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1、本资料来源于七彩教育网http:/09年高二英语下册五校联考期中试卷高二英语(考试时间:100分钟 分值:100分 共8页)一 听力 (共两节,每小题1分,满分15分)第一节:听下面5段对话,每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man mean?A. He doesnt have any notes. B. He will be absent from class.C. He can lend the woman his notes.2. What is the woman going to do? A. Prepare a meal. B. Watch a movie. C.

2、 See a doctor.3. What does the man mean? A. John cannot play the piano B. John wants to be a writer. C. John is busy at the moment. 4. How does the woman feel? A. Worried. B. Angry. C. Surprised.5. When did the man last meet Han Mei? A. Last month. B. Two years ago. C. Last October.第二节:听下面4段对话,每段对话读

3、两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至第7小题。6. What teams were in the game?A. The Tianjin team and the US team. B. The US team and the Chinese national team. C. The Tianjin team and the Chinese national team.7. When did the game begin? A. 6:30 B. 7:00 C. 7:30听第7段材料,回答第8至第10小题。8. Who is answering the phone? A. Judys brother

4、 B. Susans cousin C. Judys cousin9. What has happened to Susans bat? A. Its stolen B. Its lost C. Its broken10. What does Susan ask Judy to do tomorrow? A. Bring the book and the extra bat B. Call Susan and her cousin back C. Play table tennis with her brother听第8段材料,回答第11至第13小题。11. What does the man

5、 need to know first to find a specific magazine? A. Who the editor is B. How old the magazine is C. What the magazine is about12. Where will the man probably go to find the magazine? A. To the first floor B. To the second floor C. To the third floor.13. Which word can best describe the woman? A. Hel

6、pful B. Impolite C. Curious听第9段材料,回答第14至第15小题。14. When does the woman hope to begin working at a museum? A. In three years B. Nest year C. This year.15. What does the man advise the woman to do? A. Attend business lectures B. Change her major C. Reconsider her decision.二单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. Wha

7、t about having a drink? _.A. Good idea. B. Help yourself.C. Go ahead, please. D. Me, too.2. Eighteen boys and twenty-four girls _ our class.A. is made up of B. made up C.make up D.made up of3. _ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.A. CompareB. Having compared

8、 C. ComparingD. Compared4. Jim did very well. He _ two goals before half-time. A. had scored B. had kicked C. scored D. made5.You can go out, _you promise to be back before 11 oclock. A. as far as B. unless C. when D. as long as6. It was 1969_ the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon

9、.A. that B. when C. on which D. which7. He lost his way in the forest, but he managed to get through it _.A. completely B. eventually C. quickly D.automatically8. After living there for one year, they have_there.A. accustomed to working B. accustomed to workC. been accustomed to working D. been accu

10、stomed to work9. The accident _ the death of two passengers.A. resulted from B. resulted in C. resulted of D. resulting in 10. If you _ my advice, you _ your failure now. A. took . wouldnt cry over B. had taken . wouldnt have cried over C. had taken . arent crying over D. had taken . wouldnt be cryi

11、ng over 11. There are a great _ flowers shown in the park and _ people go to have a lookA. plenty of; many B. diversity of; many C. diverse; many aD. diversity; a few 12. He is more handsome _ than in his photographs.A. in the flesh B. flesh and blood C. in person D. in flesh 13. He was admitted to

12、a famous university, and _was obvious that his situation had gone beyond his parents expectationsA. what B. which C. that D. it14. Seeing from the top of the hill , _.A. The city is beautiful. B. He found the city beautiful.C. The mountain is so high. D. The houses looked like small toys.15. It was

13、_ back home after the experiment. A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didnt goC. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didnt go 三完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things come to represent, i

14、n fact, what I call 1 and love. I dont remember my father ever getting into a swimming pool. But he did love the water. Any kind of 2 ride seemed to give him pleasure. 3 he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along. But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father did. I liked being in the water, moving through it, having it a



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