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1、,Continuous Improvement,持续改进,员工参与,标准化,制造质量,缩短制造周期,持续改进,32,GMS,Continuous Improvement,Built-In Quality,Short Lead Time,People Involvement,Standardization,Continuous Improvement,Continuous Improvement Company持续改进的公司,Small, steady improvements to constantly improve The Standard! 从细小、稳定的改进到 标准的不断提高,No C

2、ompany Today Can Survive Without Having All Employees Focused on Continuous Improvement 没有改进就难以生存,Continuous Improvement,What Is Absolutely Necessary Before Continuous Improvement Can Occur? 在能够进行持续改进前什么工作是绝对必要的?,Stability Through Standardization! 通过标准化获得稳定发展,Standardization,Improvement 改进,Standardi

3、zation,Standardization,Standardization,Improvement 改进,Improvement 改进,Continuous Improvement,Standardization Before Continuous Improvement! 在进行持续改进前的标准,标准化,标准化,标准化,标准化,Plan 计划,Do 实施,Check 检查,Action 运作,Grasp the Situation 掌握情况,The PDCA Cycle,PDCA,The PDCA Cycle is One Of The Most Important Concepts In

4、 A Company,P,D,REACT,P,Poor companies do little planning, mostly doing, do not check their status and then react to everything 没有远见的公司很少做计划,大多数情况是直接实施,从不检查实施情况,此后对每件事都是如此,D,C,A,World-Class companies do excellent planning, always perform checks that enable to take corrective action and stay on schedu

5、le 世界级的大公司会做非常周详的计划,对每件工作进行跟踪检查以便及时采取纠正措施并按进度表运行,BAD,GOOD,Lets go to Kyong Ju!,Plan 计划,Prepare for the trip,Two days before leaving, check engine OIL LEAK!,Fix oil leak & leave on time,Our Family Has Not Had A Vacation In A Long Time!,PDCA Can Be Used For Anything,Do 实施,Grasp the Situation 掌握情况,Chec

6、k 检查,Action 运作,Health and Safety Priority,Continuous Improvement,Manufacturing Process Validation,In-Process Control and Verification,Product Quality Standards,Quality Feedback/ Feed- forward,Visual Management,Management by TAKT Time,Work- place Organization,Continuous Improvement Process,Total Prod

7、uctive Maintenance,Scheduled Shipping / Receiving,Level Vehicle Order Schedules,Supply Chain Management,Internal Pull / Delivery,Health and Safety Priority,Qualified People,Team Concept,People Involvement,Open Communication Process,Vision,Shop Floor Management,Continuous Improvement,Quality System M

8、anagement,Early Mfg. and Design Integration (DFM / DFA),Lean Design of Facilities, Equipment, Tooling and Layout,A common process which enables our Global Organization made up of multiple parts, to act in unison to achieve company wide goals in five key categories:,Definition,Business Plan Deploymen

9、t,定 义,Safety People Quality Responsiveness Cost,BPD是一种共有的方法,它能使多个部分组成我们的全球团队,通过五个核心范畴统一行动以达到公司的总体目标:,安全 员工 质量 响应 成本,Division Director,different directions,no ownership,conflicting goals,MISSION,duplication,Before BPD,部门主管,通过不同的途径,没有落实责任,目标向冲突,任务,重复,ONLY HE KNOWS THE GOALS,MISSION,TRACK PERFORMANCE,D

10、EPLOY RESOURCES,GME-BPD Guide,FOCUS,TARGETS,CLEAR DIRECTION,COMMON GOALS,任务,对工作进行跟踪,调动资源,关注,目标,思路清晰,共同目标,Division Director,部门主管,EVERYONE KNOWS THE GOALS,After BPD,Concrete GOALS,Regular and Consistent Reviews,Coordination,Achieving Our Vision,In Order for GMDAT/DIMC to Achieve Its VISION, we have to

11、 achieve our goals,SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES,CLEAR & MEASURABLE TARGETS,A METHOD TO RESEARCH THE TARGETS,为了实现GMDAT/DIMC的宗旨,我们必须实现我们的目标,宗旨/任务,定期坚持审议,协调,具体目标,明确目标,清晰的,可量化的目标,有搜寻目标的方法,我们的宗旨,Safe working environment for all employees,Regular and Consistent Reviews,Coordination,Achieving Our Vision,In Order fo

12、r GMDAT/DIMC to Achieve Its VISION, we have to achieve our goals,No safety incidents 零事故, Lost Work Day 没有损失工作日事故,Increase Compliance of PPE 增加对PPE的使用,定期坚持审议,协调,我们的宗旨,宗旨 / 任务,为所有员工创造安全的工作环境,为了实现GMDAT/DIMC的宗旨,我们必须实现我们的目标,Why Engage the Workforce? 为何要雇佣工人?,Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?,1-6,6-10,10-20,20-40

13、,40-100,% of People Involvement,% of Possible Improvement,员工的参与率,参与的可能性,为什么?,为什么?,为什么?,为什么?,为什么?,Who is involved in BPD? Everyone!,那些人与BPD有关?每个人!,Division Managers,Mission/Strategy Goals & Objectives Clear Targets Action Plans Review Process 任务/对策 目标 实施计划,The Cascading Process (catch balling 抓住要点),L

14、evel 2,Level 3,Level 4,Level 1,Detailed Action Plans and Countermeasures,Cascading Strategies and Objectives,详细的实施计划及应急措施,层层实施计划并实现目标,Group Leader,Action Plans Clear Targets Review Process 实施计划 目标清晰,Team,Clear Targets Review Process 目标清晰 回顾流程,层层递进的流程,Department Manager,Goals & Objectives Clear Targe

15、ts Action Plans Review Process 目标 目标清晰 实施计划,Each Level of Leadership Must Hand Down Targets to Their Team,Bupyung 100,Press - 10 Body - 30 Paint - 15 G.A. - 45,For Example, Defects Per Hundred Vehicles (DPHV),Trim 1 - 10 Trim 2 - 15 Trim 3 - 10 Trim 4 - 10,Production Director,Shop Manager,Plant,Shop,Group,Team,Teams,Group Leader,Teams,Teams,But The Targets Dont Always Have To Measure The Same Thing, But Something That Will Affect the Next Level Up 对于同一目标中相同的事情不需要都量化,但有些事情却会影响到下一层次的改进,S.M.A.R.T. Targets: Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realis



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