2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 2 healthy eating section ⅰ课件 新人教版必修3

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《2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 2 healthy eating section ⅰ课件 新人教版必修3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 2 healthy eating section ⅰ课件 新人教版必修3(51页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Healthy eating,A Menu A man dining with a friend explained the peculiarities1 of the restaurant they were in:“The waiters never admit they dont have something.Theyll take your order for a slice of sun and take it away as if they mean to get it.And then theyll come back and say they just ran o

2、ut.”,To prove his point,he said to the waiter,“The dinosaur,please.” “Yes,sir,” answered the waiter.“And how would you like it cooked?” “Well done!” The waiter left and returned quickly,“Im sorry,sir,but weve just run out of a dinosaur.” “What?” said the diner with feigned2 disappointment.“No dinosa

3、ur?” The waiter lowered3 his voice.“Well,we do have some left,”he whispered confidentially4,“.but its not very fresh and I wont serve it!”,译文 菜单 一位和朋友吃饭的男士解释他们在饭馆里吃饭的怪现象时说:“服务员从未承认过他们没有什么菜。假如你想要一份太阳,他们也会拿着菜单离去,好像真能给你弄来似的。然后,他们回来说这道菜刚卖完。” 为了证明这一点,他说:“请来一份恐龙。” “好的,先生,”服务员回答说,“您要的恐龙是做得嫩点还是老点儿的?” “老点儿的。

4、” 服务员离开了,又很快回来了。“对不起,先生,我们的恐龙菜刚卖完。” “什么?”顾客装作失望地说:“没有恐龙?” 那服务员低声地说:“我们的确还剩一些。”他显得非常自信的样子。“但恐龙肉有点儿不太新鲜了,所以我还是不给您上这道菜的好。”,词海拾贝 1.peculiarity pIkjulIrti n.怪现象;怪癖 2.feign feIn vt.假装;捏造 3.lower l(r) v.降低 4.confidentially knfIdenli adv.非常自信地,Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending,一,二,一、词汇

5、新知 1.通过查阅词典,写出下列单词的派生词 (1)protect vt. 保护 adj.给予保护的;保护的 (2)balance vt.平衡;权衡 n.太平;平衡 adj.平衡的;均衡的 (3)weak adj.虚弱的 n. 缺点;虚弱;弱点 (4)strong adj.强壮的 n.强项;长处;力量 vt.增强;加强,protective,balanced,weakness,strength,strengthen,一,二,2.用所给词组的适当形式填空 tell a lie,win.back,get away,ought to,lose weight (1)All of us try our

6、best to protect our school. I think so. (2)What do you think of Jack? He is a man who often . (3)How can I her trust? You can turn to Mr.Wang for help. (4)I have decided to so that I can try that beautiful dress. (5)I will never have him tricking the old man.,ought to,tells a lie,win back,lose weigh

7、t,getting away with,一,二,3.语境考查:预习Reading部分的词汇,完成下列小对话或语段。 (1)What kind of person is Mary like? She is a clever girl but likes (说谎). (2)Jack has cheated in the English test. The teachers wont let him (不受惩罚) it. (3)Health plays an important role in our life,so we should pay attention to our diets.We (

8、应该) eat healthy food. (油炸) food is not a good choice.If you are fat,you have to (减肥).And you will (赢回) your good shape.,telling a lie/telling lies,get away with,ought to/should,Fried,lose weight,win back,一,二,二、阅读导学 1.阅读课文“COME AND EAT HERE(1)”,判断正(T)误(F) ( )(1)Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full

9、of people. ( )(2)Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. ( )(3)Wang Pengs customers might get fat after eating in his restaurant. ( )(4)Yong Huis menu gave customers more energy-giving food. ( )(5)Wang Pengs menu gave customers more protective food.,T,F,T,F,F,一,二,2.阅

10、读课文“COME AND EAT HERE(1)”,选出下列题目的正确答案: (1)Wang Pengs research showed . A.he offered a balanced diet B.both of them offered a balanced diet C.Yong Hui offered a balanced diet D.neither of them offered a balanced diet (2)What was Wang Pengs impression upon Yong Huis restaurant? A.The food was nice bot

11、h in quality and quantity. B.All the people there were very fat. C.There were few choices of food and drink on the menu and the prices were much higher. D.It was noisy and busy.,D,C,一,二,(3)“The competition between the two restaurants was on!” means “ ”. A.The competition came to an end B.The competi

12、tion didnt start C.The two restaurants would put up more signs as their advertisements D.Neither of the restaurants would give way to each other (4)What was the result of eating in Wang Pengs restaurant? A.People often became thin very soon. B.People often became fat very soon. C.People often became

13、 tired quickly. D.People often became happy.,D,B,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Everybody has to eat,but do you eat a healthy diet?(Page 9) 每个人都必须吃饭,但是你吃得健康吗? diet n.日常饮食 vi.节食 OK,then you could change your diet. 好的,然后你可以改变你的饮食。 A good diet is beneficial to health. 良好的饮食有益于健康。 Most of us have dieted at some time in

14、our lives. 我们大多数人都曾在人生的某个时期节食过。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,合作探究 (1)读一读细观察 阅读下列句子,注意diet词组的用法及意义。 Have you been on a diet?Youve lost a lot of weight. You must go on a diet because you are too fat. The doctor put him on a diet after operation. Children today are brought up on a diet of television cartoons and soap

15、 operas. (2)写一写勤总结,在节食,按规定饮食/节食(表示动作),多得令人生厌的事物,限制某人饮食,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,(3)想一想善辨析 diet与food用法辨析,A diet lacking in nutritional value cant keep a person healthy. 缺乏营养价值的饮食不能维持人的健康。 【高考典句】(2016上海高考)She was taking the food to the refugee camp,in which she distributed it to children. 她把食物带到难民营,把食物分给孩子们。,1,2

16、,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.(Page 10) 王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到很沮丧。 剖析本句中的现在分词短语feeling very frustrated作伴随状语,此时句子的主语Wang Peng与feeling之间存在逻辑上的主动关系。如: She buried her head under the pillow,crying. 她把头埋在枕头下,哭起来。 He sat in the chair reading a newspaper. 他坐在椅子上看报。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,合作探究 现在分词(短语)用作伴随状语时,它表示的动作伴随句子谓语动作同


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