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1、课时提能练(二十).阅读理解A(2019日照检测)Along with the standard pigments(颜料) and paintbrushes,artist Sean Yoro(known as Hula),requires an unconventional piece of equipment for his particular brand of mural(壁画) making:a paddleboard.The Hawaiian muralist,balanced on the top of the floating platform,describes women f

2、rom various sites across the world,whose homelands are often threatened by the effects of global warming.For his most recent project,titled“What If You Fly”,Hula traveled to Baffin Island,off the coast of Nunavut,Canada,to paint a portrait of local Inuit woman Jesse Mike,who lives there with her dau

3、ghter.In a short film telling of the artists process,Mike explains her frustrating previous experiences working with filmmakers who reported on the terrible circumstances troubling her endangered landscape.“For most people,its about the polar bears,its not about the people,”she said.“Well,lets make

4、it about the people.”Hula and his team spent 14 hours searching for the perfect iceberg canvas(油画布),knowing all the while that the ice itself,and any image created on the top of it,would soon melt away into nothing.“Its a little ambitious to do this largerthanlife ice mural in the Arctic,and somehow

5、,at the same time,make a connection to the human culture,”climber and filmmaker Renan Ozturk said of the project.When Hula found his proper ice,he painted a portrait of Jesse he took earlier on his camera.Working against the power of time and Mother Nature,the artist aimed to finish as much of Jesse

6、s portrait as he could before the iceberg disappeared.The massive image,Hulas most remote and technically challenging piece yet,communicates a memorable realitythe consequences of climate change,first and foremost,affect people.【语篇解读】本文主要叙述了壁画大师Hula去往Baffin Island,通过在冰上画一位因纽特女性的肖像来提醒人们气候变化的后果正在影响人类这

7、一现实。1What is“What If You Fly”?AA film about the muralist.BA woman called Jesse Mike.CA painting based on a local Inuit.DA project conducted by Hula.D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“For his most recent project,titledWhat If You Fly,Hula traveled to Baffin Island”可知,“What If You Fly”是Hula最近进行的一个项目。故选D项。2Why did Jess

8、e Mike complain about some filmmakers?AThey didnt focus on human beings.BThey only reported on terrible circumstances.CThey just reported on frustrating experiences.DThey showed no sympathy to the endangered landscape.A 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“For most people,its about the polar bears,its not about the people

9、”可以看出,Jesse抱怨那些电影制作人只关注气候变化对当地动物的影响,而不关注当地人。3Why did Hula paint images on the Arctic ice?AHe wanted to show his unconventional painting.BHe was ambitious enough to explore Mother Nature.CHe made an attempt to paint on varieties of materials.DHe warned people of the consequences of global warming.D推理

10、判断题。根据全文尤其是最后一段中的“the consequences of climate change,first and foremost,affect people”可知,Hula把画画到北极冰川上是为了警告人们全球变暖的后果。4What can be the best title for the text?AA Muralist and an InuitBMother Nature,Massive ImagesCArctic Ice Painting,Memorable RealityDStandard Tools,Unconventional PaintingsC标题判断题。通读全文

11、可知,本文讲述了艺术家Hula以北极冰川为画布作画的事情,他以这种独特的方式提醒人们关注气候变暖对人类的影响,故选C项。B(2019甘肃省重点中学联考)Every human being,no matter what he is doing,gives off body heat.The usual problem is how to get rid of it.But the designers of the Johnstown campus(校园) of the University of Pittsburgh(commonly referred to as Pitt) set thems

12、elves the opposite problemhow to collect body heat.They have designed a collection system which uses not only body heat,but the heat given off by such objects as light bulbs and refrigerators as well.The system works so well that no fuel is needed to make the campuss six buildings comfortable.Some p

13、arts of most modern buildingstheaters and offices as well as classrooms,are more sufficiently heated by people and lights and sometimes must be airconditioned even in winter.The technique of saving heat and redistributing(重新分配) it is called“heat recovery”A few modern buildings recover heat,but the c

14、ampuss system is the first to recover heat from buildings and reuse it in others.Along the way,Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its producers.The harder a student studies,the more heat his body gives off.Male students send out more heat than female students,and the larger a student is,the

15、 more heat he produces.We may conclude that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a hardworking overweight male genius.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了Pittsburgh大学的“热回收”技术。5The heat in the heating system of the Johnstown campus is supplied Aby human bodiesBby both human bodies and other heatgiv

16、ing objectsCby both human bodies and commonlyused fuelDby human bodies,commonlyused fuel and other heatgiving objectsB 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“They have designed a collection system which uses not only body heat,but the heat given off by such objects as light bulbs and refrigerators as well”可知,这种收集系统不仅使用人体的热量,还使用像灯泡和冰箱这种物体散发出的热量


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