2019年高中英语 module 2 fantasy literature 单元小结教案(含解析)外研版选修6

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1、Module 2 Fantasy Literature 单元小结Mary was gifted in writing, always dreaming of becoming a writer like JK. Rowling and writing a series of novels associated with fantasy to accumulate a big fortune. Thus she set out to write, but her manuscripts were rejected again and again by presses. And at one po

2、int she was burdened with rent. She began to doubt if writing is beyond her power. It was her boyfriend that played an important part in her writing. With his help, Mary made adjustments in time, overcame all kinds of difficulties, and turned to writing love stories. It was not long before her first

3、 love story was published and distributed by a press, and her work appealed to thousands of readers. Soon she possessed her own big house, and she never doubted her ability to attain her target.,玛丽在写作上很有天赋,她一直梦想着成为一位像J.K. 罗琳一样的作家,写一系列与幻想有关的小说,积累一大笔财富。因此她开始着手写作,但是她的稿件一次次地被出版社拒绝。而且她曾一度为房租所累。她开始怀疑是否写作超

4、出了她的能力范围。是她的男朋友在她的写作方面起了重要的作用。在他的帮助下,玛丽及时做出了调整,克服了各种困难,改写爱情小说。不久,她的第一部爱情小说就被一家出版社出版发行,并且她的作品吸引了成千上万的读者。很快她拥有了自己的大房子,她不再怀疑她有能力实现自己的目标。加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空When I was young, I read only comic books. My mother, who was a keen reader, tried to get me to read regular books, but they seemed _1_ to me. Why wo

5、uld anyone want to read a book without pictures, I wondered? It would be _2_ watching a movie with your eyes closed. And novels seemed to be too _3_! In my mind, a comic book was a roller coaster ride _4_ a novel was five hours in rush hour traffic.Whenever she saw me with a comic book, my mother wo

6、uld complain, which totally _5_ my comic book reading experience. One summer, she even _6_ me. “If you dont read at least one book this summer, were not going to go on our camping trip,” she said. What could I do? I had been looking forward to that _7_ for months!“Fine,” I _8_, “Ill read one book.”

7、_9_, my mother took me down to her evil dungeon (地牢), the local _10_, where the librarian _11_ The lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the first book of The Chronicles of Narnia by CS. Lewis. I unwillingly _12_ the book while my mother and the librarian exchanged a(n) _13_ glance.When we got home, I c

8、racked the book open and started reading. I _14_ Id read the first few pages then skip to the end because I knew my mother would _15_ me about it. Imagine my _16_ when my mother called me to dinner and I was halfway through the book! _17_ a comic book was a roller coaster ride, the novel was all the

9、 rides at Disney world rolled into one!I _18_ reading the entire The Chronicles of Narnia series that summer, which I consider the _19_ of my great friendship with books. Now I read an average of one book a week, and sometimes my wife _20_ that I read too much!语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者从开始只喜欢漫画书,厌恶小说到迷上读

10、书的转变过程。1A.strangeBboringCcommon Deasy解析:选B由下一句的疑问“为什么有人会读没有图片的书?”可知,作者认为“regular books”看起来很无趣(boring)。2A.through BofClike Dfor解析:选C承接上一句的疑问,“它就像(like)闭眼看电影一样”。3A.thick BthinCshort Dlong解析:选D由下文中的比喻:读小说像在高峰期的车流中行驶五小时,可知作者认为小说太长(long)。4A.while BbeforeCafter Das解析:选A作者把读漫画书的感受和读小说的感受进行了对比,故选while(然而)。5

11、A.shared BruinedCbroadened Drecorded解析:选B母亲一看到作者看漫画书就指责抱怨的行为毁掉(ruined)作者读漫画书的体验。6A.comforted BpunishedCthreatened Dreassured解析:选C母亲威胁(threatened)作者说不读书就不去度假,而作者期盼这次旅行(trip)很久了。7A.summer BtripCbook Dtent解析:选B参见上题解析。8A.agreed BreportedCasked Ddenied解析:选A由“Fine”可知,作者同意了(agreed)母亲的条件。9A.Suddenly BSecret

12、lyCExcitedly DGenerally解析:选C终于说服了儿子,母亲一定很兴奋(Excitedly)。10A.bookstore BofficeCsupermarket Dlibrary解析:选D由“librarian”可知,作者被带到了一家图书馆(library)。11A.described BrevealedCrecommended Darranged解析:选C图书管理员向我推荐了(recommended)路易斯写的纳尼亚传奇系列丛书中的一本狮子、女巫和魔衣橱。12A.accepted BprintedCposted Dshowed解析:选A由上文中的提到的母亲很爱读书及“her

13、evil dungeon (地牢)”一词可知,母亲和这位管理员熟悉,故当作者不情愿地接受了(accepted)被推荐的书时,他们互相心领神会地(understanding)使了个眼色。13A.nervous BcasualCadmiring Dunderstanding解析:选D参见上题解析。14A.remembered BfiguredCsuggested Dpromised解析:选B基于作者对小说的反感,作者估计(figured)自己为了应付母亲的检查(quiz)会读一下小说的开头和结尾。15A.tell BconsultCchallenge Dquiz解析:选D参见上题解析。16A.so

14、rrow BangerCfear Dsurprise解析:选D但事实却出乎意料(surprise),作者被那本书深深吸引:母亲叫作者吃饭时,作者已经读了一半。17A.If BUnlessCOnce DBecause解析:选A作者的感受发生了改变:如果(If)读漫画像坐过山车,那么读小说就像一次性把迪士尼的游乐设施玩个遍。18A.gave up Bturned upCended up Dpicked up解析:选C作者被吸引的结果(ended up)是那个夏天读了纳尼亚传奇系列丛书里的所有书,那是作者和书结下不解之缘的开始(start)。19A.start BresourceCspot Dgoa

15、l解析:选A参见上题解析。20A.confirms BcomplainsChopes Dsuspects解析:选B由“too much”可知,妻子是在抱怨(complains)。.阅读理解Writing poetry can seem frightening. However, with the right inspiration (灵感) and approach, you can write a poem that you can be proud to share with others in class or with your friends.A poem might start as a piece of a verse, a line or two that seems to come out of nowhere, or an image you cannot get out of your head. You can find inspiration for y


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