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1、Manufacturing Performance Improvement 如何改进生产绩效,6-1-2004 CT Yang,Contents 内容,3 key manufacturing focus and its objectives 生产制造中最重要的三个项目 Flash Electronic Quality policy 飞旭电子公司品质策略 The most common production problems 生产线最常看到的问题 Standard operation instruction ( SIC ) and visual aid 作业指导书 Methodology of

2、quality improvement 改进质量的方法(案例) Continuous flow Manufacturing 连续生产 Daily kit release control 每日工单计划及管控 Continuous flow of post SMT operation 后工程连续生产案例 How to pursue manufacturing Excellence 如何追求卓越绩效 3 key processes of SMT excellence 达成SMT最高绩效的三个重要项目 Three phases of improvement 达到最高绩效的三个阶段,生产制造部最需要重视

3、的三个项目 ( 3 Key Manufacturing Focus Items ),质量 Quality 以零缺点为目标 ( aimed at zero defect ) Zero defect at OQA 质保检查零缺点 连续生产 Continuous Flow Manufacturing 以连续不停留的流程为目标 ( aimed at stream line process ) From SMT through ICT less than 24 hours 从SMT投生到通过ICT少于24小时 效率 Efficiency 以消除所有浪费为目标( aimed at eliminate wa

4、ste ) SMT 50% plus of hours over 15K parts/Cp 有50%以上的工时,SMT Cp能贴片15K以上 Insert over 720 parts per employee- hour (total # of parts inserted in a shift / 8X # of operators) 平均每人每小时能手插720颗零件,(1) 品质 Quality,( To development a method aimed at Zero Defects ) 以零缺点为目标的生产模式,Flash Electronics Quality Policy 飞

5、旭电子公司品质策略 (1)缺点预防 Defect Prevention - Poke Yoke Process 防呆 - Stop defect at working process not inspection station 阻止缺点 (2)持续改进 Continuous Improvement - Real time quality feed back 立刻反馈 - QPI activities 逐项改进,The Most Common Problems On Our Production Floor are: 生产线最常看到的问题,People use the different wa

6、y to do the same work 同样的工作,不同的方法去做 Repetitive human defects 人为错误一再发生 No confidence for the result of the work 对工作结果无信心 No reject from customer because today is lucky! 客户不退货,仅是侥幸,Standard Operation Instruction ( SIC ) and Visual Aid 标准作业指导及作业指导书,Why Need A Standard Operation? 为何需要一个标准作业书,Do not trus

7、t memory 记忆不可靠 Minimize the method variation 减少作业差异 Control quality 易于控制质量 Easier for training new comer 易于训练新员工 Easy for line change over 易于换线作业 Increase work efficiency 增加工作效率,What Is A Standard Operation? 怎么是标准作业?,A pre-defined work method 是一种预先定好的工作方法 Designed by engineer 是由工程师设计定的 A simple prod

8、uction language 是由一种生产线人员可懂的语言书写的 Provide a consistency and a quality work 是能提供一个持续生产良品的方法,What Should Include In The Assembly Visual Aid? 一个作业指导书应包括哪些东西,The most important thing in the visual aid are: 作业指导书应包括: Quality points 应包括质量重点 Any potential human error or mistake that may occur in that stati

9、on 应包括应生产工位一切可能产生的人为失误地方 3 Basic work steps 应包括工作的三大步骤 Check 来料及来板质量查对重点 Do 工作内容 Verify 确认重点,Some Hints on Visual Aids 作业指导书的制作重点,Do not over 5 steps 不宜超过五种以上不同的工艺 Use production language 员工能看懂 Use 3-5 colors ( Red/ Green/ Yellow/ Blue) 利用不同色彩 Prefer to use drawing file 利用装配图 Consider balancing 平衡 C

10、ycle time between 0.5 to 2.0 minutes 每一工位作业约在半分钟到两分钟之内,Methodology of Quality Improvement ( Top 5 defects control and elimination ) 改进质量的方法,Methodology of Quality Improvement 改进质量 ( Top 5 defects control and elimination ),Why we do this ? 为何如此做?,Prevent the repetitive defects found by customer. 为了预防

11、相同的问题再流到客户去,Though we may not know the root cause of defects or ways to kill a defect, Catch It , dont let the defects passing our process and leak to our customer. 尽管我们对问题原因不清,尚无解决之道, 但我们至少可以不让同一问题不再次流到客户处 In the mean time, lets work together to find the solution to Eliminate that defects later. 在此

12、同时一面全作找出原因,並消减它,80/20 Rule,Top 5 Defects ( Criminals ),20% Others,Focus on Catching Top 5 Defects 集中全力于前五名最大不良点,80%,Methodology of Quality Improvement 改进质量 ( Top 5 defects control and elimination ),前五最大不良点,80% on Top 5 Defects 最大五项,20% Others,Continuously focus on the top 5 defects 继续集中全力于最大五项,80% o

13、n Top 5 Defects 最大五项,20% Others,80% on Top 5 Defects 最大五项,20% Others,80% on Top 5 Defects,0% Defect,Improvement 改进,Improvement 改进,Improvement 改进,Improvement,最大五项,Total Quality Management 全面品质,Goal 目标 Habit of improvement perfection 养成不断追求完美的习惯 Organization 组织 Production responsibility 生产部门的责任 Basic

14、principles 基本法责 100% check 全数检查 Execution and escalation 強调执行及上报 Line stop 停线(问题应立刻解决) Correcting ones own errors 自负改正错误的责任 Project-by-project improvement 逐项改进,Total Quality Management 全面品质,Concepts 观念 QC as facilitator 品质部门是活动的推动者 House keeping 保持工作环境整齐清洁 Less-than-full capacity scheduling 保持弹性 Sma

15、ll lot sizes 小批量生产 Pre-check before production 事先查核后,再生产 Techniques and AIDS 辅助工艺 Exposure of problem 曝露问题 Poke Yoke devices 防呆措施 QC tools 熟用品质技巧 QPI activities 品质及效率改进小组活动,(2) 连续生产 Continuous Flow Manufacturing,( To develop a method aimed at stream line process ) 以连续不停留的流程为目标的生产模式,Inventory Covers

16、Problems 问题通常被存货所遮盖,Poor Quality,Raw parts 原料,Poor Schedule,Machine stop,Imbalance,Lack of ownership,Poor parts On time delivery,Long Change- over,Poor Communication,Lack of Training,High Turnover,Finish goods 成品,WIP,What problems was covered by High WIP Inventory? 哪些问题通常被高存货所遮盖?,Raw parts 原料,Imbalance 不平衡,Finish goods 成品,Poor Quality 品质不良,Poor Schedule 排程不良,High Turnover 高流动率,Lack of Ownership



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