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1、An Introduction to Bulinding Electrical and Intelligent,Buliding Electrical and Intelligent is “The Application of Science, Technology and Engineering to the Electrical and Intelligent of Buliding.“,本课程考核要求,考勤:10% 课堂表现:20% 作业:20%:每次课结束后,写出这一讲的中英文摘要。发送邮件的时间先后,作为评分参考。 考查:40% 最后一次课,翻译没有学过的专业论文。 充分利用课堂时

2、间,一般课堂找同学念,我讲一部分,找同学翻译一部分,最好提前预习,加快进度;或者提前布置,下次由同学来讲课。,专业英语和科技英语的联系与区别,区别: 专业英语是结合各自专业的科技英语; 联系: 各个专业文章的语法现象基本相同,它们都遵循科技英语的语法体系及翻译技巧。,专业英语的特点,科技英语 English for Science and Technology 简称EST,是一种用英语阐述科学技术中的理论、技术、实验和现象等的英语体系,它在词汇、语法和文体诸方面都有自己的特点,从而形成一门专门学科。 行文简洁、表达客观、结构严密、内容确切、主题单一、强调事实,词汇特点 修辞特点 句法特点,专业

3、英语的特点,专业英语的特点 词汇特点,功能词使用频率最高,技术词次之,专业技术词频率最低 词汇含义单一,一词一义,较少一词多义 大量使用复合词与缩略词,full-enclosed 全封闭的(双词合成形容词) feed-back反馈(双词合成名词) work-harden 加工硬化(双词合成词) criss-cross交叉着,纵横交错(双词合成副词) on-and-off-the-road路面越野两用的(多词合成形容词) anti-armoured-fighting-vehicle-missile反装甲车导弹(多词合成名词) radiophotography无线电传真(无连字符复合词) colo

4、rimeter色度计(无连字符复合词),专业英语的特点 词汇特点,maths (mathematics)数学(裁减式缩略词) lab (laboratory)实验室 ft (foot/feet)英尺 cpd (compound)化合物 FM(frequency modulation)调频(用首字母组成的缩略词) P.S.I. (pounds per square inch)磅/英寸 SCR(silicon controlled rectifier )可控硅整流器 TELESAT(telecommunications satellite )通信卫星(混成法构成的缩略词),专业英语的特点 词汇特点

5、,使用时态少,多用一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时 修辞手段单调。很少使用文学英语的修辞手法 逻辑语法词汇多,注重客观事实论述及逻辑推理,很少情感描写及形象刻画。,专业英语的特点 修辞特点,She was with a frank, open countenance and an innocent, diffident manner. Her eyes were large and patient, and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress as only those who have looked sympathetically into th

6、e countenances of the distraught and helpless poor know anything about. 那妇人生着一张坦率开诚的面容,一种天真羞怯的神气。一双大落落的柔顺眼睛,里边隐藏着无穷的心事,只有那些对于凄惶无告的穷苦人面目作过同情观察的人才看得出来。,专业英语的特点 修辞特点,The range of a voltmeter may be extended by means of a series resistor called a multiplier as shown in Fig.2.The full scale reading of th

7、e meter alone may be 15volts.With the multiplier 250volts may be required to move the pointer to full-scale, 135 volts across the multiplier and 15volts across the meter. 电压计的量程通过串联电阻放大器扩展,如图2所示。电压计本身的满量程是15伏特。通过放大器,满量程可以扩大到250伏特,同时还可以获得135伏特和15伏特等共计三个量程。,专业英语的特点 修辞特点,大量使用名词化结构 广泛使用被动语句 非限定动词多 长句多 后

8、置定语多,专业英语的特点 句法特点,句法特点 大量使用名词化结构,The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。 Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.电视通过无线电波发射和接受活动物体的图象。,句法特点 广泛使用被动语句,Attention must be paid to the working temperatur

9、e of the machine. 应当注意机器的工作温度。 而很少说:You must pay attention to the working temperature of the machine . 你们必须注意机器的工作温度。 We can store electrical energy in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. We call such a device a capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy ca

10、pacitance .It is measured in farads. 电能可储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。这样的装置称之为电容器,其储存电能的能力称为电容。电容的测量单位是法拉。,句法特点 非限定动词多,A direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction. 直流电是一种总是沿同一方向流动的电流。 A body can be more uniformly and in a straight line, there being no cause to change that motion. 如果没有改变

11、物体运动的原因,那么物体将作匀速直线运动。 In communications, the problem of electronics is how to convey information from one place to another. 在通讯系统中,电子学要解决的问题是如何把信息从一个地方传递到另一个地方。,句法特点 大量使用后置定语,常见的结构有以下五种: 1、介词短语 The forces due to friction are called frictional forces. 由于摩擦而产生的力称之为摩擦力。 A call for paper is now being is

12、sued . 征集论文的通知现正陆续发出。,句法特点 大量使用后置定语,2、形容词及形容词短语。 In this factory the only fuel available is coal. 该厂唯一可用的燃料是煤。 In radiation ,thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy ,similar in nature to light. 热能在辐射时,转换成性质与光相似的辐射能。,句法特点 大量使用后置定语,3、副词 The air outside pressed the side in . 外面的空气将桶壁压得凹进去了。 T

13、he force upward equals the force downward so that the balloon stays at the level. 向上的力与向下的力相等,所以气球就保持在这一高度。,句法特点 大量使用后置定语,4、单个分词,但仍保持较强的动词意义。 The results obtained must be cheeked . 获得的结果必须加以校核 The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted. 产生的热量等于浪费了的电能。,句法特点 大量使用后置定语,5、定语从句 During cons

14、truction, problems often arise which require design changes. 在施工过程中,常会出现需要改变设计的问题。 The molecules exert forces upon each other, which depend upon the distance between them. 分子相互间都存在着力的作用,该力的大小取决于它们之间的距离。,句法特点 大量使用后置定语,5、定语从句 Very wonderful changes in matter take place before our eyes every day to whi

15、ch we pay little attention. (定语从句to which we pay little attention 修饰的是changes,这是一种分隔定语从句。) 我们几乎没有注意的很奇异的物质变化每天都在眼前发生。,句法特点 长句多,The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led, in the f

16、irst instance, to the understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transverse vibrations ,and at a later stage to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium having the physical character assumed in the hypothesis.,句法特点 长句多,为了解释光学现象,人们曾试图假定有一种具有与弹性固体相同的物理性质的介质。这种尝试的结果,最初曾使人们了解到一种能传输横向振动的具有上述假定所以认为的那种物理性质的发光介质。后来却得到确定的结论,并没有这样一种具有上述假定的物理性质的发光介质。,科技英语翻译标准,翻译过程,科技英语的翻译方法,词类转化的译法 句子成分转换的译法 词序转变的译法 被动语态的译法 后置定语的译法 长句的译法,一、词类


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