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1、高考英语作文训练步步高(学生用)惠水民族中学 王元周1、如何提高作文档次(1)表达精练简洁:表达不要罗嗦,若能用非谓语动词做定语或状语就不要用定语从句或状语从句.(2)避免低级错误:避免语法和拼写的低级错误,避免被扣印象分.(3)保证赏心悦目:注重字体的美化,保持卷面整洁,提高印象分.(4)句子错落有致:根据表达需要,交叉使用长句与短句,简单句与复合句.(5)句式多种多样:多样化句式,方能显示较强的语言功底,大大提高作文档次.2、要想在考场写作的紧张时刻用30个词概括短文的内容要点,我们需要谨记下面的六种技巧 skill1: 省略细节 Skill2:省略重复了的内容 Skill3: 省略例子

2、Skill4: 用概括性的语言而不是精确的语言 Skill5:使用短而精的连词,如but, and, besides. Skill6:用间接引语表达对话内容。误区警示:考生往往犯以下的错误:主题大意概括不清,抄袭原文或表达了自己的意见 这都会大大音响得分。3、多样化的句式(1)用it is/was that强调句式.(2)用作状语的介词短语开头的完全倒装句或用以only in this way 等开头的部分倒装句.(3)用with的复合结构(with+宾语+宾补)作状语.(4)用非谓语动词简化状语从句或并列结构.(5)用what引导的名词性从句.(6)用独立主格结构.(7)恰当运用感叹句,被动

3、句等.(8)适当使用插入语,如to be honest, I guess, I think,personally等.(9)尽量用短语代替单词来表达同样的意思.(10)恰当使用关联词语, 除使用复合句的连词外,写作中经常用到的关联词:举例:for example; for instance, such as 等列举:for one thingand for another一来,二来等.转折:however(然而),but(但是),after all(毕竟)等.总结:in a word(总之),in brief(总之),in conclusion(最后)等.因果:thanks to, as a r

4、esult(of), due to , therefore, so等.强调:indeed(确实),certainly(一定),above all(尤其)等.对比:in the same way(同样地),just as(正如),compared with(与相比),on the one handand on the other hand一方面,另一方面.等.递进:then(然后),besides(此外,还有),whats more(而且)等.4、备考策略1).打好词汇语法基础2).阅读注意概括要点3.)关注社会现象和社会热点,学会用英语表达想法4.)每天一篇作文训练(25分钟)5.)积累 “万

5、能”句型,写作常用到的正确句型.6).建立词句 “错题集”7.)保证卷面整洁美观5、丰富的句式:(常用到的句型结构)利用不同的句型来表达同一个意思,能增加文章的文采。感叹句 e.g. a kind boy he is! / How disappointed he was !强调句e.g. It was this young boy that helped the old granny. I do hope you can come if possible.倒装句e.g. Only in this way can you solve this problem.There comes the po

6、lice car.Hardly had they got to the station when they met the young man.省略句e.g. They read while walking or riding on a bus. Come to me if necessary.With的复合结构e.g. I saw a young lady walking slowly in the street with a handbag in her hand.定语从句e.g. In my opinion, cyber cafes should be a place where we

7、can find much useful information.Lets come to the main teaching building, at the back of which stands the school library.各种名词性从句e.g. Thats what I should do.We should do a favor to whoever needs help at present.各种状语从句 e.g. Time passed quickly before we knew it. The moment we reached the farm, we got

8、down to harvesting. So long as we work harder at our lessons, well catch up sooner or later.6、 Practice 怎样使用较丰富的句式和高级词汇1.) To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things.(使用名词性从句) is that the little girl knows so many things.2.) Though Im weak, Ill make the effort. (使用倒装句) , Ill make the effo

9、rt.3.) He did not know what had happened until he had read the news in the newspaper. (使用强调句型) he had read the news in the newspaper he knew what had happened. 4) passed the physics exam because of your help.(用虚拟语气) I the physics exam but for your help. 5.) She walked out of the lab and many student

10、s followed her. (使用过去分词) , she walked out of the lab.6. )They sang and laughed as they went back to school.( 使用V-ing形式) , they went back to school.7.)I wont believe what he says. (no matter what状语从句) he says, I wont believe. 8.) If you study hard, you will make rapid progress. (祈使句+and) youll make r

11、apid progress.9) He had no sooner come back from Beijing than he was sent abroad. (使用倒装句)No sooner he come back from Beijing than he was sent abroad.10.) We all think he is a great man. (think highly of)We all him .11.)As a result the plan was a failure. (turn out)The plan a failure.12. )When he spo

12、ke, he felt more and more excited. (the morethe more) he spoke, excited he felt.单句翻译:1.) 我除了学英语,还学法语。 2. ) 这件事对你我都很重要。 3. 他不光给我钱,还给我建议。 4.) 他不仅是著名诗人,还是著名剧作家。 5.) 他们去了长城,我也去了。 6.) 我的家乡是一个占地36平方公里,人口20万的小镇。. My hometown, , is a small town.7.)解放前,人们生活很艰苦。 8.)20年来,这里发生了巨大的变化。 9.)这里建起了公园、商场、影院、医院,还有学校。 10.) 人们的生活丰富多彩。 招聘应聘招聘启事开头表达:Our school paper is in great need of/Our shool paper is starving forOur shool paper is looking for对申请人要求时可说:The applicant must/He should ./are necessary/ essential /if you get the job, you should交待联系方式:T



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