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1、课时提能练(七).阅读理解A(2019赣州质检)With the everincreasing popularity of online shopping,users reviews are becoming more and more important.Given that you cant actually touch,see,smell or hear the product youre buying online,these reviews will provide you with valuable information on the product itself.But how

2、 far can you trust them?Barnaby Bicken had an unpleasant experience.“I took some friends to a restaurant in Manchester that had excellent reviews on a food website.However,the service was awful and we were ignored most of the time.Later,I wrote a review on the same site only to be told that the revi

3、ew site owner would not accept any bad reviewsonly the good ones.”So,how can you get a useful review?Web expert Hilary Saunders has a few top tips.“If there are only a few reviews of a place,there is a good chance they have been planted by friends or enemies.If there are many reviews,start by droppi

4、ng the most extreme comments.Also,watch out for similarities in style between reviews from people with different usernames,particularly if those reviews were placed about the same time.The best thing is to look for reviewers who show some relevant knowledge of the product they are reviewing.”Some co

5、mpanies seem to be contributing to the problem.A publishing house offered gift vouchers(购物礼券) to anyone who would give their textbook a fivestar review.But not all online companies operate like this.“Amazon works hard to keep the completeness of its customer reviews,”said a spokesperson for the comp

6、any.“We have very clear guidelines,and when a customer reports a review that he feels is inappropriate,we check,and may take it down.”So,next time you see that fivestar review for something you want to buy,be awareit could be the work of a false reviewer!【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了随着网上购物越来越受欢迎,使用者的评价变得越来越重

7、要。但是,这些评价的可信度到底有多高呢?1What does“them”in Para.1 refer to?AProducts.BUsers. CReviews.DBuyers.C代词指代题。them指代上文中的名词复数形式,上文的复数名词有reviews和buyers,再根据下文的关于网上评价未必都和事实相符的例子可知,这里应选C项。2What does Barnaby Bickens story imply?AThe food served was awful.BNot all reviews are believable.CMany people are easily cheated.

8、DHe likes to write bad reviews.B推理判断题。Barnaby Bicken选择了一家网评很好的饭店吃饭,结果发现饭店的服务质量非常糟糕,自己想如实写一个评论发表,但又不被接受。该例子是对第一段最后一句“这些评论可信度有多高?”的回应,故该例子是说明网上评价未必都和事实相符,因此选B项。3What reviews of products are useful?AThose by competitors.BThose by different users.CThose with good comments.DThose with related information

9、.D细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“The best thing is to look for reviewers who show some relevant knowledge of the product they are reviewing”可知,最好是寻找那些对评论的产品有相关知识的网评者,故有相关信息的那些评论是有用的,因此D选项符合题意。4How does Amazon deal with the customer reviews?AIt helps to finish the reviews.BIt pays attention to the bad reviews.CIt o

10、ffers gifts for the good reviews.DIt tries to make the reviews objective.D推理判断题。根据文章第四段中的“Amazon works hard to keep the completeness of its customer reviews”和“We have very clear guidelines,and when a customer reports a review that he feels is inappropriate,we check,and may take it down”可知,亚马逊公司努力保持顾

11、客评论的完整性,处理顾客所反映的不恰当的评论,因此可以说该公司尽量保持评论的客观性,因此答案为D选项。B(2019南宁两校联考)Researchers have created a backpack that has a computer and medicines in it that can help even untrained soldiers save the lives of wounded troops.Wounded soldiers have a better chance of survival if they get help soon after being hurt

12、and are quickly taken to a hospital or clinic.But soldiers who do not have medical training may not know how to help their injured friends.Doctors and engineers have developed what they call an“intelligent backpack”It has a computer and electronic measuring devices.The backpack also has robotic inst

13、ruments and medicines ready to be given to injured troops.About 16 doctors and engineers from the University of Pittsburgh,Carnegie Mellon University and several other places are working on the project.The US Department of Defense has given money to the project.Ron Poropatich leads the project.He is

14、 a retired Army surgeon.He says the backpack will help soldiers care for those who are injured.The devices included in the backpack can monitor a persons heart rate and blood pressure.The robotic instruments can even tell whether the soldier has a collapsed lung.The intelligent backpacks computer ca

15、n compare information gathered about the injured soldier with thousands of similar cases,and quickly tell the best methods to save the soldiers life.Sometimes,it is not always possible to quickly remove the injured soldier from the battlefield.So,Dr.Poropatich says,the researchers hope to create a b

16、ackpack that will have devices that can keep a soldier alive for a long time.Dr.Poropatich hopes the backpack and its instruments will be ready for testing on animals in about three years.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了研究者发明的一种“智能背包”,内有电脑、药物等,可以及时救助伤员。5What can we learn from the first paragraph?ASoldiers should have taken medical training.BMost of the soldiers cant u


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