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1、 2013-2014 学年四年级下册英语测试题(A 卷)笔试部分(60 分)一、 抄写句子。 (3 分)I helped my mum and I washed clothes.Sam didnt help mum. He played on the computer.二、单项选择。 (10 分)( )1、Were you _home yesterday?A. in B. at C. of( )2、Amy went to school _ bike.A. on B. by C. in( )3、It will _ in Hangzhou.A. warm B. be rain C. rain (

2、)4、Today is Tuesday and tomorrow is _.A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Friday( )5、They talked _some friends.A. with B. to C. in( )6、Will you _ your kite tomorrow?A. takes B. taking C. take ( )7、My house is close _ the Queens house.A. to B. on C. at ( )8、Her hair _ short then.A. is B. was C. were( )9、-Did

3、 he live in Tianjin ? -_ .A. No, he didnt. B. Yes, she did. C. No,I didnt.( )10、On Monday Amy _ Grandma.A. phones B. phone C.phoned三、选择配伍。 (10 分)( )1、Will you take a ball? A. Yes, I will.( )2、 Why not? B. They are my grandparents.( )3、Will it rain in Beijing? C. No, he didnt. ( )4、What will the weat

4、her be today? D. Its Amys. ( )5、Who are they? E. They will help children learn. ( )6、Who is that little girl? F. Because tomorrow is Friday. ( )7、Did you have a nice holiday? G. Yes,I did.( )8、Did he travel by plane? H. Its Lingling.( )9、What will robots do? I. Yes, it will.( )10、Whose house is it?

5、J. It will be windy.4、补全对话。 (10 分)Mr Smart: On Sunday were going to go to the park. 笔试部分题号一 二 三 四 五 六总分得分 A. No, I wont. B. Yes. C. on Sunday D. Because tomorrow is Friday. E. Great!姓名 考号 四年级英语 A 卷第一页Sam and Amy: _ Sam: Will you take your kite and your ball tomorrow?Amy: _ Sam: Why not?Amy: _ Sam: W

6、ere going to go to the park_.Amy: _ So I will take my kite and my ball on Sunday. 五、 阅读理解根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) 。 (10 分)Im Xiaoyong.I was very happy last week. I played football on Saturday. I visited my grandparents with my mother on Sunday. I finished my homework on Monday. I didnt play football on Tues

7、day. I read a story book . I watched TV on Wednesday. I didnt watch TV on Thursday. I went to the Childrens Palace. I helped my mun on Friday. Then what did you do last week?( )1.Xiaoyong was very sad last week.( )2.Xiaoyong did his homework on Tuesday.( )3.He didnt watch TV on Thursday.( )4.Xiaoyon

8、g helped his mum on Saturday.( )5.He didnt visit his grandparents last week.六、 书写题。 (17 分)(一)单词拼写。 (7 分)1. Can you a_ s_ _ _(接电话 ) the call now?2. My house is very b_ _ _t_f_ _(美丽的).3. Our classroom was d_ _t_(脏的). Now its very cl_ _ n (干净的).4. Was it sunny in London y_ _t_ _day(昨天)? 5. You had a b_

9、 _ _(忙碌的) day.6. W_lc_ _e(欢迎) to China!(二)连词成句。 (10 分)1. on, do, my, Ill, Tuesday, homework(.)2. were, then, young, they(?)3. at, the, park, now, you, are(?)4. ate, we, drinks, some, and, food, drank, some(.) 5. to, a, went, we, too, concert (.)四年级英语 A 卷第二页2013-2014 学年四年级下册英语测试题(B 卷)笔试部分(60 分)一、 抄写句

10、子。 (3 分)I helped my mum and I washed clothes.Sam didnt help mum. He played on the computer.二、单项选择。 (10 分)( )1、It will _ in Harbin.A. snow B. snowy C. cold ( )2、Today is Thursday and tomorrow is _.A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Friday( )3、Are you _home now?A. in B. of C. at( )4、Amy went to school _ bus.

11、A. by B. on C. in( )5、Her hair _ long then.A. is B. was C. were( )6、-Did she live in Beijing ? -_ .A. No, she didnt. B. Yes, he did. C. No, I didnt.( )7、On Monday Amy _ Grandma.A. phones B. phoned C. phone( )8、Amy talked _her friends.A. in B. to C. with( )9、Will you _ your kite tomorrow?A. takes B.

12、taking C. take ( )10、My house is close _ the Queens house.A. to B. on C. at 三、选择配伍。 (10 分)( )1、What will the weather be today? A. Its Amys. ( )2、Who are they? B. They will help children learn. ( )3、What will robots do? C. Yes, it will.( )4、Whose house is it? D. It will be windy.( )5、Will you take a

13、ball? E. Yes, I will.( )6、 Why not? F. They are my grandparents.( )7、Will it rain in Beijing? G. No, he didnt. ( )8、Who is that little girl? H. Because tomorrow is Friday. ( )9、Did you have a nice holiday? I. Yes,I did.( )10、Did he travel by plane? J. Its Lingling.四、 补全对话。 (10 分)笔试部分题号一 二 三 四 五 六总分得分 A. Because tomorrow is Friday. B. Great! C. No, I wont. D. Yes. E. on Sunday姓名 考号 四年级英语 B 卷第一页 Mr Smart: On Sund


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