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1、Goodrich Continuous Improvement 持续改进,5S & Point of Use 5S 和使用现场,1,GRTools 5S & Point of Use Rev 2,5S & Point of Use 5S 和使用现场,5S & Point of Use 5S和使用现场,THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TO THE CONTROLS AND RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE,2,GRTools 5S & Point of Use Rev 2,5S & Point of Use 5S 和使用现场,5S & POU Learni

2、ng Objectives 5S和POU的学习目标 On completion of this course the students should be able to: 在完成这一课程的培训员应该能够: Define the 5Ss 明确管理5S的定义 State the importance and benefits of 5S 说明5S管理的重要性和好处 Define Point of Use 明确使用现场 Learn how Point of Use & 5S work together 了解如何结合使用现场和5S Know how to Implement 5S 知道如何实施5S,

3、THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TO THE CONTROLS AND RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE,3,GRTools 5S & Point of Use Rev 2,5S & Point of Use 5S 和使用现场,Definition of 5Ss 5S管理的定义 A Method of creating a self-sustaining culture that perpetuates a neat, clean, safe, and efficient work place 一种能创建自我维持文化的方法,永远保持一个整洁,干净,安全,

4、有效率的工作场所 Self-sustaining culture means people have internalized the need for performing the 5Ss and do so automatically 自我维持文化是指人们将5S管理的需要内在化因而自发地完成5S的工作,THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TO THE CONTROLS AND RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE,4,GRTools 5S & Point of Use Rev 2,5S & Point of Use 5S 和使用现场,Why the 5Ss?

5、 为什么要用5S管理? Intuitive goodness 不言而喻的精髓 A Toyota Production System foundation and tester 丰田生产系统的基础和试金石 Helps establish, reinforce and discipline the Standard Work 帮助建立,加强和训导标准作业 Least Waste Way will not be achieved without the 5Ss 缺少了5S管理,最少浪费方式将不会实现,THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TO THE CONTROLS AND RESTRICT

6、IONS ON THE FIRST PAGE,5,GRTools 5S & Point of Use Rev 2,5S & Point of Use 5S 和使用现场,Resistance to 5S 5S管理的阻力 Any company introducing 5S is likely to encounter resistance - People resist change 任何公司引进5S管理可能会遇到阻力-人们抗拒改革 Some excuses are: 有些借口是: Why clean when it just gets dirty again? 明明知道还是会脏,为什么还要清扫

7、? We tried 5S years ago 在几年前我们试用了5S管理 Were too busy for 5S activities 我们太忙了,没有时间顾及5S管理活动 Were doing okay, why do we need to implement 5S? 我们都做的不错,为什么我们需要实施5S管理?,THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TO THE CONTROLS AND RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE,6,GRTools 5S & Point of Use Rev 2,5S & Point of Use 5S 和使用现场,Resis

8、tance to 5S 5S管理的阻力 Ignoring resistance without addressing concerns directly can lead to only superficial improvements 不直接解决实质问题而忽略阻力可能导致只是表面上的改进 In order for 5S implementation to be successful, everyone needs to truly understand how necessary it is为了使5S管理实施成功,每个人都要真正理解它的必要性 Leaders (both formal and

9、 informal) are key people in encouraging and implementing the 5S 领导人(包括正式和非正式)是鼓励和实施5S管理的关键人物,THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TO THE CONTROLS AND RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE,7,GRTools 5S & Point of Use Rev 2,5S & Point of Use 5S 和使用现场,Our English “S” Equivalents of the Japanese 5S Terms 我们的英文“ S ” 和日本5S管理的

10、条款的对照 Sort (Seiri) 整理 Straighten (Seiton) 整顿 Shine (Seiso) 清扫 Standardize (Seiketsu) 清洁 Sustain (Shitsuke) 素养,THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TO THE CONTROLS AND RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE,8,GRTools 5S & Point of Use Rev 2,5S & Point of Use 5S 和使用现场,The First S Sort 第一个S字 整理 Sort - Clearly distinguish bet

11、ween what is needed and kept, and what is unneeded and thrown out. 整理 -明确区分哪些是必要并且需要保留的,什么是不必要的,可以扔掉的. Critically evaluate all items in the workplace and determine which items are really needed. 严格评估工作场所所有物品,并诀定哪些物品是真正需要的 Keep only items needed to Support the LWW 只保留必要的物品来支持LWW Unneeded items get in

12、 the way of product flow and are a safety hazard. 不必要的物品妨碍产品流通,也是安全隐患,THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TO THE CONTROLS AND RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE,9,GRTools 5S & Point of Use Rev 2,5S & Point of Use 5S 和使用现场,The First S Sort 第一个S字 整理 CAUTION! When we dispose of unnecessary Company Proprietary or Private

13、 information it must be done properly, for example, shredded 注意! 当我们处理不需要的公司专利或私人信息时,必须用正确的处理方式-切碎或烧毁,Ensure that those things “disposed of” are done with the knowledge of the owner 处理过程中请确保物主知情,THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TO THE CONTROLS AND RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE,10,GRTools 5S & Point of Use Rev

14、 2,5S & Point of Use 5S 和使用现场,Performing Sort 执行整理 In preparation for a Sort activity: 准备一项整理的活动时 Establish the Scope of the Sorting Activity 建立整理活动的范围 Establish the “Throw-out” Criteria 建立 “丢弃” 的标准 Establish the holding area (Red Tag Area) for unneeded items 给不需要的物品建立存放区(红色标记区) Arrange for trash bi

15、ns and transportation carts to dispose of and move unneeded items. 安排垃圾桶和车辆处理不必要的物品 Obtain Red Tags to identify unneeded items 给不需要的物品准备红色标签,THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TO THE CONTROLS AND RESTRICTIONS ON THE FIRST PAGE,11,GRTools 5S & Point of Use Rev 2,5S & Point of Use 5S 和使用现场,Performing Sort 执行整理 Ide

16、ntify the needed and not needed items by asking: 确认所有需要和不需要物品: What is it for? 它是什么呢? Why do we have it? 我们为什么拥有它呢? How often is it used? 我们多久才使用一次? Fill out and attach Red Tags to all items in question. 给所有有疑问的物品填写和贴上红色标签 Be sure to consult with the “owner” of all items prior to Red Tagging 贴上红色标签之前一定要咨询物品的“主人” Move all red tagged items into the tempora


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