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1、 硕 士 专 业 学 位 论 文参与式感知系统激励机制的研究与实现专业名称:电子与通信工程 参与式感知系统激励机制的研究与实现摘要随着电子信息技术、传感器技术和通信技术的飞速发展,相关硬件水平的不断提高,使得移动终端设备有了巨大的改进。这些大量使用的智能终端设备集成了丰富的传感器,这为实现大规模数据感知,即参与式感知,创造了条件。参与式感知鼓励普通民众使用他们的智能设备来收集和分享周围环境和个人的数据,降低了数据采集成本、提供了一种灵活便捷且覆盖范围广泛的新型感知方法。参与式感知技术可广泛应用于环境监测、安全应急、城市管理等领域。然而高质量的数据获取是参与式感知面临的技术难题之一,针对这一问题


3、基础上,研究了一种基于信息质量的参与式感知激励方法。该激励方法通过将感知任务分为多轮,在每一轮中以参与者的信誉度作为事先报酬分配指标,在每一轮任务结束后,依据该轮的信息质量来动态调整下一轮的报酬定价,从而保证了感知活动的可持续性。最后,通过案例分析的方式验证该机制的性能。3)基于本文研究的激励机制设计并实现一套参与式感知系统,该系统包含有安卓客户端,Web管理端以及服务器。本文阐述了系统中各主要模块的接口和逻辑设计,并展开说明了如何在系统中实现激励功能。最后以黑盒测试的方式证明系统能够有效运行。关键字:参与式感知;激励机制;数据质量;移动应用IAbstractWith the rapid de

4、velopment of electronic information technology, sensor technology and communication technology, the continuous improvement of the related hardware level has resulted in a tremendous improvement in mobile terminal equipment. These abundantly used intelligent terminal devices integrate numerous sensor

5、s, which creates conditions for realizing large-scale data sensing, that is, Participatory Sensing. Participatory Sensing encourages ordinary people to use their smart devices to collect and share data of the surrounding environment or individuals,which reduce data collection costs, and provide a ne

6、w type of sensing method that is flexible, convenient, and widely covered. Participatory Sensing technology can be widely used in environmental monitoring, security emergency, urban management and other fields.High-quality data acquisition is one of the technical challenges faced by Participatory Se

7、nsing. To address this issue, Participatory Sensing encourages, guarantees, and attracts relatively stable and effective groups to participate in sensing activities through the use of design-effective incentive mechanisms to enhance Sensing data quality and protect application requirements. Therefor

8、e, the study of participatory sensing incentive mechanism is of great significance.This paper is based on the data quality of sensing tasks, and fully considers the dynamic changes of sensing data quality caused by daily activities when users engage in awareness activities, and studies a Participato

9、ry Sensing incentive mechanism based on information quality. The main research content includes:1) This paper builds a two-stage Starkberg game model between the platform and the users. It solves the Nash equilibrium between the platform and the user, finds their best sensing strategy, and introduce

10、s data quality evaluation indicators. Relevance to sensing tasks, timeliness of data submission, and data accuracy reflect the users sensing strategy.2) Based on the game model, this paper studies a Participatory Sensing incentive mechanism based on information quality. The incentive method divides

11、the sensing task into multiple rounds. In each round, the creditworthiness of the participants is used as a prior remuneration distribution index. After each round of tasks, the next round of dynamic adjustment is performed according to the information quality of the round. Remuneration pricing, thu

12、s ensuring the sustainability of perceived activities. Finally, the validity of the method is verified by case analysis.3) Based on the incentive mechanism proposed in this paper, a set of Participatory Sensing system is designed and implemented. The system includes an Android client, a Web manageme

13、nt terminal and a server. This article describes the interface and logic design of each major module in the system, and explains how to implement the incentive mechanism in the system. Finally, the black box test proved that the system can operate effectively.Keywords: Participatory Sensing; Incenti

14、ve Mechanism; Data Quality; Mobile ApplicationV目录摘要IAbstractIII目录V第1章绪论11.1研究目的与意义11.2国内外研究现状31.3主要研究内容41.4论文结构安排5第2章参与式感知相关理论与技术研究62.1参与式感知系统框架62.2参与式感知激励机制72.3参与式感知系统开发技术92.3.1系统通信技术92.3.2客户端开发技术102.3.3服务器开发技术112.4本章小结12第3章基于信息质量的参与式感知激励机制133.1系统模型133.1.1斯塔克尔伯格博弈模型133.1.2参与者与平台最佳策略153.2激励机制研究173.2

15、.1参与者信誉机制183.2.2动态定价策略203.2.3激励机制设计213.2.4激励算法复杂度分析233.3本章小结23第4章参与式感知系统激励机制的实现244.1需求分析244.1.1系统需求分析244.1.2激励功能需求分析254.2参与式感知系统总体设计264.3激励模块设计274.3.1子模块划分284.3.2子模块详细设计294.4其他模块设计334.4.1用户管理模块334.4.2数据展示模块354.4.3数据采集和数据存储模块设计354.5本章小结37第5章激励机制性能测试385.1激励算法性能测试385.1.1激励模型分析385.1.2激励方法分析405.2系统及激励功能测试425.2.1激励模块功能测试425.2.2用户管理和数据展示模块功能测试455.2.3数据采集和存储模块功能测试485.3本章小结49第6章总结与展望506.1总结506.2展望50参考文献51致谢55第1章 绪论1.1 研究目的与意义近年来,在电子信息技术、通信技术和传感器技术的迅猛发展下,相关硬件水平的不断提高,



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