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1、 ( 外研版)新标准英语 六年级英语下册期末测试卷 三听力部分(20分)、选出你所听到句子中的单词。5分( )1. A. blind B. born C. back( )2. A. become B. came C. became ( )3. A. falling B. fly C. flying( )4.A. spend B. study C. school ( )5. A. make B made C. making、选择能回答你所听到的句子的最佳答语。5分A. He was born in Beijing. B. Yes, we are. C. He flew into space in

2、 Shenzhou V.D. Im going to No.10 Middle School. E. He was born in 1896.6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _、根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的图片。5分( )11. A. B. C. ( )12. A. B. C. ( )13. A. B. C. ( )14. A. B. C. ( )15. A. B. C. 、听一段对话,判断句子正误。5分16. The two mice live in the city. ( )17.The food in the country is not good for the ci

3、ty mouse. ( )18.The city mouses house is very bad. ( )19. Suddenly a cat comes when the two mice are ready to eat in the city. ( )20.The country mouse doesnt like to live in the city. ( )笔试部分(80分)、单项选择。10分( ) 1._this photo, the sun is shining. A. On B. In C. At D. Of( ) 2.Shenzhou V_ into space with

4、 Yang Liwei. A. fly B. flied C. flew D. flying( ) 3.Helen Keller couldnt _and she couldnt _.A. saw, hear B. see, heard C. saw, heard D. see, hear( ) 4.A_for me, please. A. milk B. juice C. cola D. water( ) 5.Lots of_ are learning Chinese in England. A. peoples B. child C. students D. pupil( ) 6._do

5、you go to school? By bike. A. What B. How C. When D. Where( )7. _are you going to eat? At half past eleven. A. When time B. What C. What time D. Whats time( ) 8.His dog is singing very_. A. loudly B. loudy C. loud D. happy( ) 9.He is buying things _your birthday. A. to B. for C. in D. at( ) 10.China

6、 sent a man _space in Shenzhou V. A. in B. to C. at D. into、根据句意及字母提示,补全句子。10分1.-How is Daming going p_ his English? -He can write lots of emails.2.Amy wanted him to bring some caps for the baseball game, so he b_ these caps.3.-Can I h_ you?- I want a schoolbag.4.He isnt right, he is w_.5.Yang Liwei

7、s son was very p_ of his father.6.Louis Braille became b_ when he was three.7.Amy w_ to a baseball game in China.8.Its going to be h_ in Sanya.9.Simon is making a birthday c_.10.Hes playing the trumpet, but the doorbell is r_.、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。10分1. September, are, this, you, to, middle, going, schoo

8、l ,to,go (?)_2.got,why,have,cups,you,heads,on, your (?)_3.this, what , book, is ,about(?)_4.riding, he, bike, his, but, its, to, starting, is, rain.(.)_5window, I ,looking, the ,am, of, out (.)_、根据图片提示,补全对话。10分1. 2. 1.Daming is playing the trumpet, 2.Later she could read and write._. _.3. 4. Look! _

9、. A:_. Who can help me? B: Thank you. Its looks interesting. 5. Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in space. _.、阅读短文,选择方框中的词并用其适当形式填入文中,使文章完整通顺。(每词只能用一次)。10分milk, am, read, enjoy ,are, write ,swim, play, get, isDear Helen,I _ on a farm in America now. Every day it_ sunny and warm .There _a lot

10、of children on the farm. I work and _games with them. Now, Im _the letter in the house. Jack is learning to_. Terry is lying in the sun. John is _a newspaper and some children are playing football near the house. We are going to _cows tomorrow, so we have to_ up earlier tomorrow morning. We _the hol

11、iday very much.See you soon.Love ,Janet、情景交际。根据对话内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,将序号写在横线上,使对话内容完整。10分A: What about going to the zoo?B: Where are you going to go this Sunday?C. Where are we going to meet?D. How are we going to go?E. When are we going to go?F. What are you doing?A: Hello, Daming. _B: Im wa

12、tching TV.A: _B:I dont know.A: _B: Thats a good idea! Lets go together.A:OK! _B: At eight oclock in the morning.A:_B: At the bus stop.A:OK. Lets meet on Sunday morning.、阅读短文,选择合适的答案。10分A birthday party.Yesterday was Sunday. Jack had a birthday party at home in the evening. Jacks friends ,Sam、Tom 、Amy and Lily ,came to his party. They played games, sang and danced. They gave many presents to Jack. They had a lot of things to eat and drink: meat



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