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1、Effective Communication 如何有效的与别人进行交流,To be an effective ProfessionalPart.1 做一个给人印象深刻的专家第一部,Effective Plan-好的计划 Effective Execution-有效的实施 Effective Relax-适当的放松 Effective Eating (joke:)-吃好一些(开玩笑),Topics:(提纲),Purpose of communication-交流的目的 Points for communication under different purposes-区分不同目的时的要点 Ch

2、oose the right way to communicate-选择合适的交流方式 Discussion-讨论,Purpose of Communication: 交流的目的,Exchange Ideas-想法的交流 To ask for something to be done-请求对方行动起来,做某些事情 To inform somebody something-传递给对方一些信息 To motivate the team-激发团队活力,Exchange Ideas: 想法的交流,Clarify your attitude (If you have no definitive atti

3、tude, not participate) 明确你的观点(如果你自己并没有弄清自己的观点,那么请不要参加交流) Clarify why you choose this way not others (Sometimes why is more important than how) 弄清为什么你会选择这种方式而不是其它方式(有时,“为什么”比”怎么样”更重要) Be open minded (not be too stubborn) 使自己的思想开放些(不要太固执),Exchange Ideas: 想法的交流,Explain others idea to confirm you have c

4、atch the points 复述别人的观点,以此来确认你是否正确理解他的意思 Evaluate different ideas to choose the most suitable one 评价这些不同的观点,选择最合适的一个,To ask for something to be done 请求对方行动起来,做某些事情,Describe what you need clearly 清楚地阐明你需要怎么样 Focus on the topic 集中主题 Dont use too much superfluous words 不要讲太多不相关的东西 Dont be self-contradi

5、ction 不要自以为是 Why, What, When, Who, How (Five-points) “为什么”,“是什么”,“什么时候”,“谁”,“怎么做”(五点),To ask for something to be done 请求对方行动起来,做某些事情,Negotiate to the best result 尽可能多的交流 Dont expect too much from the person you asked 不要在对方身上奢望得到太多 Monitor the progress 时刻注意进展 Be honest to your original target (Keep o

6、n it!) 忠于你的初忠(要坚持) Show your sincere thanks when work has been done well 当工作较好的完成后,要向对方表示诚挚的感谢,To be asked for something: 请求对方行动起来,做某些事情,Listen carefully before you reply 在作出反应之前,请多倾听 Catch the points the requester give out 在对方提请求时,抓住要点 Confirm with the requester what he needed 与请求者再次确定“他需要什么” Give

7、your reply 给出你的答复 No, avoid definitely “no”, if you cannot comply with the request, tell the reason and negotiate to the best result 不,避免直接说不,如果你不能按照对方提出的要求做,请告诉他理由,并提出最好的建议。 Yes, tell the requester when and in what format you will give him your answer 是,告诉请求者何时和以何种方式,你将给他答复 Tell him other methods t

8、o do that thing 告诉他其它处理方式,To be asked for something: 请求对方行动起来,做某些事情,Keep your commitment 勇于承担责任 Deliver qualified answer 给出好答案,To inform something: 传递给对方一些信息,Tell the listener what will happened 告诉倾听者将要说些什么 If its planed action, tell them why we do this. The situation we face and the methodology we

9、adopt 如果你事先有计划,告诉他们我们为什么要这样做,以及我们将面对些什么,和我们将采用的方法,To inform something: 传递给对方一些信息,Ask for feedback 别要求报酬 Give reference and contact person if needed 给出建议并多与他人接触,如果有需要的话,To motivate the team 激发团队活力,Tell the team why they should do the things you wanted. Important! From their view, not yourself. 告诉团队成员

10、,为什么他们要做你要求的这些事情。这是很重要的!从他人的立场出发,而不是从自己的立场出发 Tell them the benefit if they do what you wanted 告诉他们这样做的好处,To motivate the team 激发团队活力,Show your enthusiasm and confident 展示你的激情和自信 Tell them how you can help them to achieve the target 告诉他们你将为提供哪些帮助,使他们更好地完成这个目标,Communication methods: 交流的方法,VSVery Suitable(较合适) SSuitable(合适) Nnot suitable(不合适),Discussion 讨论,Your ideas! 你的观点,


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