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1、2011-2012学年度上学期九年级英语学业水平测试(测试时间120分钟;满分120分)第卷(选择题 共80分)一、听力(20分)(一)听小对话,选择正确的选项。1. A.seven fifty B.seven fifteen C. seven five2. A. clothes B.shoes C.glasses3. A.nine B.fine C.cloudy4. A.monkey B.elephant C.rabbit5. A.2 yuan B. 3 yuan C. 4 yuan(二)听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。6. A. She stayed at home. B. She went

2、 to ChinaC.She went to lots of countries.7. A.Twice. B.Three times. C.Once.8. A.About flying to America.B.About the price of the ticket.C.About flying to London.9. A.On October 25th. B.On October 22ndC.On October23rd.10. A.3 pounds. B.1 penny. C.90 pence(三)听对话,选出正确答案。11.How many people are mentioned

3、 in the dialogue?A.Two. B.Three. C.four.12.Whats the weather like in Beijing?A.Its windy. B.Its rainy. C.Its hot.13.What does Lucy think of Beijing?A. She thinks its very beautiful.B.She thinks it has lots of wonderful sights.C.Both A and B.14.Who would like to go to the sea according to the dialogu

4、e?A.Lucy B.Dennis. C.Lucys sister.15.Where would Denniss little sister like to go on cacation?A.Beijing. B.The beach. C.Yunnan.(四)听短文,选出正确答案。16.What is Lisas hobby?A.Watching films and listening.B.Reading books and listening.C. Reading books and watching films.17.How old is Lisas best friend?A.She i

5、s as old as Lisa.B.She is two years younger than Lisa.C. She is two years older than Lisa.18.Do Lisa and her friend go to the same school?A. Yes,they do. B.No, they dont.C.We dont know.19.What does Lisa always do after school?A. She plays volleyball with her friend.B.She gets together with her frien

6、d to talk and have fun.C.She reads books with her friends.20.What is Lisa interested in?A.Learning Chinese B. China C.E-mail.二、单项选择(20分)( )21. do you study for tests? I study listening to tapes.A. How; with B.What; with C. How; by D. What; by( )22. Sixteen-year-olds to drive.A. is allowed B. are not

7、 allowed C. allowed D. is not allowed( )23. It is not polite to those persons in trouble.A. laugh to B. laugh with C. laugh of D. laugh at( )24. If I you, Id take a small present for her. A. am B. is C. was D. were( )25. My grandfather us stories when I was young.A. was used to tell B. is used to te

8、llingC. used to tell D. used to telling( )26. He used to spend a lot of time computer games. A. play B. to play C. playing D. plays( )27. Tony is very outgoing. He is easy to . A. go along with B. get along with C. go along to D. get along to( )28.He looks sad. Lets cheer him _ . A. upB. in C. out D

9、. at( )29. Not only the students _ also their teacher likes football. A. tooB. except C. however D. but( )30. He has realized that he _ his wallet in the shop.A. left B. forgot C. borrowed D. sold( ) 31. This pair of shoes _ Deng Huas . Theyre too big for her. A. might be B. cant beC. must be D.coul

10、d be( )32. There must be _ in this little village.A. something strange B. anything strangeC. strange something D. strange anything( ) 33. This T-shirt is _ short for me. Do you have a longer one?A. too many B. too very C. too much D. much too( )34.This is the book _is written by Lu Xun. A. who B. wh

11、at C. that D./( ) 35.-How about going hiking this weekend? -Sorry, I prefer _rather than _.A. to stay at home, go out B. to go out, stay at home C. staying at home, go out D. going out, stay at home( ) 36. _ children in Africa have little food to eat, and we can help them.A. Million B. A million C.

12、Millions of D. Millions( ) 37. If I felt some pain, Id stop _ .A. exercise B. to exercise C. exercising D. exercises( )38.We must study hard, because we shouldnt _our parents _ .A. make; down B. let; up C. help; happy D. let; down( )39.Tom cleaned the classroom yesterday. _.A So does he B. So did he

13、 C so he did D. So he does( )40. Must we finish our homework now, Mrs Read?Oh no, you_.A.mustnt B.cant C. wont D.neednt三、完形填空(10分) At one of the school in London, the students can go into town in the afternoon. But they must _41_to the school before six. One afternoon, Bob went to see a film. When he came back



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