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1、1. If you want to _(取得成就或实现雄心壮志),you must work hard,make efforts and get prepared.2. The successful person _(总是作好充分准备 )to meet opportunities as they duly arrive.3. _ (唯一需要做的是) a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.4. No other reproduction in any form is permitted _ (未经出版社书面同意).5. The

2、environmental effect of this new factory _(完全可以从周围的田地和河流看出来).6. This is yet _ (两国人民的又一个共同点 ).7. His scientific works _(在英语国家得到广泛阅读).8. Revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces,_(改革也是解放生产力).9. He is optimistic _(对现时信息产业的发展状况).10. Work in all fields should be subordinated to and _(服务

3、于经济发展的进程).11. Henry has prepared a party for his girlfriend,_(结果却被告之她到时候不能来了).12. The identical twins resemble each other_(长相相似但性格不同).13. I would rather join you in research work_(而不愿到海滨去度假).14. Long before children are able to speak or understand a language,they can communicate with adults _(通过面部表情

4、和靠发出噪声).15. Although I liked the appearance of the house,_(真正让我决定买下它的)was the beautiful view through the window.1.【答案】achieve something or fulfill your ambitions本题考查短语搭配。 “取得成就” 可以有这样的表达: make achievements 或 achieve something,前者“成就”作名词,后者作动词。“实现雄心壮志” 中“实现”可选用 realize, fulfill,此外 makecome true,carryo

5、ut 也有实现梦想/ 理想之意。2.【答案】always makes adequate preparations“作准备”的表达有: Preparefor; make preparations for“充分的” 可选形容词有:enough,sufficient,adequate ,而 well-prepared多在句中充当表语成分,如:His counsel was well-prepared.他的律师做了充分准备。3.【答案】All that is needed is此句不要受汉语思维的影响用 only 来翻译, “唯一要做的” ,其实是“你所需要做的一切 ”。4.【答案】without w

6、ritten permission from the publishing house介词短语:without written permission 表示“ 未经允许”;written permission 表示“(书面) 允许”;the publishing house 表示“出版社”。5.【答案】is most clearly observable in the surrounding field and riveris most clearly observable 表示“完全可以看出来”,句型 The effect ofisobservable.表示“ 的效果是可以看出的”;surro

7、unding field and river 表示“周围的田野和河6.【答案】another common point between the people of our two countries本题通过增补介词使译文的意思更完整。虽然原文没有和 between 相对应的词,但是“共同点” 是两国人民之间在某方面进行比较的结果,所以增补 between 之后,符合英语表达习惯。增词法也是汉译英中常用技巧之一。7.【答案】were widely read in English-speaking countries这句话易被错译为 were widely read in English coun

8、tries。原文中“ 英语国家”的含义是“ 讲英语的国家”。又如:我卖掉了彩电。I sold out my color TV.这句译文错误在于,没弄清“彩电” 的含义。其有两层意思:一是指具体的实物,即彩色电视机 color TV set;二是指屏幕上出现的影像,即彩色电视 color TV。这都体现了英汉表达差异。8.【答案】and so does reform考点有二:考查词性转移。原文中“解放”用作动词, “生产力”作宾语。译文中处理成名词短语 “对生产力的解放”。考查省译法。我们不能把原文译成 and reform also means the emancipation of the

9、productive forces,这种结构显得累赘。为避免重复,可选用 and so does来代替这个动宾结构。9.【答案】about the present development of information industry“对表示乐观 ”可以用句型 be optimistic about sth.。这句话不能译成 about the status of the present development of information industry。 “状况 ”是一个范畴词,没有实际含义,可省略不译。10.【答案】serve the economic development“服务于”

10、即“为服务”,所以要用 serve sb./sth.的结构,不能译成 be served to。 “进程”也是一个范畴词,可以省略不译。另外,be subordinated to 是一个固定结构,含义是 “从属于隶属于”。11 本题考查对“only+不定式”结构的掌握。此结构相当于一个结果状语,意为“ 结果却”,表示事情的发展与预料相反。如:He rushed all the way to the station only to miss the train.他一路奔跑赶到车站,可是车已经开走了。12.【答案】in appearance but not in characterin appea

11、rance 表示“外表” ,往往包括衣着,而 looks 复数形式表示容貌,单数形式则表示“ 表情、神色”,尤指高兴时的表情;in character 表示“性格”。13.【答案】than go on holiday to the seaside 虚拟语气: than go on holiday 表示“不如” ,其结构为:主语+would rather+动词谓语+than+ 动词原形,表示“宁可”、“与其 不如(做),不愿”。on holiday 表示“度假” 。 seaside 表示“海滨” 。14.【答案】through facial expressions and by making n

12、oises本题要注意介词的选择。同样是表示方法途径,前后的介词选择却有不同,考生要注意比较和记忆。15.【答案】what really made me decide to buy it本题考查对 what 引导的主语从句的掌握。根据句子结构,前半句是 although 引导的让步状语从句,而主句中只有系表结构,缺少主语,故需要翻译的部分应该是一个主语(二)1. _(不论演奏过多少回),the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.2. When you get men into that state of anger, _(他们很容

13、易出麻烦 ).3. _(尽管我很崇拜他是个作家), I dont like him as a man.4. His eyes were reading books_(脑子却在胡思乱想 ).5. Only in this way _(我们才能在毕业之后很快适应社会6. _ (他真正希望得到的东西) is encouragement from his parents and teachers.7. It was advised that _(在居民区设立更多的流动商店).8. Why didnt you tell me you could lend me the money? I_ (本来不必从银

14、行借钱的).9. _(正是由于她太没有经验) that she does not know how to deal with the situation.10.I_(将在做实验) from three to five this afternoon.11. _(不管观众中的一些人如何使劲地难为他), the comedian always had a quick, sharp reply.12. It is not yet known _(机器人是否有一天能拥有象人一样的视力).13. His remarks left me _(想知道他的真实目的).14. If you had_ (听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦).15. The government was accused _(没能实现其改善城市交通状况的承诺 ).1.【答案】No matter how frequently performed考查 no matter how“无论如何”引导的状语从句。2.【答案】they are apt to make troublebe apt to 表示“易于做某事” ,指人的机体或精神上的固有的或习惯的倾向等; make trouble 表示“惹麻烦” 。3.【答案】Much as I admire him as a write



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