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1、以风险为本的监管理念: 量度利率与市场风险的方法与应用: (1)Duration and Convexity (2)Value-at-Risk,主要内容,1. Duration 的种类 2. 什么是 Convexity 3. 计算 Duration 与 Convexity 的方法 4. 计算价格变化的方法 5. Duration的用处 什么是 Value-at-Risk 计算VAR的方法 VAR的比較與轉化 VAR的应用 VAR的优点与缺陷 個案研究 量度利率與市場風險的目的 答问与讨论,什么是市場風險 (market risk), 市場風險的定義: 這是機構的狀況因不利的市場率或市價 (例如

2、匯率或商品股票價格)變動而須承受的風險。 可能面對市場風險的例子: 持有某機構發行的債券 持有某上市公司的證券 持有未經對沖(hedging)的外幣資產,什么是利率風險 (interest rate risk), 這是銀行的財務狀況因不利的利率變動而須承受的風險。 銀行在評估其業務所涉及的利率風險水平時應考慮幾項因素,包括重訂息率風險 (repricing risk)、息率基準風險 (basis risk)、收益率曲線風險 (yield curve risk),以及期權風險 (option risk)。 可能面對利率風險的例子: 對客戶作出固定利息的貸款 持有某機構發行的定息債券 發行長年期的

3、債務工具(例:在2001年12月的低息市況下發行為期十年、息率8%的債券),風險為本的監管制度,由於銀行業務日趨複雜,銀行必須確立全面的風險管理程序,以識別 (identify)、衡量 (measure)、監察 (monitor)及控制 (manage)本身所承受的各類風險。 銀行應確保能識別新產品及業務的風險,並且先行確立足夠的風險管理程序及管控措施,才推出這些新產品及業務。 監管者必須認識各類業務的不同風險。,银行面對的利率與市場風險,请参阅附件 1 及 2,请参阅参考资料 (第47-59頁),量度利率风险的方法 Duration and Convexity,Duration,量度利率风险

4、的各種基本方法 Gap Report (利率重訂差距表) (请参阅参第10-12頁) Duration (加权周转期),利率风险利率风险 (Interest Rate Risk),Duration,Duration could mean加权周转期通常指(1)麦哥利加权周转期;或(2)经调整加权周转期: Macaulays Duration 麦哥利加权周转期 (invented by Professor Frederick Macaulay in 1938 : “Some theoretical Problems Suggested by the Movement of Interest Rat

5、es, Bond Yields, and Stock in the US since 1986” t1 x PVCF1 + t2 x PVCF2 + t3 x PVCF3 . tn x PVCFn (k x PVTCF) PVCFt = present value of the cash flow in period t discounted at the yield-to-maturity.经贴现后的现金流量 PVTCF = the total present value of the cash flow of the security determined by the yield-to-

6、maturity, or simply the price of the security.经贴现后的總现金流量 k = number of payments per year 每年派息次数 Modified Duration 经调整加权周转期,Duration,例子:債券 或 贷款 假設銀行A持有美國政府發行的債券: 每年派息率 (Coupon rate) = 8.00% 利率 (Yield-to-maturity) = 8.00% , 面值 (Price) = $100 年期 (Term) = 5年期 (5 years) 每年派息2次(semi-annual interest paymen

7、t),8%,$100Mn,0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5,本金 $100Mn,利息,$4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4 $4,(债券/贷款),麦哥利加权周转期,Duration,Percentage change in price (价格变化的百分比) = -1 x Macaulays duration x yield change x 100 (1+ yield/k) 麦哥利加权周转期 利率变化 (1) 利率 每年派息次数 (收益率) Modified duration = Macaulays duration 麦哥利加权周转期 经调整加权周

8、转期 (1 + yield/k) (2) Percentage change in price = -Modified duration x yield change x 100 (价格变化的百分比) 经调整加权周转期 利率变化 (3),Duration,If interest rate from 8% to 9% 如利率从8%上升到9% : 麦哥利加权周转期 Modified duration = Macaulays duration = 4.2177 = 4.0555 经调整加权周转期 (1 + yield/k) (1+0.08/2) (4) Percentage change in pr

9、ice = -Modified duration x yield change x100 价格变化的百分比= -4.0555 x (+0.01) x 100 = -4.0555 (5) 負數,Duration,If interest rate from 8% to 9%, the bond originally sold for $100 is now priced at 95.9445, a decrease of 4.0555%. 如利率从8%上升到9%, 面值$100的债券,市场价值只有$95.9445, 下跌4.0555% We have converted a 5-year bond

10、 with 10 cash flows into a single number: 4.0555. This means: if interest rate by 1%, the price 4.0555% if interest rate by 1%, the price 4.0555% 我们已将年期5年及10现金流的债券转化为一个数字: 4.0555 如利率1% ,价格 4.0555% 如利率1% ,价格 4.0555% Modified duration (4.0555) represents the interest rate sentivity of this 5 year bond

11、. 经调整加权周转期代表这债券的敏感度,Convexity,Duration is accurate in calculating changes in price for small changes in yields. For large changes in yields, duration only provides an approximation. Therefore we have to rely on “ convexity”. 当利率变化非常小的时候,计算价格的变化,应采用duration 方法。当利 率变化非常大的时候,应采用convexity 方法。 Convexity:

12、 t1 x (t1 +1) x PVCF1 + t2 x (t2 +1) x PVCF2 + . tn x (tn +1) x PVCFn (1+yield/k)2 x (k2 x PVTCF) (6) (PVCFt = present value of the cash flow in period t discounted at the yield-to-maturity .经贴现后的现金流量 ) Convexity = 20.1886 Percentage change in price due to convexity 价格变化的百分比 (采用convexity 方法计算) = 1/2

13、 x convexity x (yield change) x (yield change)x 100 (7) 利率变化,Calculation of Change in Price taking account of Duration and Convexity,If interest rate increases from 8% to 9%: 如利率从8%上升到9%: % change in price due to duration 价格变化的百分比 (采用duration 方法计算)= -4.0555 x (+0.01) x 100 = -4.0555% % change in pri

14、ce due to convexity 价格变化的百分比 (采用convexity 方法计算) = 1/2 x 20.1886 x (+0.01)x (+0.01) x 100 = 0.1009% Total % change in price总价格变化的百分比= -4.0555% + 0.1009% = -3.9546% When interets rate increases, the convexity actually decelerates the price depreciation. Duration always underestimates the true security

15、 price.当利率上升时,convexity 实际上减慢了价格的下降情况。 Duration 经常低估了价格。(请参阅附件3),Duration (A) and Duration (L),We can calculate duration of asset portflio. 我们可计算资产组合的duration We can also calculate duration of liability portfolio. 我们也可计算负债组合的duration Liabilities 负债 Assets 资产 Duration (L) = ? Duration (A) = ? 负债组合的duration 资产组合的duration,债券,贷款,股票,其它,存款,存款证,债券,同业借款,其它,怎樣計算整個組合的Duration?,请参阅附件6,Use of Duration Duration的用處,Duration is a very useful measure. It converts a very complex cash flow structure into a single n



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