2019秋四年级英语上册 unit 4 school教案2 外研剑桥版

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《2019秋四年级英语上册 unit 4 school教案2 外研剑桥版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019秋四年级英语上册 unit 4 school教案2 外研剑桥版(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4备课时间主 备 人主 备 人所在单位复备时间授课教师授课教师所在单位课 题Unit4 Part1课 型新 授课时分配第 课时上课时间项 目内 容教学目标知 识能 力1. 能正确读出、规范书写单词gym ,library ,playground ,canteen ,computer room ,classroom,并理解单词的意思。2、能在老师指导下运用Are there.?/Is there.?Is it big (small)?/I (We).in(on).等句型进行简单的交际。过 程方 法看一看,听一听,答一答。情 感态 度价值观确保学生在第四年英语学习的开始有积极和轻松的心态。

2、教学重点学会回答Are there.?/Is there.?Is it big(small)?/I (We).in(on).等句型进行简单的交际。教学难点熟练灵活运用本课句型进行对话交流教学、教具(课件)准 备CA课件、图片、课文内容教 学 流 程教学环节教 师 活 动预设学生活动Step 1 Warm-upTalk about the classroom, using “There is/are”.Step2 Presentation1)Show and learn the new words.2) Look and listen.3)Ask more questions.Is the li

3、brary big? Are there any classrooms? Is there a gym in the school? Are there many books in the library? Is their school big? Is the playground small? Is there an art room in the school?4)Listen again. Then match. Step3 Practice1) Give a model. Ask the pupils to ask and answer in pairs.2) Say about t

4、heir school with the pupils.Step4 ConsolidationShow some Exx.HomeworkSay and write about their school.Talk freely.Read and learn.Listen carefully.Answer.Listen and match.Work in pairs.Use the sentences they have learned to introduce their school.Do Exx.板书设计Unit4 part 1Is/Are there.?Is it.big(small)?

5、I (We).in(on).课后反思本节课听说较多,阅读写作时间不足,应该让学生自己进行写作。(四 )年级(上 )册( 英语 )学科集体备课表备课时间主 备 人主 备 人所在单位复备时间授课教师授课教师所在单位课 题Unit4 Part2.3课 型新 授课时分配第 课时上课时间项 目内 容教学目标知 识能 力1. 能正确读出、并且运用下列短语in the library , on the playground , in the canteen , in the computer room , in the classroom,并理解单词的意思。2、能在老师指导下运用Are there.?/Is

6、 there.?Is it big (small)?/ I (We).in(on).等句型进行简单的交际。过 程方 法连一连,听一听,说一说。情 感态 度价值观确保学生在第四年英语学习的开始有积极和轻松的心态。教学重点学会回答Are there.?/Is there.?Is it big (small)?/I (We).in(on).等句型进行简单的交际。教学难点熟练灵活运用本课句型进行对话交流教学、教具(课件)准 备图片、课文内容教 学 流 程教学环节教 师 活 动预设学生活动Step 1 Warm-upTalk about the classroom, using “There is/ar

7、e”.Step2 Presentation1) Match to complete the sentences(P33).2) Listen and check .3).Read the sentences We have classes in the classroom. We have lunch in the canteen. We often read in the library.We play sports on the playground.We have computer class in the computer room. 4)Listen again. Step3 Pra

8、ctice1) Ask the pupils to ask and answer in pairs.Is your school big? No ,its small. Is there a library? Yes ,I often read in the library. 2) Say about their school with the pupils.Step4 ConsolidationShow some Exx.Homework write about your school.Talk freely.Read and learn.Listen carefully.Answer.Li

9、sten and say.Work in pairs.Use the sentences they have learned to introduce their school.Do Exx.板书设计Unit4 part 1We have classes in the classroom. We have lunch in the canteen. We often read in the library.We play sports on the playground.We have computer class in the computer room. 课后反思本节课听说较多,阅读写作时

10、间不足,应该让学生自己进行写作。(四)年级(上)册 (英语)学科集体备课表 备课时间 主 备 人主 备 人所在单位课 题Unit 4 Part4课 型Story课时分配第 课时上课时间项 目内容教学目标知 识能 力a. Learn to understand this story.b. The pupils learn to understand some sentences in the story: Heres my prize. Stop it! Help me, please. Where is my pencil case? Its not here. Ive got it!c. Decoding the meaning of the language in a story.过 程方 法通过游戏、角色扮演等活动,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,让学生在参与“做事”的体验中,提高语言技能,丰富情感。情 感态 度价值观通过角色扮演,培养学生团结互助的精神和英语交际的能力。教学重点Understand the story教学难点Understand and use:Heres my prize. Stop it! Help me, please.Wheres my (pencil case)?Its not here Ive got it!教学、教具(课件)准 备The cas


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