2018学年六年级英语上册 unit 6 what did you do last weekend(第2课时)教学设计 陕旅版(三起)

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2018学年六年级英语上册 unit 6 what did you do last weekend(第2课时)教学设计 陕旅版(三起)_第1页
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1、Unit6 第2课时教学设计一、教学目标1. 掌握动词过去式的构成规律和发音规律。2. 能正确使用一般过去时态描述过去发生的动作或活动:What did you do lastweekend? I did some housework. I cleaned the rooms,并能正确模仿对话,做到语音语调自然。3. 理解并会用Im sorry to hear that.对别人的不如意表达关切。二、教学准备教师准备:(1) Lets talk及Lets chant部分的音频。(2) Lets talk部分所涉及到的动词原形卡片和相应的动词过去式卡片。三、教学方法建议I. 课程导入(Leadin

2、g In)1. 课前问答师生通过课前问答复习新学的短语,下列问题可作参考:Do you often do housework at home?Who often does housework in your family?Can you watch TV in the evening?Would you like to watch a show?Do you often have a match with your friends?Do you often go to see your friend on weekends?Who looks after your grandparents?2

3、. 新课导入教师和学生就教室内物品在不同时间的不同位置进行交流,复习be动词的过去时态。T: Hi,.! How are you?S1: Im fine. Thank you. And you?T: Very well. Where are your pens and notebooks, S1?S1: Oh, they are in my school bag.T:(教师将位置变动之后继续交流)Where are they now?S1: They are.T: Where were they just now?S1: They were in my school bag.T: Thank

4、you!II. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)1. 新课展示Part A Lets talk(1) 教师假装没看见某个学生,以S1为例:T: Where is S1?Ss: He is there. (S1: Im here.)T: Oh, you are in the classroom. Where were you last weekend?S1: I was at home.T: What did you do at home last Sunday?S l: I(学生在这里可能用的是动词原形)T: Oh, you did some housework.(教师

5、把学生的活动用过去式转述过来,引导学生用过去式说出)S1: I did some housework last Sunday.教师引导学生根据实际情况进行描述,注意一般过去时态的表达方式以及动词的变化。(2) 教师对比板书功能结构:What do you often do on the weekend? I do some housework.I clean the rooms, wash the clothes and cook the meals.What did you do last weekend? I did some housework.I cleaned the rooms,

6、washed the clothes and cooked the meals.(3) 教师领读对话,让学生正确读出对话中出现的几个行为动词的过去式。(4) 教师提出问题,让学生在阅读时画出答案。之后,教师板书问题及答案,在括号中写出每个行为动词的原形(现在式)。并让学生先读动词及其过去式,再读完整的句子。What did (do) your parents do?My father had (has) some work to do.He went (goes) away from home early in the morning.My mother looked (looks) afte

7、r my grandma in the hospital.What did (do) you do?I went (go) to see some friends and we had (have) a football match.通过上述过程,学生对动词的过去式及其用法有了初步的感知,在此基础上教师再带领学生练习动词过去式的构成。(5) 教师将所准备的常见动词及其过去式的卡片分别贴在黑板的两边。以下动词可供参考:cook cooked wash washed look looked go wentsee sawjump jumpedtake tookfly flewswim swamdo

8、didlisten listenedsay saidplay playedwant wanted教师也可以要求学生给左边的动词原形找到动词过去式(活动的形式不限,可以是小组间的竞赛活动、也可以采用自愿的方式),带领学生进一步了解动词及动词过去式。教学小贴士在教学过程中,教师要强调动词过去式的变化,注意对动词过去式变化规律进行归纳和总结,使学生对于繁杂的变化感到有规可循。在此,对动词过去式的变化规律予以小结:1. 一般情况下,在动词原形后直接加-ed。如:cooked, looked。2. 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,直接加-d。如:liked, lived。3. 重读闭音节单词需双写最后一个字

9、母,再加-ed。如:stopped。4. 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词变y为i,再加-ed。如:studied, tried。5. 有些动词不符合上面的规则,需要特殊记忆。如:go went eat ate see saw swim swambuy boughtteach taughtbring broughtthink thoughtfall fellhurt hurtbreak brokewin wonlose lost(6) 再次朗读对话,引导学生注意以下对话并予以讲解。My grandma was ill and my mother looked after her there.Im so

10、rry to hear that.It doesnt matter. She is better now. 教师讲解句子Im sorry to hear that.此句是听说别人病了(或有什么不如意)时常见的表示关切的礼貌的说法,要鼓励学生在日常生活中正常运用。 2. 巩固活动教师播放录音,要求学生跟读Lets talk部分的对话。(1) 教师播放本部分录音,要求学生边听边画出文中出现的动词过去式,然后在全班内进行交流。(2) 教师带领学生朗读一遍对话,要求学生注意动词过去式的发音方式。教学小贴士动词过去式发音规律根据词尾读音的不同有3种情况:1. 在浊辅音和元音后读d,如lived, wat

11、ered, listened, played;2. 在清辅音后读t,如liked, helped, watched;3. 在t,d音后读id,如planted, wanted, handed。(3) 教师再次播放录音,鼓励学生模仿录音中的语音语调,分角色进行朗读,做到自然、流畅。可以在全班范围内进行小组的模仿朗读交流,比一比谁的语言最流利、谁的发音最准确、谁的语调最地道。III. 操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)1. 你秀我答教师将所准备的其中一张活动卡片展示给一名学生,让该生根据图片做出相应的动作,然后由教师提问,全班学生根据动作提示作答,如:T: What

12、 did you do last weekend?Ss: I.本部分也可以在小组间以问答练习的形式进行,一组问另一组答。教师要注意避免个别学生在全班的集体问答中犯错误,必要时要加以提醒,以此来检测学生是否真正掌握所学知识。2. Part C Look and talk(1) 教师将所准备的动词原形卡片贴在黑板上,然后将全班分成男女生两组进行接力比赛。(2) 每组各派一名代表以猜拳的方式决定先后,胜利的那方选择黑板上的一个动词,并指定对方组的一名成员开始造句,如:S1: Do.S2: Do, did. I did my homework last night. See.S3: See, saw.

13、 I saw a friend last Sunday.(3) 能正确说出相应动词过去式的学生可以为本组获得一分奖励,若能正确使用动词过去式造句则可再为本组获得两分。3. Part B Lets chant(1) 教师让学生观察每幅图,然后通过对话引导学生描述图中人物所做的活动。以叠被子那幅图为例:T: What did she do?Ss: She made the bed.T: Was she helpful?Ss: Of course she was.(2) 引导学生注意动词过去式的拼读: make the bed made the bed cook the meals cooked the meals clean the room cleaned the room do the dishes did the disheswater the flowers watered the flowers clean the windows cleaned the windows(3) 教师播放Lets chant的说唱部分,学生跟读。(4) 学生自己练习说唱歌谣,可以以小组为单位进行表演,也可以参考本部分的内容创编新的歌谣。同伴间比一比,看看谁的表演最生动,谁编的歌谣最有趣。6


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