2019年高中英语 module 5 cloning 单元小结教案(含解析)外研版选修6

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1、Module 5 Cloning 单元小结The most famous horror film Frankenstein is a scifi story. It describes a young scientist Frankenstein, an imaginary character, created a creature which is identical to a human being. However, the final result is incredible. The creatures black hair and white teeth contrasts hor

2、ribly with his wrinkled yellow skin and black lips. It terrifies everyone who sees him. For Frankenstein, the nightmares began. When the monster got refused, he murdered Frankensteins brother and his fiancee. The scientist chased the monster and wanted to kill him again and again. In the end, the mo

3、nster threw himself on the ice in the Arctic and disappeared. In this film, Frankenstein created the creature using the technique cloning.Now the science of genetics and cloning is very popular. In 1996, the cloned animal Dolly the sheep was born. The world treated it as a miracle. Since then, many

4、animals have been cloned.Some scientists are trying to clone humans, which is controversial. The contradictory opinions are as follows: Those for the idea of cloning humans think we can rely on the clone to resist or cure the diseases. Those against the idea think cloning will restrict the biodivers

5、ity of the breed. More problems arise. For example, how to deal with the relationship between the clone and the original?Whether cloning will be beneficial or harmful to human beings is unknown. To avoid getting out of control, compulsory government regulations which control cloning will have to mad


7、隆人类,这是有争议的。对立的观点如下:那些支持克隆人类的人认为,我们可以依靠克隆体抵抗或治愈疾病。那些反对的人认为,克隆将限制物种的多样性。更多的问题出现了,比如,如何处理克隆体与原体的关系?克隆对人类有益还是有害还不清楚。为了避免失去控制,强制性的政府控制克隆的法规将不得不制定出来。加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空My StoryThe long journey to clone my two beloved dogs began about fifteen years ago.It was the year 2000 and my life was _1_. At 30 years o

8、ld, I was poor. I spent all my money and I _2_ from my wife. It was at that very moment my two wonderful dogs Wolfie and Bubble cared for my _3_ heart. Until this day, I have no idea how I would have gone through those horrible times _4_ them. I realized what my _5_ in life was. My happiness was _6_

9、 related to my two dogs whom I considered my children.I _7_ a simple 15year plan. I would start a company, whose only _8_ was to make enough money _9_ I could pay to have them cloned when the time came.I would start my own _10_ and save money. Work hard, save, and live _11_. Today I feel I have walk

10、ed a million miles. I am very tired, _12_ have finally reached my goal. In July of 2011, I found a dog cloning company Sooam Biotech Research Foundation in South Korea _13_ by the top cloning scientist and father of dog cloning Dr. Hwang, who was the first scientist to successfully _14_ a dog. In fa

11、ct, he was the one who cloned Snuppy the worlds first cloned _15_ that I had met in May 2009.Dr. Hwang and his staff _16_ me with open arms. He told me that the Wolfie clones should not grow up _17_. He was going to clone Bubble _18_ and I was also relieved that the money would be enough.Two healthy

12、 Wolfie clones were born on December 23rd, 2014, just three months from the time they _19_ Wolfies cells. I have been so used to waiting that even until now Ill take out my phone and stare at the images of the clones just to make sure I dont _20_ at all. Ill have another chance to love them all over

13、 again.语篇解读:当作者处于人生低谷时,两只小狗成了作者最好的陪伴。为了克隆出同样的小狗,作者创办了公司,省吃俭用,最终实现了自己的愿望。1A.exceptionalBterribleCterrifying Dboring解析:选B根据第二段中的“I was poor” “I spent all my money”和“those horrible times”可知“我”的生活很糟糕。2A.stopped BseparatedCsheltered Descaped解析:选B“我”花光了所有的钱并且和妻子分居了。separate“分居”,符合语境。3A.determined Bstubbor

14、nCsoft Dbroken解析:选D根据上文作者对糟糕的生活和妻子的离开的描述可知,此处表示安慰“我”破碎的心。4. Awithout Brather thanCbecause of Ddespite解析:选A直到现在“我”都不知道如果没有它们,“我”该如何度过那些可怕的日子。without“无相伴,没有”,符合语境。5A.ability BstrengthCadvantage Dpreference解析:选D由下文“我”开公司、存钱去克隆狗可推知,这里指“我”意识到了“我”的生活偏爱是什么。preference“偏爱”,此处是指对狗的偏爱。6A.blindly BcarefullyCclo

15、sely Dnarrowly解析:选C“我”的幸福与“我”的两只狗密切相关。be closely related to .“和密切相关”。closely“密切地”。7A.put up with Bkept up withCcaught up with Dcame up with解析:选D“我”想出了一个简单的十五年计划。put up with“忍受”; keep up with “(与)并驾齐驱”;catch up with “赶上”;come up with“想出,制订出,提出”。8A.procedure BjobCpurpose Denjoyment解析:选C由语境及下一段中的“reached my goal”可知,此处说的是公司的目的是赚钱去克隆“我”的狗。9A.so that Bnow thatCin that Dsuch that解析:选A由语境可知空格后为“我”创办公司的目的,空格处引导目的状语从句,故应选so that,意为“以便,为了”。10A.shop BcenterCcompany Dfactory解析:选Cstart my own company表示创办自己的公司。上一段中提到的“start a company”是信息提示。11A.calmly


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