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1、20182018 成人高考专升本英语成人高考专升本英语高频易错高频易错 1.1. -Would-Would youyou likelike toto havehave dinnerdinner withwith usus thisthis evening?evening? -_.-_. A. Ok, but I have to go to a meeting now. B. No, I cant C C. . Sorry,Sorry, thisthis eveningevening I I havehave toto gogo toto thethe airportairport toto m

2、eetmeet mymy parents.parents. D. I dont know. 2.2. - - PleasePlease helphelp yourselfyourself toto somesome fish.fish. -_.-_. A.A. Thanks,Thanks, butbut I I dontdont likelike fishfish B. Sorry, I cant help C. Well, fish dont suit me D. No, I dont want to do that 3.3. -ItIts s gettinggetting late.lat

3、e. I Im m afraidafraid I I mustmust bebe goinggoing now.now. -OK.-OK. _ _._. A. Take it easy B. Go slowly C. Stay longer D. SeeSee you 4.4. -CouldCould I I askask youyou a a ratherrather personalpersonal question?question? -_-_ A. Yes, dont worry. B.B. OfOf course,course, gogo ahead.ahead. C. Yes, h

4、elp yourself. D. Of course, why not? 5.5. -WellWell done.done. CongratulationsCongratulations onon youryour success.success. - _._. A.A. ThankThank youyou veryvery muchmuch B. Oh, no, no C. No, I didnt do well D. Sorry, I couldnt do any better 6.6. _ isis wellwell known,known, thethe keykey toto suc

5、cesssuccess lieslies inin hardhard work.work. A.A. AsAs B. That C. Which D. What 7.7. TheThe doctordoctor willwill notnot performperform thethe operationoperation _ itit isis absolutelyabsolutely necessary.necessary. A. so B. if C. for D.D. unlessunless 8.8. TodayToday thethe policepolice cancan wat

6、chwatch carscars _ onon roadsroads byby radar.radar. A. run B .to run C.C. runningrunning D. to be run 9.9. TheThe littlelittle boyboy sawsaw thethe planeplane _ andand burstburst intointo flames.flames. A. complete B. compel C.C. crashcrash D. clutch 10.10. BeijingBeijing isis wellwell _ itsits bea

7、utifulbeautiful sceneryscenery andand thethe GreatGreat Wall.Wall. A. known as B. known to C. known about D.D. knownknown forfor 11.11. WhenWhen hehe returnedreturned toto hishis hometownhometown twentytwenty yearsyears later,later, hehe foundfound itit hadhad changedchanged outout ofof _._. A. reco

8、llection B. retention C. resurrection D.D. recognitionrecognition 12.12. PleasePlease dondont t getget madmadme.me. I I waswas onlyonly tryingtrying toto help.help. A. on B. to C. at D.D. againstagainst 13.13. TheThe juryjury decideddecided thatthat SusanSusan waswas guiltyguiltymurder.murder. A. on

9、 B. by C. of D.D. withwith 14.14. TheThe MississippiMississippi RiverRiver carriescarries greatgreat amountsamounts ofof finefine sandsand andand siltsilt intointo thethe GulfGulf ofof MexicoMexico southsouth ofof NewNew Orleans.Orleans. A. collections B. mounds C. reserves D.D. quantitiesquantities

10、 15.15. InIn hishis mathematics,mathematics, ArchimedesArchimedes employedemployed methodsmethods thatthat resembledresembled thosethose ofof contemporarycontemporary integralintegral calculus.calculus. A.A. werewere similarsimilar toto B. established C. were supported by D. prescribed 16.16. Withou

11、tWithout exception,exception, thethe earliestearliest literateliterate societiessocieties originatedoriginated alongalong thethe banksbanks ofof greatgreat riversrivers A. public libraries B. schools C. naval academies D.D. communitiescommunities 17.17. SheShe arrangedarranged a a partyparty toto he

12、lphelp putput thethe strangersstrangers atat theirtheir _._. A. pleasure B.B. easeease C. peace D. delight 18.18. I I dondont t thinkthink thatthat carcar isis _ thethe moneymoney youyou paidpaid forfor it.it. A. equal B. satisfactory C.C. worthworth D. profitable 19.19. HisHis businessbusiness isis

13、 growinggrowing soso fastfast thatthat hehe hashas toto _ moremore workers.workers. A. take up B.B. taketake onon C. take over D. take out 20.20. HeHe hashas anan openopen _ onon thethe subject,subject, soso youyou couldcould easilyeasily persuadepersuade him.him. A. brain B. mind C. sense D. breast

14、 21.21. OneOnes s masterymastery ofof a a foreignforeign languagelanguage isis largelylargely determineddetermined byby hishis _ toto thethe language.language. A. measure B.B. exposureexposure C. pressure D. seizure 22.22. PeoplePeoples s _ aboutabout thethe loudloud noisenoise therethere forcedforc

15、ed thethe governmentgovernment toto closeclose thatthat factory.factory. A. struggle B.B. complaintcomplaint C. hatred D. irritation 23.23. TheThe _ ofof thethe variousvarious sciencessciences areare inin somesome wayway moremore importantimportant thanthan thethe sciencessciences themselves.themselves. A.A. applicationapplication B. use C. usage D. implication 24.24. HisHis _ ledled toto hishis finalfinal failure.failure. A.A. ignoranceig


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