2018学年四年级英语上册 unit 6 what subjects do they have this morning(第4课时)教学设计 陕旅版

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2018学年四年级英语上册 unit 6 what subjects do they have this morning(第4课时)教学设计 陕旅版_第1页
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2018学年四年级英语上册 unit 6 what subjects do they have this morning(第4课时)教学设计 陕旅版_第4页
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1、Unit6 第4课时一、教学目标1. 能在教师的组织带领下,归纳总结出字母Uu在重读开音节和重读闭音节的发音规则。2. 借助配图能够读懂Part B Read and act部分的小故事并能够三人一组进行故事表演。3. 能在教师的引导下,完成Part C Listen and write, Choose, complete and talk和 Read and answer部分的练习。二、教学准备1. 教师准备:(1) 教学挂图。(2) Read and act部分、Read the words部分及Listen and write部分的音频。(3) 有价签的商品2. 学生准备:有价签的商品。

2、三、教学方法建议I. 课程导入(Leading In)1. 课前问答T: Hi, children, how is my coat today? Is it beautiful? Ss: Yes, it is.T: And its only one hundred yuan.2. 新课导入教师以chant的形式,带领学生复习功能句,导入本节课内容:How much is that pencil box? (教师展示带价签的文具盒)Its ten yuan. Its ten yuan.How much are these shorts? (教师展示带价签的短裤)Its fifty yuan. I

3、ts fifty yuan.教师留出几分钟时间,让学生同桌之间借助各自准备的标价物品问答。II. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)1. Part B Read and act(1) 教师出示本部分的教学挂图,并提出问题,然后播放录音,让学生带着问题看图听音作答。问题可参考如下:Question 1: Who wants to buy a dress for her girl?Question 2: How much is the hat?Question 3: Which hat does the girl like?(2) 教师随机挑选学生作答,检查学生对故事的了解情

4、况,并顺势引入故事内容,进行讲解。(3) 教师再次播放录音,要求学生模仿其语音语调逐句跟读。(4) 将学生分为三人一组,进行故事表演。其间,教师要提醒学生注意角色的人物特点:售货员要服务热情、妈妈要很和蔼、小女孩Kitty则是活泼可爱的形象。在学生进行充分练习后,可选出部分小组到台前表演。2. Part B Read the words(1) 教师引领学生朗读单词,发现、归纳、总结字母u的发音规则。然后播放Read the words部分的录音,让学生逐词跟读,教师引领学生归纳元音字母u的发音规则:第一行的单词中,元音字母u处于重读开音节中,读长音(即字母本身的音)ju:,而第二行的单词中,元

5、音字母u处于重读闭音节中,读短音。(2) 在归纳发音规则之后,教师让学生试读Try to read more部分的新词。(3) 教师播放Try to read more部分的录音,让学生听录音跟读,核查自己的发音是否正确,考察学生的掌握情况。(4) 拓展:教师可向学生提供一些单词,让学生试着按读音来分类。如:umbrella huge luck unit musiccup sun bus summer cute usually ruler教师标出音标: umbrella luck cup sun bus summer ju: huge unit music cute usually教学小贴士j

6、u:是组合音,发音时由j滑动到u:,滑动距离大;而发音时双唇半开,音从舌根处发出,不要拖长。III. 操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)1. Part C Listen and write(1) 教师先引导学生看图,一起说出单词:T: What clothes are there in the pictures?Ss: A shirt, a pair of shorts, a coat and a sweater.T: They are nice clothes. How much are they? Lets listen.(2) 教师播放本部分的录音磁带,学

7、生根据录音内容写价格。(3) 教师可以根据学生的情况,组织学生两人一组根据图片和听音内容进行对话。(4) 本部分录音材料如下:1. How much is the shirt?Its eighty-six yuan.2. I would like a pair of shorts. How much are they?They are forty-two yuan.3. What would you like?That coat, please. How much is it?Three hundred yuan.4. I want to buy this sweater. How much

8、is it?Ninety-eight yuan.(5) 参考答案:1. the shirt eighty-six yuan2. the pair of shorts forty-two yuan3. the coat three hundred yuan4. the sweater ninety-eight yuan2. Part C Choose, complete and talk先由学生独立完成对话,然后可两人一组互相问答。(1) 教师吋先让学生朗读方框中所给的句子,熟悉句子意思。(2) 引导学生逐一观察三幅阁,让学生根据图意选择合适的句子填入,两人一组进行对话。(3) 选出二组同学根据

9、其完成情况在班上进行对话练习。鼓励学生尽量运用所学的词句进行对话。(4) 参考答案:1. B 2. A 3.C3. Part C Read and answer(1) 这篇短文描述了超市的购物活动及Miss White和Mr. Zhao要购买的物品。 教师可先引导学生阅读:先浏览一下文后的问题,结合问题了解阅读重点及要寻找的重要信息,然后回到文中认真阅读,画出与题目相关的句子,并组织答案。(2) 教师随机选出几名学生回答文后问题,抽查学生对短文的掌握情况。(3) 参考答案:1. They can buy food, drinks and clothes.2. They are thirty-eight yuan.3. She is going to buy some bread and cookies.4


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