六年级上册英语教案-Unit2 Ways to go to school A| 人教(PEP)(2014秋)(1)

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1、教学设计一、教学内容:Unit 2 Ways to go to school A Lets learn内容分析:本部分学习的词组是:by plane,by train,by taxi,by ship,by bus,by subway,on foot。教材通过Mrs Smith和学生们谈论下周三如何去自然公园的场景呈现了以上词组的词形和意义。教学目标:1.能够听说读写上述词组。 2.能结合本部分核心句型谈论交通方式的选择。重难点:掌握四会词组,注意train,plane,subway等几个生词的发音。 掌握句型How do we get there?并能用所学的出行方式词组交替回答。二、Teac

2、hing ProcedureStep 1: warming-up (free talk)(1)课件呈现A lets learn的挂图,提问:What are they ?What are they talking about? Can you guess? (2)T: They are going to the nature park. But how do they get there? There are many different ways to come to the nature park. Do you know?Step 2: Presentation学生列举出生活中各种出行方

3、式后,ppt上出示挂图,呈现图片一部分,挡住,让学生猜测是什么交通工具,逐一进行教授。1. 新授by bus 操练:全班-小组-个人 by 乘坐 (同音词)bye/buy2. 新授by taxi 操练:全班-小组-个人 by car 乘坐小汽车3. 新授by train 操练:全班-小组-个人 4. I am a bird. I can fly. Im big and hard.I dont eat. What am I?引出飞机,新授by plane5. I live in the sea. I can swim very fast.But Im not a fish. Im a traff

4、ic tool. What am I?引出轮船,新授by ship6Its a kind of train. Its under the ground.It runs fast. Whats this?引出地铁,新授by subway7.生活中有一种最便捷的方式,对我们的身体起到锻炼作用的出行方式是on foot。新授on foot,on foot = walk8.总操练,教师带读,录音带读,小组读,个人读。三、Practice(1) 随堂训练中第一题,连线题。1. by plane A. 2. by subway B. 3. by train C. 4. on foot D. 5. by s

5、hip E. (2) Catching gamePpt上呈现交通工具图片,每张图片呈现一秒,快闪而过,学生迅速反应出哪个单词。(3) I say you say 教师说英文,学生说中文。教师说中文,学生说英文。(4) 出示挂图,解析lets learn句子。 How do we get there ?By bus.(5) 仿写句子我们怎么去电影院/邮局/书店/深圳/上海?(6) 随堂训练选择题。 1. ( ) I go to school _. A. by a bus B. by bus C. on bus2. ( ) He goes to the library _. A. on B. by

6、 C. with3. ( )-_ do you come to school? -I usually walk. A. How much B. How old C. How4. ( )- How do you get to the USA from China? -_. A. On foot B. By plane C. By subway5. ( )-Lets _ to the nature park. -Hooray! A. to go B. in go C. go (7) Pair- work 国庆节来了,请学生两人一组,自行设计想去一个地方,运用以下句型:A:I want to go to B: How do we get to?A:四、Progress1. Summary2. Homework3.板书设计


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