《新概念英语 第二册》教师版讲义第16章至第30章

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1、新概念英语 第二册教师版讲义第1章至第15章目录Lesson 16 A polite request61Lesson 17 Always young65Lesson 18 He often does this!69Lesson 19 Sold out72Lesson 20 One man in a boat76Lesson 21 Mad or not?80Lesson 22 A glass envelope84Lesson 23 A new house88Lesson 24 It could be worse91Lesson 25 Do the English speak English?95

2、Lesson 26 The best art critics99Lesson 27 A wet night103Lesson 28 No parking107Lesson 29 Taxi111Lesson 30 Football or polo116Lesson 16 A polite request阅读理解1. What was the polite request?The request was that the writer should not park his car here.2. Do traffic police often let you go without a ticke

3、t when you park your car in the wrong place?No, this does not always happen.单词详解1. park n. 公园Yellowstone National Park 黄石国家公园(美国第一个国家公园)游乐园 an amusement parkv. 停车e.g. Can I park my car here? 停车辨析:stop my car 短时间停车禁止停车 No parking露天停车场 parking lotparking ticket/ fine 违规停车罚单/罚款*2. traffic un.交通e.g.红绿灯

4、traffic light交通事故traffic accidenttraffic jam 交通堵塞3. ticket: n. 交通违规罚款单超速罚单 a speeding ticketn. 票,入场券单程票 a single/one-way ticket往返票 a return/round-trip ticket音乐会票 the ticket for the concert4. note: n.便条make/take notes 记笔记notebook 笔记本,笔记本电脑5. area n.地段,地区,区域此处是无烟区。 This is a “no smoking” area.6. sign

5、n.指示牌,手势street signs/ road signs 路标(教学说明:老师可简单向学生解释路标含义,增加课程实用性。)7. reminder n. 提示 (后面通常+介词of )This note is only a reminder. 谨以此便条提请注意。remind v. 提醒,使记住结构:remind sb. of sth 使某人想起那首歌“You Are Not Alone”让人想起杰克逊。The song “you are not alone” reminds me of Michael Jackson.= The song “you are not alone” is

6、a reminder of Michael Jackson.辨析:remember (自己)记得8. fail v.失败fail+宾语 : 失败做某事,没能做成某事我驾照考试没过。I failed my driving test.fail to do : 没有能够做成某事灰太狼没能够信守诺言。Grey Wolf failed to keep his promise.9. obey: v.服从遵守命令/法律:obey orders/ the law猜测对应的中文:Obey me or die. 顺我者昌,逆我者亡。课文解析A polite request1. If you park your c

7、ar in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it.l If引导的条件状语从句,用来询问或谈论十分可能的事情。(详见重点语法)2. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen.l let sb. go 让某人走,放开, 使自由模仿:让他离开 let him leavel this does not always happen: 地道的英语表达,“情况并不都是这样”翻译TVB体:发

8、生这种事呢,大家都不想的。 Things just happen.3. Traffic police are sometimes very polite.l police 表示警方,后面用动词复数形式l 如果要单指一名警察,可以用policeman或 policewoman4. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a “No Parking” area.l 复此期间 during this timel Sweden 瑞典 瑞士 Swit

9、zerland5. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs.l stay这里是名词(词性),意思是“逗留”祝愿你和我们在上海很愉快 Wish you enjoy stay in Shanghai with usl pay attention to : 用大脑集中注意到辨析:notice 无意中注意到take care of/look after 照顾care 在乎6. This note is only a reminder. If you receive a request like thi

10、s, you cannot fail to obey it!l receive a request 收到一个请求l cannot fail to是双重否定,表示“一定”你一看到他,一定会微笑。 On seeing him, you cannot fail to smile.重点语法条件状语从句 连接词:if, unless=ifnot, as/so long as, on condition that 等。If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. 如果A puma will n

11、ot attack a human being unless it is cornered. 除非= A puma will not attack a human being if it is not cornered.As long as you like it, you wont give up. 只要 时态规则:主将从现(教学说明:老师可让学生从上面3个例句中自行归纳时态特征)、主情从现、主祈从现如果我失业了,我将会重回校园。 If I lose my job, I will return to the campus.如果你迟到了,你必须道歉。 If you are late, you

12、must say sorry.如果你来上海,来看看我。 If you come to Shanghai, come to call on me.(教学说明:接龙主将从现的游戏“如果将会”。)Lesson 17 Always young阅读理解1. How does Jennifer often appear on the stage?She often appears on the stage as a young girl.2. Why doesnt Aunt Jennifer tell anyone how old she is?She thought it terrible to be

13、grown up.单词详解1. appearvi. 登场, 扮演appear (on the stage) as : (在舞台上) 扮演.角色 = play the role ofvi. 出现,显露反义词:disappear 消失vi. 似乎 / 显得 /看起来好象(= seem)句型(口译高频句型):It seems/appears thatn. appearance 出现,露面;外貌Dont judge by appearances! = Dont judge a book by its cover. 不能以貌取人。2. stage n. 舞台;阶段on the stage : 在舞台上a

14、t this stage : 在这一阶段 (时期)3. brightadj. 鲜艳的,常用来形容颜色bright red : 鲜红色bright yellow : 明黄色bright blue : 宝蓝色bright adj. 光亮的,闪光的;聪明的,机灵的bright sunshine/smile 灿烂的阳光/笑容bright eyes 明亮的眼睛bright future 光明的未来a bright kid 聪明的孩子4. stocking n.女用长筒袜a pair of silk stockings 一双长筒丝袜5. sock n. 短袜课文解析Always young1. My aunt Jennifer is an actress.l 后缀-ess表示女性actor / actress waiter /waitressprince /princess god /goddess emperor/empress2. She must be at least thirty-five years old.l at least 至少l 表示年龄的说法: 数字+years old,作表语:The dog is three years old. (三岁大) 数字+-year-old,作定语:My three-year-old dog(三岁大的狗)always loves f



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