2019年高中英语 unit 14 careers section ⅳ lesson 2 & lesson 3—language points教案(含解析)北师大版必修5

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1、Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3Language Points一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1nursery n托儿所,保育室2childhood n. 童年,儿童时代3typewriter n. 打字机4grasp vt. 理解,领会;抓牢,抓紧5battle n. 战斗,战役6civil adj. 民间的;国民的;国内的7wisdom n. 智慧8idiom n. 习语,成语9twist vt.& vi. 旋转,转动10beneath adv. 在底下11bend v. 弯腰,倾身12stage n. 舞台;阶段,时期13overcome vt. 战

2、胜,克服.拓展词汇1appointment n约见,约会;任命,委派appoint vt.任命,指派;预约,安排2illegal adj.不合法的,违法的legal adj.合法的3instant n片刻,瞬息 adj.瞬间的,立即的,紧急的instantly adv.即刻地,马上地instance n例子;事例;情况4surrounding adj.附近的,周围的surround v包围,围绕surroundings n环境5inspect v审查inspection n检查,视察inspector n检查员,视察员6glory n荣耀的事,值得骄傲的事glorious adj.光荣的,荣耀

3、的7hesitate v犹豫,踌躇hesitation n犹豫,踌躇8existence n生活;存在exist v存在9commit vt.投入committed adj.尽责的mit vt.投入联想committee n委员(会)生词commit vt.投入2appointment n约见,约会;任命,委派记法appoint vt.约会;任命ment(名词后缀) appointment3childhood n童年,儿童时代联想后缀hood名词大全boyhood少年时代adulthood 成年brotherhood 手足之情parenthood 父母身份;亲子关系neighborhood 邻

4、里;社区;街坊4bend v弯腰,倾身记法endbend联想“词中词”法帮你记antdistant 遥远的 havebehave 表现armharm 伤害 plainexplain 解释servedeserve 值得 endtend 趋向5glory n. U光荣,荣誉C荣耀的事联想抽象名词具体化常见词success U成功C成功的人或事failure U失败C失败的人或事honour U荣誉C光荣的人或事6overcome vt.战胜,克服记法图片记忆:二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.turn up出现,来到;调大2make up 组成;编造;凑成;补偿;化妆3make out 假

5、装;声称;开出,写出;听出,看出4go into detail(s) 讨论,细谈5get in touch 取得联系6speak up 大声地说,自由而大胆地说出7sit up 坐直;坐起来;熬夜8believe in 信任,信仰9turn over 反转10pay off 得到好结果;取得成功;付清债务11as long as 只要12be bored with 对感到厌倦1.a couple of minutes early早几分钟2take down notes 做笔记3look people in the eye 直视对方4dream of becoming a famous pers

6、on on TV 梦想成为一名著名的电视工作者5achieve success 获得成功6a strong character 一个坚强的人7inspect an illegal business 调查一桩非法交易8win an award 获奖9smile brightly 灿烂地微笑10the following week 下周三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.The instant she stopped asking questions, I got up and went out of the room. 她一停止问问题,我就站起来走出了房间。the instant .“一就”,是

7、名词性短语作连词引导时间状语从句。The_instant_I_heard_Beijing_will_hold the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, I jumped with joy.一听到北京将要举办2022年冬奥会,我高兴得跳了起来。2.Although there were lots of difficulties to overcome, she never let her problems defeat her.虽然有许多困难要克服,但她从来没有让困难打败自己。although“尽管”,引导让步状语从句,也可用though替换。Though/Although_

8、she_is_disabled,_she has a strong will.虽然残疾,但她意志坚强。3.I discovered then that as long as I am committed and never give up I will be able to produce high quality reports. 那时我就发现只要坚持不懈,永不放弃,我就能写出高质量的报道来。as long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句。As_long_as_you_keep_studying_hard,_you can improve your maths.只要你继续努力学习,你就能提高

9、你的数学成绩。1(教材P24)Make up information about yourself.编造有关自己的信息。make up编造,虚构;占,构成,组成;化妆;和解;弥补;整理写出下列句中make up的含义The boy made up a wonderful story to explain his absence.编造,虚构The actor made himself up for the part of an old man.化妆They made up a bed for their little girl on the sofa.整理Farmers make up 80 p

10、ercent of the population of this country.占,构成,组成The couple often quarrel, but they always make up the next day.和解Can I leave early this afternoon and make up for the time tomorrow?弥补make up for弥补,补偿make use of 利用,使用be made up of 由组成Making_full_use_of time is a good habit, which requires one to plan

11、carefully.充分利用时间是一种好习惯,这要求一个人在计划的时候要小心仔细。Our class is_made_up_of 50 lively boys and girls, who are warm and generous and ready to offer help. 我们班由50名活泼的男孩和女孩组成,他们都热心、慷慨、乐于助人。2(教材P24)Make out you understand something when you dont!你不懂时,假装你懂得!make out假装;声称;开出,写出;听出,看出,辨认出;理解,明白;设法应付写出下列句中make out的含义Le

12、ts make out that we know nothing about it.假装They arent as rich as they made out.声称I cant make out whether this letter is an “e” or an “o”看出,辨认出She was a strange person; I couldnt make her out.理解The teacher has made out a list of reference books for us to buy.写出3(教材P24)I turned up for the appointment

13、 five minutes late, so I walked straight in and sat down.我比约定的时间晚了5分钟,因此,我径直走进去坐了下来。appointment(1)n.约见,约会make/have an appointment with sb. 与某人约会keep/break an appointment 守/失约by appointment按约定,按事先确定的时间Phone his secretary and make/have an appointment with the new client.打电话给他的秘书约定与新客户会面的时间。It looks as

14、 if I wont be able to keep_the_appointment we made.看来我不能如期赴约了。They allow people to visit by_appointment during the first weekend in every month. 他们允许人们在每个月的第一个周末以预约方式前往参观。(2)n.任命,委任;职位(1)appointment as/to be任命为(2)appoint v. 任命,委任appoint sb. as/to be . 指定/任命某人为I must congratulate you on your_appointment_as/to_be_a_manager. 我一定得祝贺您荣任经理之职。We must appoint somebody to_be/as headmaster as soon as possible.我们必须尽快任命一个人当校长。4(教材P25)The town has many surrounding farms.这个镇周围有许多农场。surroundin


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