2018学年五年级英语上册 unit 3 a travel plan lesson 17 the travel plan教案 冀教版(三起)

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2018学年五年级英语上册 unit 3 a travel plan lesson 17 the travel plan教案 冀教版(三起)_第1页
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1、Lesson 17 The Travel Plan知识和技能目标: 1.能听懂会说星期类的单词。 2. 学生可以自己制定一个旅游计划。 情感态度目标: 教学 使学生乐于学习英语,能够积极的用英语进行交流并通过讨论出行方式激发学生的学习兴趣与合作。 学习策略目标: 通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助。【知识链接】口语中的星期 Sunday run 长距离Sunday painter 业余画家 low Sunday 业余的Black Monday 开学第一天 Man Friday 男忠仆Monday feeling 不想工作的心情 good Friday耶稣受难日girl Fri

2、day 得力女助手【学法指导】仔细观察图片,反复朗读课文,小组合作。 【导学过程】1. 自主学习:预习内容:P 46-47 2. 预习目标: 能结合课文内容掌握相关词汇。 能够熟练的朗读课文,弄清课文大意。 3. 预习流程: 自读课文 2 遍,画出不认识的词汇。 跟录音朗读词汇 3 遍,认真听,反复读,掌握词汇发音。 朗读课文,结合插图与上下文弄懂词义,弄清句子大意,必要时借助 考考你 1. I can read these words. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 2. I can read t

3、he sentences and translate them. A. We are going to travel by train. _ B. We will go to Beijing on February 【达标检测】Look at the chart and fill in the blanks. Sunday (February 2) Get ready for the trip Thursday (February 6) Go to the Great Wall Monday (February 3) Go to Beijing Friday (February 7) Go s

4、hopping Tuesday (February 4) Go to Tiananmen Square Saturday (February 8) Go home Wednesday (February 5) Go to the Palace MuseumWe are going to Beijing by train. On _, we will get ready for the_, we will go to Beiji8ng on _ morning. On _, we will go to Tiananmen Square. We will go to the Palace Museum on _. And then, well go to the Great Wall on _. On Friday, well _. On _, well go home and relax. That will be fun.【布置作业】小练习册17课填完,并练习用英语告诉你朋友你的旅行计划。【教学反思】2


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