price has gone up by 9 dollars a pound. Four times as many people used our product last year.,a decrease: e.g. There was a decrease of 42 per cent/ 30 pounds. T

3、he figure/amount decreased/fell by 16.5 per sent. no change: e.g. There was no change. The figure/ percentage remained/stayed the same.,a range e.g. The sales figures range between 40 and 50 per cent/from 50 to 60. an average e.g. The average price was ¥50. a limit e.g. The maximum speed is 80 kilom

4、etres per hour on this road.,The price reached a record high of 150 dollars per kilo. The sales figures have dropped to their lowest level/point.,Listen and write down the statistics. Note that you may need to do some simple calculations after listening to the descriptions. 1. Number of members two

5、year ago: _; last year: _ 2. Market share last year: _; this year: _,1,200,1,400,85%,65%,3. Percentage of students eating lunch in the dining hall last year: _; in three years: _ 4. Percentage of students from our school continuing their education last yearat local universities: _ studying abroad: _

6、,50%-60%,75.5%,23.4%,11.5%,this yearat local universities: _ studying abroad: _ 5. Last year: 5,000 museum visitors; out of them: 1,000 young people This year: _ museum visitors out of them: _ young people,24.5%,13.6%,9,000,3,000,Listen and complete the bar chart. Some of the information can be foun

7、d in the table.,Step 1: completing a bar chart,Bar Chart:,Read the note from the director on page 13. What is it about? Discuss it with your partner and fill in the subject. Answers: _,Repackaging of the ChocoLoco Bar,Skill building 2,When we express opinions, we tell what we think or feel about thi

8、ngs. We can say: I (dont) think/believe (that) It seems to me (that) In my opinion/To me, ,expressing opinions and giving reasons,2. It is also important to give reasons for your opinions. We can use these words to introduce the reason.,e.g. I think packages are important because/as/since they attra

9、ct the customers attention.,3. If we want to list more than one reason, we can use the following patterns. I think package are important for several reasons. First, Second, Then, (Next, Finally, ),Read the conversation on Page 14 and tell your partner your opinions on advertising. You can begin with

10、: Whats your opinion on advertisements?,Interview your classmates about good ads they have seen. Use the following form to help you. Think of one more question to ask. Take turns to ask and answer the questions. When you are asked to give your opinions, its important to give reasons. You may use the

11、 vocabulary on Page 15.,1. Opinions of advertising in public places Whats your opinion of advertising in public places? 2. Things that make advertisements interesting What do you think makes advertisements interesting?,Interview form,Step 2: talking about advertisements,3. Things seen in advertiseme

12、nts and bought later What have you seen in an advertisement and later bought? 4. Favourite advertisement What is/ are your favorite advertisement(s)? Why? 5. _,What advertisement do you like least? Why?,Lets go over Part B and role play an interview between a manager and his /her friend. You can beg

13、in the conversation like this:,M: Hi, may I ask you some questions about advertisement? F: Yes, of course. M: What is your opinion on advertisements in public places? F: Generally speaking, most of the ads in public places are attractive and interesting, but a few of them are too big and ugly. ,Afte

14、r interviewing your friends, write your notes in the space below to report back.,using different sentence types correctly,Read the table on page 16 and learn about some of the major sentence types. Can you give some examples of each sentence type? For example: Negative statements: The children are n

15、owhere to be seen.,Skill building 3,Look at the advertisement on Page 16 and label the sentence types. Answers: 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _,Negative statement,Command,Positive statement,Positive statement,Positive statement,Exclamation,Positive statement,Step 3: writing an advertisement,Review the two sample ads in Part A on Page 17. Think about why these two ads are good. Do the different sentence types and vivid pictures make the ads more attractive?,Write an advertisement for ChocoLoco Bar. Try to be creative and original. You can dr


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