2019秋四年级英语上册 unit 5 free time教案2 外研剑桥版

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1、Free time备课时间主备教师所在单位复备时间授课教师所在单位集备课题 Unit 5 Free time-part 1课型新授项目内容修改栏教学目标1.Master 8 key phrases in Part 1.2、Listen and point.3.能应用句型Can you .?Yes, I can .No, I can让学生通过看图、听音与拼读等方式学习新单词,在学习单词过程中引导学生学习和掌握根据读音记忆单词的方法。培养学生继续学习英语的兴趣。教育孩子养成喜爱运动的好习惯。教学重点能听懂、认读单词:Play table tennis, play football, play th

2、e piano, ride a horse, stand on your/his/her/my head, roller blade, ski教学难点stand on your/his/her/my head教学准备CAI , pictures , cards , tape.教学流程讨论与修改教学环节教师活动学生活动Step1 Warming upGreetings and free talkHello,boys and girls! I can sing the song,Can you sing the song? Let s sing together. Good job.I can r

3、un .can you ?Can you clap your hands, jump up high ,stretch(设计说明),用学生熟悉的动词边说边做动作,创造学习英语的氛围,直接切入本课的教学重点。Step2. Presentation1 Free Talk 引出课题 Unit4I can do many many thingslike this :sing ,dance ,swim,Watch tv, play computer gamesand do many sports in ourfree time .This lesson welllearn free time.( 板书

4、)(师生互动的问答吸引了学生的注意力,同时引出了课题,教师揭题、板书并带读)2Teach the new words: football, table tennis ,piano等词组操练:play football , play the piano , play table tennis ,etc(1)教师出示词卡:football, 升调、降调读单词T: Can you spell this word?Ss: Yes , f-o-o-t-b-a-l-l football(新单词的教法细节把握得当,学生印象深刻,课堂气氛活跃)(2)CAI 呈现play table tennis and pl

5、ay the piano.I am sad,because I cant play the piano.顺势引出Can you play the piano?Yes ,I can .No, I cant.3. 我是小法官!1. I can play piano.2.Mike can play the football.3.I cant play the violin(小提琴)4.He can play the volleyball.(排球)5.Ann cant play table tennis.( 运用这个练习来巩固这三个词组,让学生理解乐器类单词前加the ,球类单词前不要加。)4.CAI

6、 直观呈现其他单词,ride a horse, roller blade, ski,stand on your/his/her/my head,等。运用A chant突破难点:I , I , I can stand on my head.You,you ,You can stand on your head.He ,he , He can stand on his head.She ,she , She can stand on her head.Step3. Practice1.Wats missing ?2.listen and point.3. if you are a reporter

7、,please interview one pupil .tick what he can and cant do.You can use the dialogues.-Hi !Whats your ame?-I am -Can you .-Yes , I can .No , I cant.4.Write a reporter.Step 4 ConsolidationLook at the signs and pictures about sports. Let them love sports.Step 5 Hmework.1. write the phrases two times.Sin

8、g the song,do the actions “clap your hands, jump up high ,stretch,run Look at the pictures and read the words.Spell f-o-o-t-b-a-l-l 1.Read after teacher I cant play football2.Work in pairs Can you play football?Yes ,I can .No, I cant.Understand乐器类单词前加the ,球类单词前不要加。Finsh part3 .tick the right answer1

9、. Look at the CAI 10 seconds and then say the words quickly.2.listen to the tape and point the pictures.3.Use the dialogues to interview one pupil.4. Write a reporter.板书设计Unit 4 Free Time Can you play table tennis play football play the piano,ride a horse, standon your/his/her/my head, roller bladeswimski Yes , I can .No , I cant.课后反思4


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